>femanon ghosted me after 2 years
she was my only friend
>femanon ghosted me after 2 years
she was my only friend
thats why you cut off connection with everyone you know before anything bad can happen
i never had a friendship like this before, why does it hurt so much
learn to always expect the worst and you will never be surprised, sad, or angry when bad things happen. you will reach a state of serenity and will never be rustled.
yea man it sucks you think both of you are gonna still be talkin together for years in the future but it ends way earlier then you think, it always does. give up the happy life, it just aint made for us
hey hey dont be a pussy poofta cunt get abitta dick in ya and ull be fine
>i ghosted femanon after 3 years now i realize i did good but also hurts having no one to text with.
She was too good that she didn't even wanted to stop texting me she told me she was afraid of me being alone snd trying to kms.
i had to do it bros besides she had a bf so she was wasting precious time
F this
this was my last and only shot at it, i'm giving up on it now
how did you go about it user?
social media has ruined everything
Its all about looks and girls wanting perfect ten bros so like a handful of dudes are fing all the girls
all other qualities are meaningless because you have only a limited amount of words to say something
what happened to Bianca was so so so wrong but for all the msm libs and feminazis writing it off as black and white and refusing to look at her behavior toward men well this is just going to happen again sadly
think about what you did wrong instead of being a faggot
I was wondering why did she kept talking to me and she was just being kind.
we didn't have a romantic relationship or anything else i just sent her memes or texted about my shitty life and suicidal stuff.
I miss her but the only thing i did was scare her probably and make her worry about someone who doesn't even know her.
She is top tier waifu material and was a virgin probably not after she got a bf.
I could message her again but that would be some stalker shit.
People like me don't deserve friends like that even though she wasn't really a friend she was good enough to not ghost me after 3 years of texting.
She is not a dumb girl she doesn't browse this place i met her somewhere else on the internet.
I miss her hope i can see her again when i die or something
I used to to find people online and lots of girls too. Not that I had any better relationship than casual friends but I barely have male friends online anymore. Maybe because I don't play mmos anymore. It's just so much effort to be social.
it wasn't on bad terms, i didn't do anything wrong. She got busy in real life and eventually stopped messaging all together.
You should do it, has she tried to get in contact with you at all? you probably won't find a nice friend like that ever again.
I stopped texting her in-between those 3 years because i tried to kms back then.
she never sent me a text when i went away i was always the one that initiated the conversation again.
Im pretty sure she is glad that i am not texting her anymore but she is kind so she won't tell me.
if she really thought i was a friend she would have texted me something but she didn't.
i know that feel, it happened to me twice
first one didnt last too long but it was my first meaningful relationship, I was 17. It did hurt like hell but FUCK, nothing compared to what im going through now
'broke up' with my best friend, she was my best friend since I was 17/18, so 4 years
it was my fault, I did something awful to her, i betrayed her trust. BUT SHE DIDNT HAVE TO CUT ME OFF FOR FUCK SAKE, she was my only friend, she said she loved me so many times, that she wanted us to remain friends forever, THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THIS, WHY, OH WHY
Was it a lie? Or your love isnt like my love? I dont understand you. And you dont understand me. But I loved you more than I ever loved myself, and I'm really considering commiting suicide now, I dont know if I should tell you that but now I'm also angry, I want you to feel bad for doing this to me
now you're gone i quit the gym, dropped out of uni, stopped going to therapy, dont even brush my teeth or shave anymore, and this has been happening for months now, my family begins to hate me i know it
YES I HURT YOU, but this, this is just too fucking much
what the fuck did i just post, i just started crying and that came out
Cheating in the past warranted execution, you got off easy :)
But, if you're white, just find a trailor trash whore or something maybe? Idk, otherwise neck yourself lel
Same, OP. Just happened recently and came out of fucking nowhere. I don't understand how someone you thought you knew so well could just up and do that to a person. It hurts so fucking much.
Don't let it get to ya man, there's plenty of fish in the sea.
i didnt cheat
she was my best friend since 2014, on january we started having sex, and we always said lovey cute things to one another so it seemed like an actual relationship
she always reminded me it wasnt a relationship and we could fuck anyone (im a beta autist freak and she had been my only friend for half a decade though, who the fuck would i fuck?)
I asked her not to tell me if she ever slept with someone else
She did
I found out
I pushed her, she fell to the ground, I called her a whore, I forcekissed her when she was scared
And I knew just how much she hated being called a whore, especially from people she loved. Thats where i betrayed her trust
Also I told her I was over my manipulative clingy beta obsessive jealous behaviours, she believed me, we started having sex, then this happened
Oh nevermind you should have killed her dude
Also don't get strung around by that cuck shit, she took advantage of you, you shouldn't have gotten emotionally invested in an open relationship. Either give her the bianca treatment or move on, don't waste your thoughts on whores
ill be your friend user. whats ur socials
I was already in love with her since.. i dont know.. march 2018 probably
and i knew from the very beginning we wouldnt have a serious relationship
I knew eventually it would all end and i'd feel like shit, but I also couldnt say no. I would have regretted that my whole life and also would have died a KV probably
I just never thought it would end so so bad. I kind of lied when I said she was my only friend, I had this group of male friends I played vidya with but that was about it. No 1 on 1 relationship with any of them whatsoever. She was friends with them too. She told them what I did. And since they're beta orbiters they all blocked me. And now im friendless
Sorry for making you read all this shit
>give her the bianca treatment
Well you weren't in the wrong, your friend group was on shaky terms to begin w/ and she was a whore, at least you get a clean start!
>having female friends
>having friends in general
fuck off and leave this board
fuck you where do u live nigerr illl fucking beat the shit out of your sex having ass I fucking hate couples so much
>at least you get a clean start!
or a premature end
edge aside, yeah thats the only good thing I could think about right now, it's hard ot stay positive though
>sex having ass
i probably wont ever get my dick wet again, we were never a couple, and Im pretty sure i live thousands of miles away from you so all i can say to you right now is to have sex
She wasn't your friend, you demented sack of shit. Fuck, you incels should be all riled up and put to sleep
maybe she didn't ghost you. maybe she killed herself.
I'm legit wondering if a girl I occasionally talked to on Discord killed herself. Talked about being really depressed, and now hasn't been on recently. Probably not dead, but it's a possibility I suppose.
Sex means nothing to women. You were a cuck that permitted her to have sex with someone else. If sex was meaningful to women there would be no such thing as a dead bedroom, women would always want sex at any given time, etc. It means nothing to them.
This is why poly relationships are most often proposed by women and also why, when the relationship happens, women get infinitely jealous when you start fucking other women.
When i think someone is trying to ghost me i ghost them first. Ain't nobody ghosting me
I knew a 'girl' like that turns out he was a trap and I had fallen in love with her (it was all text based). He told our mutual friend he wasn't a girl and I was like, fuck, dodged a bullet there (I was head cannoned to the point that if he was remotely passable I would've fucked him). He returned like a year later and said hi and I missed the message, haven't heard from him since.
I hope he killed himself.
Luckily for me, I'm pretttty sure this one was an actual girl. We weren't falling in love though so it wouldn't destroy me if they were.
Maybe your trap settled down with someone else
From then on I always made sure to voice chat and text base is fine but we had to voice chat at some point or I cut you out.
Yeah, voice is typically the biggest giveaway.
I didnt think she would actually do it, I thought she just said that to protect herself or something
But yeah, this girl wasnt exactly innocent nor pure
She cheated on her 1st boyfriend with her 2nd boyfriend, then she cheated on her 2nd boyfriend with me
I may have been a cuck, but at least I wont die a virgin, yaay. Im not happy at all