>game of thrones
>stranger things
>star wars
>rick and morty
>elon musk
>keanu reeves
>social media
>one punch man
>reading books
if you like/enjoy/do ANY of these things, then you are an npc and need to get off this board immediately
Attached: npcs.jpg (880x480, 40K)
What did he mean by this?
>fps more important than graphics in video games
Attached: npc(2).jpg (490x586, 19K)
you have your opinion but I fail to understand how anime and hentai are normie shit
this entire website was orignally anime you literal retard
Attached: b e y o n d.jpg (960x960, 96K)
Bait but Ill bite
>if you like fun gtfo
nice bait, enjoying something widely known during this cultural massification is truly evil
This bait brought to you by the ad council
>If you enjoy a cup of coffee or a cigarette you're an npc
>If you have any interest in sports, science or politics you're an npc
What the fuck do you even do user?
minecraft is a good game though
>being this passive agressive because you cant accept the fact that you are a being with no actual mind or free will but some others are
Attached: npc(3).png (601x499, 107K)