Someone bullied me at work today I feel like shit

Someone bullied me at work today I feel like shit

He's taller, bigger, stronger and more important.
He was in the wrong but theres nothing I could do because in the moment he was ready to attack me

I curse the day I was born into this weak body
And no, lifting wont help. If you have a weak frame, weak ligaments, are 5'8.. you cant change that.

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#metoo him

If anyone question s things just tell them to stop victim blaming.

Become a trans if you have to. You can always go back.

"nah m8 fuck off and fuck you"
you err dont need to be as dramatic as that but it works, if someone gives you shit you give it back harder. then they respect you, or report you like the little bitch they are. but fucking stand up for yourself

Fuck off andrew davis kill yourself

Can you describe exactly what happened?
What was the argument about? Were there other people present?

learn to greentext and lurk moar, Mr. Summer.

I am 5 feet 10 but have always been physically strong and good at sports (black dude) never really dealt with physical bullying besides maybe elementary school I cant really remember. But I do feel like I practically got bullied out of my last retail job

Here is the quick story light on details
>start working at Target
>manager who hires me has entire demeanor change like the first day I start working for some reason but leaves me alone for the most part
>third or fourth day there girl working in my section announces to our entire area full of workers she does not light skin black men, I am light skin black, or something about not being attracted to them which I completely miss but my bro who works there tells me she hates me for some reason which is crazy since I have not spoken to her like at all
>one day dealing with security and shoplifter come back from my lunch to return to my area and clean
>same girl comes over and tells me manager is mad at me
>manager talks to me and says my quality of work is too low it takes me too long to finish unloading items and my area isnt clean
>shocked because I am usually blazed as fuck at work anti social and finish my work quickly then help others
>fired a few short weeks after that, manager in training chick tells me a few people were collaborating to get me fired
I had kind of thought about going to HR about it but said fuck it that will probably just make it worse while I am here

Just a very strange situation, I get the gist my manager didnt like me as she started being demonstrably rude to me not long after reprimanding me. I would not see her, for instance, while starting my work in the morning and she would scream in that black woman loud voice Good morning like I had seen and not acknowledged her. Not sure why the people there did not like me since I did not speak being cordial but apparently they had done the same to some white girl that worked there briefly when I started accusing her of thievery.

They'd probably just fire me. It would lose them less money than acting against him.

He was already threatening to beat me up, and if he knocked me out in one punch (very likely with the size difference, about 80 pounds) my self esteem would be even lower

At the end of the shift my bosses next higher up wants me to do something with the last half hour. No problem just need a specific bit of equipment, he gives me a half broken one but I say thanks anyway since its better than nothing. Turns out it wasnt. I ask my boss what to do and he says I should ask for a different piece that would still work. I do and he wants it back in 10 minutes, no problem. On the dot of 10 minutes hes at my workstation and says "Your welcome". I'm a bit on the spectrum so I'm not really sure what he means, I just say no problem because I cant read social situations and my shift is over. He calls me a rude cunt on the spot and I'm just timidly saying I needed it to do the job. He starts winding himself up and saying aloud I should go home, no problem. He begins a speech about how hes doing me a favour and how he should be spending his time beating me up (he just threw it in there like this was a normal thing to say). I was shaking at this point and made the mistake of saying he wanted me to do it so I would need the equipment.
He's swearing and threatening me at this point and my boss is just telling me to leave. I did but I feel so weak and beta. Its hard to describe the feeling of being so outmatched you cant even fantasise about violence because youd get dropped that easily.

Uh, look on craigslistin your area, you'll find some Polish immigrants. Pay them a few bucks and they'll make sure that he never even makes eye contact with you. I've seen jacked groups of Muslims straight out of warzones avoid being in 50 meters of some women just because of this.

OP here. I'm actually kind of laughing now that I put down both our offences next to eachother

>Didnt say thank you for a required piece of equipment to do work I didnt have to do
>Arguably said "You wanted me to do it" in a rude way trying to imply to him if he wanted me to do the work, the equipment was required

>Threatening violence
>Pretending he doesnt care but continuing to go on
>Trying to convince a guy he doesnt care about that hes the nicest person there (I shit you not)

He'll probably die of a heart attack when he meets someone who is actually -trying- to be rude

Some normalfags are just angry all the time I dunno, if you can't intimidate them physically then you should find other ways to fuck with them and make their work life hell, go through management or HR if you have to, if they were in your shoes I guarantee you they'd do the same.

He wasnt in the wrong YOU were
He should of beat you to death you disgusting shitstain

Don't worry bro that guy is out of line and your boss is telling you to leave BECAUSE he's out of line. What country do you live in? If its literally any western nation you can shit all over him for the rest of his life working at that company if you file formal bullying and harassment complaints, especially on top of him literally threatening to physically assault you.

Just kill yourself loser. You are the cause of all your problems. Nobody else is

Bullshit OP is the one who caused the problem in the first place with his autism.
People like OP belong in a cage

Only thing is I'd hate for my boss to have to do something on my behalf when I'm a nobody

>He said, posting on Jow Forums

bring gun

shoot him in the face

you know you want to

Oh I'm what you call a "normie" my dept pays me to sit on here and screenshot your posts so they have the evidence they need when you finally snap.

Hello Tyrone, shouldn't you be in your stolen iphone thread?

Wouldnt the footage of me chopping him up with a fire axe be enough :^)

Hello autist. Kys you worthless subhuman shitstain

Sounds like you live in some shithole country. I can't think of a single western first world country where you couldn't get your work place in very, very deep shit for something like that happening.