Why are young males checking out of society?
In Japan, they call these people Hikikomori....
Why are young males checking out of society?
In Japan, they call these people Hikikomori....
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Because jews have subverted much of what made society worth being apart of. They've poisoned the water supply,raped our churches and burnt the women. Fuck them.
here, they call the faggots
because fuck you. that's why. go fuck yourself and your society.
We would rather be comfy than struggle to please woman and raise children.
Typical Jow Forums manbaby, always blaming others for their inability to walk the straight and narrow. Show me your pepe folder, you predictable idiot.
this isnt 2007 user
Actually,you are the manybaby who cant see that there is a clear cut culprit to who is destroying society.
I have no interest in living or dying. Just existing is enough for me
I can. It's you. Kill yourself.
>responding with no u
I thought summer was over
>da joos da joos
You are the one that refuses to be a good person. You are the one refusing to step up and be a leader in the community. You are the one refusing to gamify taking control. You are the one ruining society. Kill your god damned self, you stupid piece of useless shit. Fucking idiot.
Back to whatever r/ you crawled out of
Alot of words for someone who has no arguments besides ad hominem attacks.
>blames the joos
>muh ad hominem
>implying every facet of modern life isnt one step removed from jews
>implying jews didnt poison the tree of life
Cmon man
Really read this thread, im the canadian poster
>You are the one ruining society
Explain that right now, you bastard prick.
>reee i dont like being called names :(
where do you think you are retard
inb4 >stop ur giving me the paneful memories :(((
It takes personal responsibility to fix things on a mass scale.
Keep going you stupid little shittie.
How is that guy and guys like him responsible for the degenerate west?
Before the internet-era (which includes computers, video games, home movies, ..), if you were a total fucking loser, it's not like you could sit inside all day and watch Netflix and complain on Jow Forums.
Instead you'd pursue some kind of hobby, even if it's something lame like reading novels or collecting coins. But how do you even get coins? You'd have to go out and travel a bit. And for the books, you'd have to go to a local book store or library, where you'd likely meet like-minded book lovers.
I don't think the internet is "to blame" or should be gotten rid of or anything. But I think that the internet encourages laziness, and weak willed people are more likely to fall for this
You literally have no idea how to argue do you?
Im stuck in a mental hospital, whats your excuse for being here
For being the West and choosing to degenerate.
>me neither! please tell me how
Both of you need to shut the fuck up, you obnoxious pair of homosexual autists. I can sense the sexual tension between you two, you should make out and fuck already.
The only good answer on this entire shite thread. Thank you for your contribution, user.
this is kinda true and this is happening everywhere not just in japan, in my case one day I just "collapsed" , I'm on my 3 year or something I think is more... I just don't care.
3 years of being a hikkiNEET, or what do you mean?
The main struggle is to find a woman, it would be more or less downhill from there, minus wagie problems.
This shit happened in the mid 90s/early 2000s since their bubble economy recessed and a lot of young folk couldn't get the jobs Japanese society would normally guarantee them
Any hikki's since then are just soft fags that were can't cope to their mechanical society
this is the truth, /threadaeoli
yes. thats what I mean this is not a japan phenomena. a lot of people on Jow Forums are in the same situation like me. it a worldwide thing and I have even seen a lot of finns in international in this situation, they kinda are a meme over there...
Because they're not welcome
Society only wants the best these days
Being average doesn't cut it, you have to bend over backwards for every shitty job
Can't find work = become shut-in
That's the thing though, woman have made it so much harder to satisfy and acquire them, now we're too disillusioned to try, so we never have that motivation to go full normie. Its kind of like that meme where you see the guys apartment and its just a tv/ps4, couch and cooler, men are minimalist at heart, woman are what drives us to overachieve so we can attract them.
open dohr
It's probably autism, normies have no trouble socializing and going out even with all the technology. Unfortunately for me I don't have much time left cuz my dad will pass away soon, I'm gonna have to get a job or starve to death
Because society sucks ass
Too nuch competetition due to workforce immigration. They're great at their jobs and probably very beneficial to our countries, but it leaves us, the runt, the genetically inferior subhumans (40% of all males in all societies) behind.
It might sort itself out in a few generations when all our genes are gone from the pool.