When people on the internet say that incels don't want average chicks, what do they mean? I find that outrageous...

When people on the internet say that incels don't want average chicks, what do they mean? I find that outrageous, incels want anything they can get that is not totally gross.
I wouldn't mind an average woman, as long as they had a decent personality and weren't a total trainwreck.
But no landwhales or deformed women for me, no thanks, no way, I don't want any of that, man.

Attached: 57363537-young-woman-looking-at-mirror-at-home-and-applying-cream-on-her-face.jpg (1300x866, 68K)

>no landwhales or deformed women for me

That's what they mean.

we mean "average" and "incel definition of average" are very different.
even if they get with a below average woman, they will bitch and moan about not being able to be with their looksmatch or whatever the hell it's called

But incels have a point. And women complain about attractive guys not wanting them all the fucking god damn TIME.

most incels are not incels and just have unrealistic standards

If you can't refute the ideology, you make something up. Quite simple.
You have no reason to believe that.

have you ever read posts on incel.me?
they say any chick besides a stacy is worthless because the only thing that matters in them is looks.
incels are extremely critical when it comes to appearance. someone could post a picture of a total cutie and they would find something to dislike. the woman in the post would be called ugly by incels.

I'm an incel and I'm not like that. What do you have to say about that?
Go fuck yourself. When women don't like you, you know. Nothing else to it.

then you are the exception and because you are not so prevalent on these forums i judged by the most common and the pickiest incels posts.
i used to frequent incel forums and symphatise until i saw those hypocritical views and that some people are happy and find it hot to murder girls

obviously you dont want to have sex that much. ugly normies just fuck other ugly people