How do you feel about blacks? Do you have any black friends?

How do you feel about blacks? Do you have any black friends?

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That image makes me angry. Just put sterilizers in the Red Cross food. Destroy their ability to procreate.

its like if these retards love to perpetuate and worsen a problem wtf
constant aid doesnt work

The real problem is warlords, but you have to get rid of the American warlords before you get rid of the African warlords.

I have 2 mulatto friends does that count? My experience with black people is generally negative but I don't hate them. I just stay away from them.

Stop making these dumb fucking threads. Go the fuck back to your shitfest newbie website, wherever that is. Should we start calling out Stormfront again? Obviously Jow Forums isn't this stupid. These are offsite retards we're dealing with.

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>assblasted euro who hates America but loves niggers
every fucking time

Africa is an entire continent and in a decade more than that time we have donated more to Israel a singular nation? That is really weird you would think Israel which is much smaller and less populous than Africa would require less aid

i dont have any friends. fuck off

i have to deal with a mulatto kid to get my weed and he's fucking insufferable, smells oily, leaves trash everywhere he goes, steals my lighters and smokes newports

Can you explain why you're a liberal? Do you hate guns? Love migrants? Love gays and trannies? Believe in diversity quotas? Higher minimum wage? I'm curious why you want the west destroyed

Are you able to give a source for your claim or are you just butthurt?

Wouldn't someone who loves America prefer to see taxpayers' burden decrease by 54%?

I grew up around tons of black people. It was very easy to get along and have fun with them as a little kid. As a teenager the ignorance was cranked up like x100. It was kind of sad to see so many of these normal kids becoming obnoxious animals. I can still get along with them, but theres just something missing from their psyche that I cant really put my finger on. Obviously not all of them are like this, but black people typically live up to their stereotypes more than any other group on the planet. I really hope that the black race has their eyes opened to the problem that people have with the way they act.

Butthurt about what? I dont pay my taxes

Motherfucker I know the kali yuga is here and I'm in this shit just as deep as you are. But fuck's sake I don't want bullshit normie propaganda to keep flooding Jow Forums and generating discussion which causes more anons to have shit-for-brains opinions on so-called "race realism" and whatever the fuck. The level of discourse is low enough as it is.

The real problem is Africans.

Oh fuck you, you fucking cuck.

"We sacrificed the stars for this."
Huh... we really did, didn't we? Guess I never really thought about it like that.

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I'm European and that user doesn't represent my views.

135 billion isn't even remotely close to 5 trillion...

This. Grew up around blacks and they were chill and fun to be around. Then they grow up and turn into animals.
>blacks live up to their stereotypes

How does that make me a cuck, genius? It's true. They are literally too low IQ to advance out of the stone age, LITERALLY. No amount if aid will fix that.

I'm in Sweden and I speak for every European in this thread when I say that the real problem is Americans.

It's not an IQ problem, it's a geopolitical problem caused by warlords.

Go give Mohammed some more money, you failure of a human being.

nice geopolitical problem ya got there

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so kill em all and let god sort them out. moab the fuck out of the biggest "cities", send them sterilizing Red Cross Food, and make sure none of them escape the continent alive.

this post is satire, I'm saying these things ironically and actually LOVE niggers, FBI man.

You are dumb. Africans are dumb and poor wherever you put them in the world. The more non-African genes they have the higher their IQ. This is well documented.

everything below 90 should be dealt with.

Curtis LeMay tier nuclear holocaust when

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never heard of him, but he sounds based. On a side note, I would be fine with 1000 years of Asian (specifically Chinese obviously) rule over the earth if it meant niggers and spics were eradicated forever.

You are dumb. There is a vast multinational global conspiracy to control the world's information, and you are a sheep being led to the slaughterhouse.

Weak bait.

Yeah all scientific peer reviewed research is wrong, all my personal experiences that confirm those results are wrong, the state of every single nation or territory populated by people pure African genetics is just one big ruse and not at all indicative of the objective fact that they are vastly less intelligent and more agressive. Fuck actual hard science and shit, lets ignore that and just say what's nice and popular to say: Africans are just white people with dark skin that grew up in a different culture. Genes don't exist.

>look at all of this bait produced by the information producers!!!!
100% cucked

I'm inclined to believe my "information producers" when I have two of them attached my brain, seeing all of the niggery that occurs 24/7. If you've ever been around niggers you would understand.

>hangs on to his precious grey dots

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what the fuck is that supposed to mean? that the nigger shit isn't actually happening? you're an absolute retard.

What does that have to do with you? If you are actually getting fucked over regularly, you're double cucked.

>What does that have to do with you?
I have to make sure I stay away from nigger areas. Nigger areas that are expanding rapidly, because the governments of the world want to give them aid to procreate and overrun the planet with low-IQ monsters. I guess you just don't understand niggers, and/or are very short-sighted. Either way I can't be bothered to continue arguing about this.

Yeah go back to Jow Forums you fucking triple cuck

I'm from here, nigger-lover. Go back to plebbit where everyone loves niggers so much.

Not that user but the constant threads about converting people to iterracial, transexuality, gayness etc are a-ok? Get shat.

>I look at floods of dicks unfiltered because I'm an uneducated plebian except when I take a break to talk about murder
Get therapy and get the fuck off of my board, you stupid newfag

hey man, I just wanted to let you know I hope you get AIDs

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If a thread on Jow Forums can convince someone to be a tranny they were already useless as a human. Those threada are incredibly shit so youd have to be a grade A retard to ever fall for anything from them, therefore if you do you're only a waste of space and a blight on humanity and we're better off if they cut their dick off.

I already have AIDs. Here's your (You).

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thanks for the (You), here's one for you. But don't touch me, AIDs boy. I could get sick.

Anonymous, you are my AIDs.


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This "aid" isn't true. There were loans that have been paid back with interest while more loans were given. Then there was the "corporate aid" where corporations take resources and give the African communities shitty products they barely work like rubber shoes that melt in the sun. Also "aid" as in military help which isn't help.

stop touching your pesus and follow jesus

t. retard that doesn't understand opportunity cost

Giving relatively low interest loans to low IQ individuals with a horrible track record is definitely aid, you ubertard.

My point is that you should be going all garbage, not be selective.

going after*

saying blwvks are nigger shits is just confirming you are a mental turd

>low interest loans
lol no and the loans were a great way to get easy demands like easy trade and opening their economy to foreign corporate interest
$5 trillion over 5 decades isn't a lot when you make around $200 billion a year

>Spending more than 20 seconds interacting with a drug dealer

i'm fucking a nigress for the past 4 months. she got a ugly as fuck face but i just cant get enough of her perfect body. i prefer blacks for a casual fuck because they're 9/10 times more fun in bed than white women. White women tend to be more prudish while blacks dont seem to have any taboos

>the guardian
definitely not biased

>i'm fucking a nigress

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>How do you feel about blacks?
Extreme lust

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here we go, thread about to be derailed with shitskin women pics

your thread is shitty Jow Forums propaganda
the US has taken more than 5 trillion from Africa over the last 5 decades

Why do cute brown women make you so angry

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>live in rural germany
i guess blacks exist somewhere
got kind of spooked seeing a blackgirl one time because its so rare to see them

>shitty Jow Forums propaganda
>counter meme with sheboons
Pathetic damage control, but expected.

God made aids and ebola to cure us of humanity's bane. Believe and one day your soul will be cleansed of degeneracy and sin.

Huh, I'd think there would be plenty in Germany. Should've tried getting into her pants.

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there's tons of niggers in germany, anyone who states otherwise is lucky to live far outside of cities and their nearby towns.

god also made the black death

she wasnt wearing pants she was wearing a colorful dress and had those stuck together hairstrings thingy like in your picture
i still remember her pretty well

Jews did. I'm serious.

Wow she made a lasting impression on you huh

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You do realize that she is ugly, right?
>hurr dutt but that booty tho
Fuck off, dude.

She's cute and the best part isn't the ass its the vantablack skin

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well i dont see people with a different skin color often so i remember her
and she really stood out it was a pretty bright day and alot of people were around and in the middle this black girl
like a black dot in a sea of white

My best and only friend is black. I call him a nigger. He calls me a kike. All is equal in the world.

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>She's cute
With that forehead, dear? No. Even tho she has some european features she still have the black features.

>Even tho she has some european features

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You and i both know that thin nose, for example, is a european trait.
Anything else?

I'm from new zealand so I've only interacted with blacks through online games and with the rare refugee. They seem to operate on a different wavelength, honestly the dumbest group of people I've ever met. I have no idea why americans pussyfoot around them, they're simply not like us.

>You and i both know that thin nose
It's a literal Ethiopid trait that is found in West, North, and East Africa. The only place where it isn't a thing is in Southern Africa where Bushmen have Asian noses and Bantu have fat noses.

>I've only interacted with weebs and a refugee with PSTD
Nice breadth of interactions you have there, you fucking retard. Don't they teach you about anecdotes in NZ school?

did they teach you how to have sex incel?

Yeah, it's called Sex Ed.

I have one cyborg black friend

oh okay

yeah they did teach us about anecdotes

I am black one of my friends is black the other is Hispanic but looks just white and doesnt speak Spanish. Black kid is cool he lives on my street and can usually find me weed on the same block in a couple of hours since he has lived here all his life

He is broke and does not drive or usually have his own bud though so it is a bummer going to pick up with him then taking him back to my house and I am high as shit while he is asking for food

whyte kid with 3 black friends, different friend circles tho
in complete sincerity I don't harbor any distaste towards blacks, some will be overly cautious around you and expect you to be a closet racist and I really wish I knew a proper way to express that I'm not and there's no need for tension
blackbots how do I make people less paranoid I just wanna b frens got no hatred in me

it's hard to not be paranoid when you browse Jow Forums
this place is a hotbed for extremism that ends in death

Never met one irl

I had a Muslim friend from Sudan when I was at uni. He had shit taste in Chinese cartoons

Where do you think YOU would be if you had to live off your own capabilities instead of profiting off Western civilization? Id be willing to bet you wouldnt even be capable of what the Africans are doing.

This is the same story with all racists. They never shut up about how white people are smarter or whatever, but if you look at the actual people saying this they are all dumb as a bag of rocks.

Im convinced this is a subconscious defense mechanism. These people realize there is only place for so many useless retards, which is why they feel so threatened by dumb people of other races. The whole thing about being replaced an their fixation on low IQ, it all makes sense now.

Be honest with yourself, did you have a different opinion of "them" before you interacted with them?

They tend to be borderline morons due to lack of education. I avoid them because i see many of them as very low-class.

Thin noses are not found in west Africa. African Americans are primarily of African descent and they rarely have thin noses. I have seen photographs of West Africans, same deal. They other locations you mentioned are true, though.

African-Americans are mostly West-African mutts and therefore less attractive
Unmongrelized black women are the most attractive obviously

i mean you smoke weed and give him money so youre just as bad