Prepare yourself for awkward questions
Prepare yourself for awkward questions
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link the shitty article or post some pictures of cats
my parents have already asked if I'm an incel. I told them I don't identify as one but probably count.
I'm gonna lash out and kill an egirl when some journalist writes "Just because your son has a girlfriend doesn't mean he isn't an incel"
this. It's stupid to identify with a label like that, but not getting laid is so common that it's becoming a social problem.
Still, turning alienated young men into a demographic and target for demonization is great for hysteria and therefore clicks.
>These young men are disillusioned, angry, and are looking for relational and/or sexual validation to temper all their past insecurities, hurts, and deep wounds. Some have experienced abuse, neglect, or humiliation from loved ones. Some have been bullied and teased mercilessly for their looks, interests, and even ethnic heritage.
>In the end, what they feel is a sense of rejection: They have no one to confide in about their physical, emotional, or relational traumas growing up. Without a human being to give them a sense of security, emotional attachment, and bonding, they are left to fend for themselves.
sounds like those data mining threads have been paying off
tfw im still a statistic
>Could your son turn out to be like 60% of dudes?
they expect normies and npc to digest this information fools
bring robots and neural VR sex, I bet all the technology available already exist in goverment vaults
I think more like that guy understands first hand cause he's a ricecel
the sad truth that you would be statistic even if you weren't an incel, the real difference is the category which you are being put into
For what purpose?
Sounds a bit more forgiving than "EVIL LOSERS THAT DESERVE NO SYMPATHY"
So incels are the underdogs who deserve to be treated better? That's all that i can get from this
it's kind of refreshing. A clickbait title but the article identifies some of the key problems and calls for empathy. Most of the time these articles just say "young men should be rounded up and shot"
the article is for mothers and fathers of ugly asocial losers, not for college sjws
Really like this take. Incel is just misoginy with a trendy name
I don't consider myself an incel, but I'd probably get lumped in with them so who cares.
I take issue with these two parts
>they turn to authors of books who "teach" them how to pick-up women using tactics that hinge on targeting a woman's insecurities.
I've never given a shit a pua shit, and I don't know why anyone would.
>In addition, toxic masculinity has often taught these men to never show weakness, to degrade women, and to objectify them.
The showing weakness part is just common sense, and while I don't like it, women absolutely do want to be degraded and objectified in certain contexts.
why? I'm not really concerned about my son becoming a incelsexual
>toxic masculinity
i shit on women to make them go away, they change social dynamics when entering a previously all male conversation. agree with you regarding the pua baloney, couldnt see how it would ever work
>But despite the physical changes, the story concludes that these men have not healed from the internal scars that drove them to plastic surgery in the first place.
Kinda bullshit considering many on lookism and such reported getting laid easily after their PS
"And this ladies and gentlemen is the plastic pussy vault, to your right you'll have the cat girl vr porn vault"