What if robots married fembots?
What if robots married fembots?
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Two words: concentrated autism.
That sounds very comfy to be honest
Results would be incredibly awkward social retards
A bunch of robots would get sloppy seconds (or eighths (or twentieths))
This fem"""bots""" are just whores with dyed hair and watch anime
>pretend to watch anime
Fixed that for you
Literal autism though, not meme autism.
Robots would get cheated on often and be very unhappy, even worse than now
Robot x Feminist is the power couple.
Fembots would cheat on robots for Chad. Divorce robots and steal half of their autismbux
Their kids would become school shooters
I'm gonna marry my cute robot bf. :)
This, but we all know that if you get a girl older than 12 you have a "shared woman" guaranteed. Women are whores and start whoring earlier and earlier these days.
Agreed fembots are just broken normal girls who will whore and cheat just like normal girls.
i don't want to get married, i don't want to have sex or kids or wear a white dress.
Fembots are just temporarily embarrassed Staceys
I've seen it before. Always ends in hurt feelings and unwanted pregnancies.
Very good user. Also original
When is the divorce and his inevitable suicide?
last time i checked you can't marry something that doesn't exist
Hopefully never desu
What's the female version of Chris Chan?
The horror! The horror! like the start of that book
My oldest brother
>literal genius IQ; OCD; thinks 7 hours of D&D is socializing; really, really, devoutly Catholic
Gurl he met
>literal genius IQ; high functioning autist; memorized the music cues and dialog of original SW trilogy to have something to talk about with strangers; such a devout Catholic she makes my brother look like Dawkins
To be clear, the rest of both families = not religious
They met when she was 19 & he was 22, got married in 9 months (I was 12 then)
Now, seven years later
>they go to church every morning; have 4 sons (all blonde & blue eyed); homeschooling the oldest (he is already confirmed a genius); host a D&D game once a month; really involved in their church, very popular there
That sounds kawaii 2bh.
femanons would hate us at first but slowly they'd start to like us then enough time passes they can't live without us
Lol, that's some massive cope.
"Fembots", if they existed (which they don't) would just get pumped/dumped by whatever the hottest Chad/Brad they can get then either join the single mother welfare system or simply beta bux a tall loser
Robots have absolutely 0 chance no matter what they do.
fuck off you aren't taking my delusions away from me
Sorry senpai, what I meant to type was "You are so right, I am sure your perfect GF is just around the next corner ;) :3 :D :)"
She was quirky cute before
>milk white skin, black hair, blue eyes, good hips, either broody somber face or million watt smile
But now?
>DD tits at least, always happy and singing, super sweet in a clumsy way
She dresses like a storybook in dresses with long hair in braid, and she went from
>how does a stove work?
>I custom grind my own wheat so my scratch biscuits are perfect, want more homemade pie?
I used to think he was crazy and it would fail, but here I am...
Weeeellllll there are two sides to this spectrum
1) You would have a power couple. Whether they are low inhib and function more or less like quirky normies (as described )
2) Insanely Toxic. Would drive eachother crazy and likely be the end of eachother (kind of like a Bianca situation I guess?)
But most likely you'd get two lonely souls with different levels of dysfunction that just get by. All relationships have their challenges, and these wouldn't be an exception, just that the problems in a robot relationship would be a bit different to normie relationships
Mannn you can't believe what I'd give for a wife like her
Jow Forums didn't exist when my parents were growing up, I can assure you that if it did they'd both have posted here so let me tell exactly what would happen.
They'd have one Chad son who joins the army, one robot son who repeats the failures of his father, and one emo/goth child.
It is a bad idea. Robots should stay alone and fembots should leave and get a normal boyfriend. These are simple facts.
This is right, I've dated some fembots before and have taken their v-cards and eventually broke up with them. I'm not a chad but you stop being a delusional retard
you don't deserve a wife like her, you have to meet the requirements of not being a degenerate
Story proves all robots should convert to Catholicism.
I wasn't always this way
I once was sorta normal
I was beaten into this path
Except all the girls in the churches around me are already taken or still riding the cock carousel
but how do you know? you're just assuming this.
She is an only child, dammit
My brother is trying to hook me up with a 16 year old from his church.
Her parents are twitchy, too.
All these really autismo families that are super-religious *work*. It makes me wonder - Is that proof god is real? The autismos are ok inside belief but even normies are fucked up outside...
You gotta get the quirky ones that believe on their own
This. If she is only in church cause her mom makes her she will just be another whore of Babylon. She has to want to be in church all on her own and even then it isn't a sure thing.
take responsibility for your actions, you are your own master, not some outer influences
They'd still be alone since fembots aren't real.
>tfw met a fembot on here
>super smart
>could talk for 12+ hours a day and still want to keep talking to eachother
>both really similar hobbies/music taste
>but long distance and she said she felt too panicky about it
Robots should marry fembots & go to church
>not realizing there are 5 robots for every 1 fembot
>not realizing that only the top 20% of robots would get any/get married
>not realizing every fembot would literally have their choice of their favorite of 5 even if this was done perfectly
>not realizing that any girl who comes to this board is very much aware of the demographics in terms of gender and takes advantage of it to get validation and her pick of the litter, even if it is among robots
have fun creating a situation where even on r9k there are a 20% of haves in terms of sex and 80% failures once again
>they STILL think women can be robots
Literally any girl no matter how fat, ugly, or deformed can get a guy of at least average looks by simply by existing.
It would ease the pains of such a harsh trip
as life would have meaning with a fembot to worship
PUAs count on retards to buy their lies.
You? Core audience
if you actually think there is a 50% split between males and females on r9k then you are hopelessly lost
No, fuckwit, I am mocking you for the 80/20 bullshit.
robots would rather orbit e-girls on discord, or jerk off to pornography
Because they're all married or clearly there to deal with the guilt of spending all week getting miles of dick
Where are these girls though?
I don't know where they are to date them
Robots are mean and have really high standards. It would be just settling for them and they secretly would want to still be with Stacy
twerk be bisexual eat hot chip and lie
>Robots are mean and have really high standards. It would be just settling for them and they secretly would want to still be with Stacy
I believe you have the genders swapped
Don't worry it happens a lot on r9k
I'm currently dating a fembot that I hope to marry eventually. Relationship works very well.
gay marriage is a hateful sin
also, people claiming to be fembots were born with a penis
also, SAGE
Not Stacey the bimbo part slut, but a woman with Stacey-tier looks who wears floral dresses and likes baking and gardening and has an "innocent" vibe about her.
>unwanted pregnancies.
But user, I want to impregnate a fembot.
>But most likely you'd get two lonely souls with different levels of dysfunction that just get by
this sounds nice
Seems like there's just too much femanon hate for the population to get used to the idea.
Also, the system is too broken because men won't unionize and just throw themselves at an decent woman giving them any selection they want instead of having a balanced dating pool. We have a wide population of girls that can get nudes from a guy with a single message because guys are just too eager. We men need to work together and fix the dating market too eradicate the ever-increasing amount of us who end up robots
Wouldn't work, females would still be able to pick the few chad looking robots and the rest would continue to be alone as always.
No way we'd be able to relate to any of those girls
I'm not sure why you'd think we would want them
There are attractive girls with mental problems. To me the definition of "Stacy" is a very attractive girl. With "secretly still want Stacy" I mean that you would secretly still dream of a very attractive girl who you can relate to.
>2 autist marry
>a child is born with superpowers
Most girls are attractive to me
But I only want someone who wants me
You're probably gonna be the one spending more time thinking about having an upgraded partner