First job interview in a year

>first job interview in a year
>thought I did pretty well
>got an email saying they decided not to hire me a couple hours later
What now?
I've been applying to literally every open position for 2 years and I've only had 2 call backs.

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Dump your resume with all the personally identifying info left out, and the type of jobs you're applying to, and I'll let you know. There's probably a reason.

I already know for a fact it's my lack of experience, but I'm still being denied entry level jobs. Hell, my first interview was for a "cart gatherer" at Walmart. Still didn't get it.

There's no fucking way. I've dumped my basic resume everywhere at one point and got like 6-7 call backs within 2 weeks. No way thats all youve gotten.

double down. Hit the applications harder. You can do it user, don't get discouraged. I believe in you.

go to a temp agency. its literally their job to find you a job. might not be what you want but its something

Maybe it depends on where you live. I live in a city in SoCal with about a 70k population.

Then you need to lie. You need to say that you've worked at some other company since you were 18, or before if you're 18 now. Get an older family member to lie for you, by acting like they were your old manager. I've done it for years since I'm a chronic job quitter. Works every time. I'm convinced that it's literally an IQ test. You're supposed to figure out that you have to lie.

How often do employers call your references? Like Walmart or Target kind of employers? I don't know many people that would lie for me. I'm actually so desperate for work because my parents are threatening to kick me out. It's not that I'm trying to be a NEET, I even showed my parents my indeed accounts and all the automated emails I get confirming that I applied, but they say that I don't show initiative or something.

>mommy is a lawyer
>I work for her under the guise of wanting to "learn the ropes"
>work three days a week or less answering phones, drafting braindead legal documents and shitposting on Jow Forums
This is the life boys.

Is she hot?

Sure, if it facilitates your fantasy.

>How often do employers call your references? Like Walmart or Target kind of employers?
Pretty much never. They never called my references when I was working in stores.

>I don't know many people that would lie for me.
Your family won't? Shit, that's what family's for. You can just put down bogus numbers and it will be fine if it's a walmart tier job.

>I'm actually so desperate for work because my parents are threatening to kick me out. It's not that I'm trying to be a NEET, I even showed my parents my indeed accounts and all the automated emails I get confirming that I applied, but they say that I don't show initiative or something.
Then they should definitely be willing to lie for you, just ask. Another option is to find a recently shut down business, and say that you worked for them. They can't verify that.

Yeah, my family are the "honest Christian" type, so they wont lie for me.
Thank you for all the info, though. Definitely going to write out a new resume in the morning with fake references and experiences. I'll make it realistic though since I'm not completely retarded. Like say that I was a cashier for awhile at Kmart since all the Kmarts in the area went out of business.

Good luck user. Remember to repeat your work experience to yourself before the interview. You should almost believe it yourself. It's the best way to lie.

Do not give up user. Finding a Job is hard. I set myself the goal to send mu resume to 10 job offers each day. I did that for 5 months. Only got called to lime 4 interviews until I got the call.

I know this sounds like shitty Disney movie cliche stuff, but hang in there and don't stop trying.

Thanks, bros.
I was feelings really down, but now I feel hopeful. Gonna get some sleep and try again in the morning.
Hope you all have a good night/day.

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Do you have any savings?

Just buy a ute or a trailer, and get a lawnmower, a whipper snipper and a leaf blower and provide lawn care services.

you make 4x the amount a wage slave makes and you can say you own your own business!

How do you get clients? I've been thinking about trying that.

Friends & Family, cold calling, business cards, pamphlets, word of mouth. Once your out and about actually working you'll be suprised how many people just walk up to you while you are working and ask you about your prices.

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Interesting. I'll give it a try.

Learn programming if you aren't dumb and are motivated. Then do coding exercises and build shit. Then apply to programming jobs in non programming industries like manufacturing/banking/etc. People are desperate for programmers

What city user? Temeculafag here

>applying to literally every open position for 2 years and I've only had 2 call backs.
Either bullshit or you're doing something severely wrong and are too retarded to realize it

have you tried working for your local city/county government?

Online apps dont work, been there

Is it worth it to go back to college for a meme degree? I went for a useless humanities major and once my scholarship ran out with two years still to finish I left because I could not take the horseshit anymore.

Now though I absolutely despise my wageslave job and have applied for dozens of positions I am qualified for but have not even gotten an interview.
Im just petrified of getting a loan with all the horror stories Ive heard.

Ashton that you bro?

>start lying on your resume without exaggerating like a madman
>get your CV photo taken by a professional
>Keep track of when you sent out which application and call them back in 2 weeks or so if they don't respond
>Apply for any open positions (even if you don't fit in the requirements)

If you're over 21 apply at a gas station. It's a shit job but most start out with decent pay and it's easy.

people are not desperate for programmers they get like 50k salary and even struggle for those jobs kek