Does anyone else remember a time when Jow Forums wasn't just full of angry...

Does anyone else remember a time when Jow Forums wasn't just full of angry, bitter incels with depression but was actually full of genuinely interesting people who had voluntarily checked out of society and/or had unique life experiences?

Now its just full of failed normies.

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No I don't remember that at all. I remember when people referred to the posters here as kv's and khv's, and there were far fewer posters so there were more fun and interesting threads with less spam. I remember when we didn't have trannies, women, and liberal faggots here. I remember tard threads, cringe threads, comfy threads, bawww threads, and rage threads. I remember pee pee poo poo. I might be mixing some of this up with /b/ because it's been like 11 years but at any rate, this place used to not suck so bad.

A good 10% of the threads on this board are about people's relationships.
There's nothing "failed" about the normies here.
You using the phrase "angry, bitter incels" makes it absolutely certain you're one of those normies.

I personally think that anyone just talking about Incels now, came over because they saw Jow Forums on the news.

pre 2011 Jow Forums was the best Jow Forums

An image board on Jow Forums that originated in 2008 after the slow demise of /b/. It stands for Robot 9000. Jow Forums posters are usually refered to as "gentlemen". Only original content is allowed to be posted on Jow Forums.

/b/ is dead. Long live Jow Forums!

by Lazarius March 28, 2008

these newfags have completely ruined r9k culture with their incel bullshit, i bet the number of users who originate from old r9k can be counted on my fingers

I was almost gonna read that.

Yeah, I remember it, but incels need to be contained somewhere.

still replied though

>used Jow Forums for only a decade
newfag spotted

>old Jow Forums were Chads who could get laid whenever they wanted but chose not to
>new Jow Forums is all INCELS
normies and orbiters are the real problem its so tiring to see incel just thrown around