I follow Mexican cartel members on Instagram. I use google translate to joke with them sometimes, they're funny guys...

I follow Mexican cartel members on Instagram. I use google translate to joke with them sometimes, they're funny guys. One of them posted a video of a naked woman riding a horse. Today, one posted this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice ass holmes.

look at dem doodoo drawers
gat damn

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Report their location to Mexican army or navy. Even funnier stuff will happen

What is the backstory (*badum tssh) on this?

I don't know, the picture had no caption. They all post really weird shit.

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Wow cartel is in to caning. Had no clue they were so kinky

Do you have an example of a cartel member instagram account?

How do you find their instagrams? I would be interested in following them too.

I don't even know how I came across these guys. I found one account, followed and him. He accepted my follow request and then I just began following his friends.

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Here's another account I follow. They all cover their faces.

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This guy is letting his very young daughter drive his car

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Hanging out with Paris Hilton.

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Imagine anons if you'd been born in the jungle you'd be a cool cartel guy instead of posting on an incel board

You think there are at least a few /b/tards among Cartel members? Like there is some dude flaying some rival cartel member's face off and he just takes a picture and thinks to himself "man, I can't wait until /b/ sees this"

This guy saves baby turtles

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are you trying to get fucking decapitated? do you know what you're playing with?

Judging by those hashtags, this guy worships African gods. Apparently a lot of drug dealers in Latin America do.

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based mexican cartel member saving turtles

Going off of their captions and my short conversations with some of them, a lot of them seem to hate women and sometimes say some Jow Forums tier shit.

They always use this weird ass filter. I kinda like it, it makes the colors pop more. But it's still strange.

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They post these pictures for all to see. It's not like they're going to come to the US and turn me into soup because I reposted their shit here.

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Then there are the girls. It's like cartels don't allow ugly women to associate with them. But if you lived a life like theirs, why would you?

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how does this shit get posted without any consequences? Why hasn't the spic police already tracked this?

Western police aren't nearly as competent as you are giving them credit for, let alone police somewhere like Mexico.

Cuz the fuzz there are all on cartel payroll


looks like a shitty hdr filter

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Mexico is a narcostate. I think Mexico just elected their first president who DOESNT take cartel money.

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Yeah, there are still a lot of pagan practices in Latin American countries.


There are a few of videos of people getting spanked by a huge fucking plank then shitting themselves, LITERALLY.

This is actually a pretty cool thread. What's the funniest thing you've seen on their instas? What's the most messed up? Have you considered learning spanish? Are you online friends with any of them, or do you just look at their posts, rather than have convos?

They did and it's making the cops throw a shitfit. They did a huge protest because the President said he was gonna ax their jobs if they were connected to cartels and replace them with the national guard or something iirc.

these people are the police

American born Los Zetas member here. Used to be the guy who ran coke and guns throughout the west coast. Cartel life is fun but dangerous. They do throw some sick parties doe.

Maybe the filter interferes with image recognition?

The funniest thing was definitely the woman on the horse. I'm looking for it right now, I forgot which guy posted it. The most fucked up wasn't anything really violent, it was just a bit disturbing. A guy took a selfie in his car with someone tied up in the backseat.
>Have you considered learning spanish?
Yes but for other reasons.
>Are you online friends with any of them, or do you just look at their posts, rather than have convos?
I mostly look at their posts. Sometimes I'll comment and sometimes they'll respond. One of us will make a joke or I'll compliment their gfs or outfits but I doubt any of them see me as a friend. I wish these guys were my online friends though. Just so I could always have the idea in the back of my head that I could run off to Mexico and live like a king if I wanted.

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>A guy took a selfie in his car with someone tied up in the backseat.
I dunno why, but I find that kinda funny. Also, learning spanish would be a really good idea. It would help with getting jobs, because there's so many beanfriends in the USA now. Also, learning a language is fun and satisfying. Spanish would be easy to learn, too, because there are so many resources out there, as a result of the large number of spanish people here.

Shit that like horrifies me. These people worshipping satan running Mexico somewhat mirror the US and our government although much more stable

I followed a bunch of gopnik kids from russia a few years ago, its been cool watching them go from posing with drugs and guns to going through the military and then get qt girlfriends

mexican attw

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Nice thread, mind if i go to their pages and bring my friends?

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most interesting thread in a while user. have any more pics?

Sauce on horse girl?

Yeah, latin americans do that, no big deal

>I could only imagine if I did the same shit you were doing. The damn FBI, DEA, and BATF would kick down my door and shoot my dog.

>ywn have the cartel come and behead you and everyone you know
any advice for coping with this one. bros?

Mexico has a lot of empty big open spaces its not a big deal

Shut up pussy bitch no one asked you.

I honestly don't think spics are human, they seem to be even less intelligent than niggers.

T. Has never interacted with niggers ever.

golden weapons

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golden pistol

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Kinda cool actaully. Mexico seems like the Jow Forums of the world.



I live around both verminous races, Pablo.

Lmao okay incel

You should die

Is that a dude or a girl? Looks like a girl's jeans and underwear but a dude's torso.

yeah, mexicans tend to use that filter a lot
yeah, but from what i've heard he is also a commie
what do you think of the "atentamente, los zetas" meme?

I hate these guys
t.Mexican in Mexico
I also hate mexicans in USA maybe because im a neet that doesn't do drugs or anything like that.
I hate narcoculture and everything around it.
Im happy that Chapo is getting a life sentence i hope more of these people get that too

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As someone with a raging bondage fetish, my fucking dick.

These guys live good lives.

Haha stupid fucking spics. At least gorillas can learn sign language.

Yeah were sure you do Colton

probably filled with heroin

That's some Hotline Miami stuff.

Tfw no driving daughter of mexican cartel drug lord loli gf.

she's cute i want children

Every once in a while, you'll see them pop up in the United States

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Good thread, Jow Forums should be "weird stuff on the internet" the board.

what are you talking about this is trash

>yeah, but from what i've heard he is also a commie
He's just cares about the people and believes that the people should come before money and luxury. For some reason, Americans think the government working for the citizens means its communist.

no wonder they dont live long

thats reddit man

Then why don't you go there you dumb faggot. I want Jow Forums to be cool weird shit, why would you even bring up reddit you fucking tourist?

He is not a commie. He is just a populist obsessed with power and 1970's Mexico. There are actual commies on his admin tho.

>he doesn't know the Spic cops are part of the cartel

Don't go to Tijuana as a white foreigner, the cops will pull you over and shake you down for bribes, erhm I mean give you fines you have to pay right there in cash

They all know that they're set to die. There was an interview with one cartel member. He was a robot as a kid but joined a cartel and became a playboy. In the interview, he kept saying "I know my days are numbered".

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they aren't being paid to be competent

>implying the cartel won't just give them a few pesos and tell them to fuck off

no excuse for not following proper gun handling rules user!

Despite being rich, they all fucking wear Armani Exchange and drink Buchanan's whiskey.

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a rat with money is still a rat

Personally, I would not rest the barrel of a gun on my foot.

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she ugly though what you on about

I like posting quality threads here since this board is so shit. I've been meaning to make this thread for a while.

Pic related: they like to have bands perform inside of their houses.

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These two pictures are from the same guy. The black and white one is from 2014. I'm guessing he was still poor in this pic.

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You must have some kind of prior history on the internet to get in trouble for posting pictures of things that are already somewhat open to the public. If these guys can post this shit freely, what makes you think you can't?

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btfo if you think mexican military would do shit

a reminder that the only decent countries in south america are argentina and chile

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is that a pet fucking lion

>higher homicide rate than the us

Yeah. The guy has a lion living in his backyard.

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>saves baby turtles
>kills hundreds of people to make a living and indirectly probably a 1k more due to drug over dose and drug related crimes

What will he do when this thing grow up and kill his children?

>Implying Mexico is a South American country

I need to know more about that filter they are using

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Keep postin user i wanna see more luxury

Can you post more of their women?

Great thread, OP. Post more please

They like exotic animals. This cartel woman has a monkey.

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She just accepted my follow request.

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intresting, what do they do to get this type of punishment, don't they usually have much more deadly consequences for fucking up, at least from what i see in the gore vids