Timothy James Byrne sticking his small sweaty cock into Clutchy Bear's tight arse edition
my scottish friend plump plump plump ! is a lovely cutie who need to be gave a lot of attention and worship
reminder to orbit him but i m his best orbiter, i even was once a potential boyfriend you see how close i am too him
why dont he want me to talk to him again and watch animes ? what did i do please anyone tell me he is my first very close friend i dont know what happened between us i need help because otherwise i wont take it thats too much for my heart ...
i hope he notice me , even if i m nothing too him just another puppet/toy he used it still make me very happy he was the best thing that happened in my life
there's another disgusting degenerate nonce behind bars
OwO new boifeel fwed
based blackfriends
>Left my car keys behind and slightly under the leg curl machine
>Go back, gym thot on it
>her legs/arse directly over them
>Told her my keys are there and I'm going for them but she looks at me puzzled with earphones on
>I dive in for them anyway and walk off fast
and yet you claim to not need us anymore crona
I, for one, am glad that he got an asian gf. Even if she is a jungle asian. Good for him.
Better than a tranny any day.
remind thats a signature post
do your duty to /BRITfeel/
legendary crossovers