Why are british boys like this?

Why are british boys like this?

Attached: example1.webm (202x360, 1.67M)

Because of the Smiths.

i wish i was a british boy

Attached: cute.jpg (509x502, 69K)

>Bath university
>not expecting gays
Come on m8

>no chav bf

Attached: handstand.webm (406x720, 685K)

Thank god his neck and temple cushioned his fall

Idk man they look Chad as fuck
How do they even get bodies like that?

i will never understand normies oregnalio

>only work they have ever done is fight pikies over a stolen motorbike
>collect unemployment benefits
>buy dodgy steroids off Mackenzie down the road
>help lift Mahmoud's fertiliser and lamps into his house
>help Jameel break into Mahmoud's house by lifting him
>cardio running away from corner shop with stolen bottles of White Lighning
>fuck 13 year old girls
By jingo you have the Chav physique

There is a surprising amount of youth's (especially in the south) that look like this, gyms are packed

Last hit right in the spine

Attached: 1562794395575.png (310x391, 180K)

did that last hit paralyze him

Americans are just repressed and scared of being called gay for being close with your bros
Perfectly normal in Britain for guys to sleep in the same bed when you're staying over at their place
Just lay in bed, play some video games, then go to sleep, comfy times

i'm dutch/slavic and in both countries we do this too lol

just imagine the next 60 years of regret for beeing an idiot, a life ruined by a stupid decision

in the youtube video he actually was paralyzed for only about 10 seconds

british guys are horrible and i dont think i will find a boyfriend until i move country

lifting weights makes you more muscular
this increase in muscularity continues so long as you continue to lift heavier weights

oi shut up you slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag

The kissing is what you got defensive over? lmfao

Suck me willy lass

haha get fucked you dirty sket nobody would want to go out with you. you whine on r9k for fucks sake sort your life out you mess.

Eat less (but not too much less) until you're at around 15% or lower body fat. Also, do cardio. Then, start eating a bit more than the number of calories you burn every day while lifting. It takes a while, and it's hard, but it's satisfying. Check out Jow Forums.

cause you're a fucking tranny and even bent brits won't settle for a tranny

>everything will be different in a new country

have you ever considered that it might be you that's the problem?

>find perfect British boi of my dreams
>Turns out he supports norf FC
>I support souf FC
He was a proper nonce anyway

>live in Amsterdam
>almost every (and I am not prone to exaggerating) male British tourist between the ages of 18 and 30 resembles these guys
Obviously, they're not representative of the British population as a whole (because they're mainly NORF FC or lad / chav culture kind of people), but it really is uncanny how they're all so broad-shouldered.

Seems to me that their women tend to put much more effort into dressing up and maintaining their appearance as well.

Literally the only reason people go to your city is because DUDE weed and hookers
Not likely to attract the finer elements of society now is it?

you scared of the big british shoulders, cucklander?

Get your seaweed-stinking minge out, you fucking disgrace.

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user I'm 5'6 if I lose that much %bf I would be pretty weak

Leave it to the britts to produce top tier white trash, love it

Why do british men do this?

Attached: Brits2 (1).webm (224x400, 1.87M)

Yeah, I thought my post already drew the same conclusion.

Most of them tend to be manlets, so only a little. They're jolly and won't do you any harm anyway, kind of polite even.

>beer garden banter
Nothing unusual here

because it's funny, silly cunt got lead on

god i wish that were me

What the fuck is wrong with brits?

Alcoholism, deindustrialisation and fine cuisine

Attached: Chips Mushy Peas and Gravy.jpg (1080x788, 107K)

There's not a lot to do here other than get pissed and fuck about

Attached: 1563042834991.jpg (1080x1080, 124K)

It's a very interesting fenomenon

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seems regular to me

>Straight Identifying

Yes I also identify as an attack helicopter

why the fuck hasnt this happened to me

>How do they even get bodies like that?

A bit of gym, lots of gear.

>Most of them tend to be manlets

Eh I wish I'm 5'9 and most guys around my age tower over me, not rare to see girls my height too

something tells me this kind of thing turns girls on, femanons am I right?

For Dutch standards, that is (seeing females over 6 feet tall is quite ordinary here).

True you guys are the tallest in the world along with Serbs-Croatians

My countrymen are idiots unfortunately. They also like to drink which creates multiple problems for them.

Maybe its natural. Who tf knows. Male on male romance was commonplace af in ancient greece and Hamlet has that weird line about Yoricks skull "here hung those lips that i kissed i know not how oft". Either way, who gives af, kissing is good

Why did he kiss him? Fucking faggots and I'm not talking a bout his cigarette./

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.22_[2018.06.05_17.38.08].png (539x715, 420K)

>he doesn't kiss his friends
lmao spotted the big gay

We're all fuckin based muscle chads secure in our gender-fluidity with nothing better to do than twat gaz with mum's garden chairs. Fuckin sick.

spoken like a beta pussy
having a voracious appetite for women but still being able to kiss your bros in the locker room is called being a man