Is anyone else grateful for Trump in a sense?

Is anyone else grateful for Trump in a sense?
I mean, here's this jewish puppet who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who was able to re-direct the energy of millions of well-meaning people.
He fooled them, he wasted their time, and now the west is worse off, and will continue to degenerate as time goes on, with or without him.
Trump was what the west deserves, in an unironic non-meme way. A total fraud who has accelerated the collapse of the degenerate west. MAGA.

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Has Donald Trump had his facial hair removed? It just occurred to me that I don't think I've ever seen him with even a hint of scruff or even slight beard shadow.

Assblasted libs on fucking suicide watch

It's not what the entire west deserve, though. Not everyone is as degenerate as the frenzied crowds you see at his rallies. In his presidency he's just put up more barriers to the world fixing it's shit.

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Kike sliders
Trump is exactly what we needed to start getting stronger. Israeli faggots are getting played for their vote. Boy do they love it when Israel gets money. We appease you subversive commies for now while we get the obvious communist shitbag dems ousted
I know what you filthy nose rubbers are up to
But still I support MAGA

Try again, you dull cunt.

Dems are commies you faggot
They are the same as the kikes. They're bringing the third world in to vote us to a communist shithole. Jews have been commies over for a hundred years, and the dems are under their total control
Kike slider

>Trump is exactly what we needed to START
>Boy do they love it when Israel gets money
>We appease you subversive commies for now
How can this much rationalization exist in one post? What about saving le western civilization?
You have already failed, and I am watching in amusement.

Oh you mean trump, who gave all the wall money to Israel. you must be autistic or something

Have you read any of Marx's works? Do you not realise how utterly wrong you are? Your Democrats are a lot of things, but communist is not one of them.

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>wall street puppets are commies
Jow Forums is a hell of a drug. kys deluded retard

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I'm grateful for him in the sense that the DNC is finally getting its comeuppance for being such a corrupt organization. However they don't seem to have learned their lesson after 2016...

I love politics, love voting, and am very liberal/off the spectrum in most of my views but between Biden and Trump, I don't see a difference between establishment shill and establishment shill.

In conclusion fuck the DNC for giving Bernie's spot to Biden. I'd rather have an incompetent moron in office than a DNC circlejerk.

return to the hive beta faggot

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There are hundreds of miles already done fucking idiot

What do you fags think the goal of open borders is?
First they replace you, then they take your guns, then they take your speech. If the dems won we would be on the path to the kike zone where all whites are physically enslaved instead of culturally. Trump will stop the flood of shitskins and will bring manufacturing and power generation back which gives us more money. You guys are more retarded than I am for replying to a slide thread started by kike shills

Nothing but love for my president. He's no different than any other president but he kept up the status quo so blatantly that Americans don't know what to do. If Hillary had won, we'd be going through the exact same shit, except no one would notice. They'd even celebrate this shit because it's coming from a woman.

If you read about what communist did you'll find that communist put faggots and gypsies on forced labour, that they thought that women should be mothers first than anything and that they loved to go on hours long rants about how the west was degenerate and how capitalism produced faggotry

>Vladimir Lenin, who led the Bolsheviks to power in the October Revolution, recognized the importance of women's equality in the Soviet Union (USSR) they established. "To effect [woman's] emancipation and make her the equal of man," he wrote in 1919
>The Soviet government of the Russian Soviet Republic (RSFSR) decriminalised homosexuality in December 1917, following the October Revolution and the discarding of the Legal Code of Tzarist Russia

This is your brain on McCarthyism. Get the fuck out.

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cry more republicuck shill, dems will win in 2020, say buhbye to your freedumz lmao

From a British perspective, Yang looks to be a genuinely appealing candidate. What do Americans think of him?

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all the west did was be complicit in the mass murder and overthrowing of latinos and middle easterners. and be the entire west i mean a few thousand reptilians in the pentagon, congress, and whitehouse we should really just lynch in the street.

Fuck off commie. Hfugdjdgh

Stalin banned homosexuality in 1933 and it lasted until the fall of the soviet union

he offers feasible solutions to real issues instead of racebaiting and fearmongering so he has 0% chance to win

B-B-But What's going to happen with my 1k NEET bucks

He did, but he was a shit excuse for a communist, and very few condone his actions. The Soviet Union was arguably the most progressive nation on the planet at its creation, sadly a lot of that was undone by Stalin.

almost building a fence on the border solved all the socioeconomic problems that the united states is facing now and which will exponentially escalate in the coming decades didn't it

>The typical "but it wasn't real communism"
Don't start again and for god's sake don't say that Trotsky was the good guy ( He wanted to launch a global revolution, meaning a World War). Both of them suck and they both were communist.

Trump is a savant. He will be one of the most studied presidents in history.
Possibly one of the last ones too.

I'll start this again as many times as it takes. The fact Stalinism is a distinct entity proves his stance was different, not to mention the fact Lenin was very personally against Stalin taking power.

idiot savant*

Stalinism is a word made up by Trotsky who hated Stalin because he convinced another party members to ally vs Trotsky who wasn't very liked in the party because he was arrogant

He looks better with a beard. Oregano.

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I would if I had confidence in America learning from this.
But I don't, so I just rue the decline of politics to a shouting contest with 4chanesque memes.

the guy on the right isn't a con though. Trump's entire character changes.

Jews control the government, Trump included.

no he is correct, and it's also the case that you are a disingenuous actor. dems want the govt to outweigh everything, except global homo corps like apple. it doesn't matter, they want to cause a revolution.
it's more like neo marxist because it's not about the working class, but also gays etc, the purpose of which is for the following: more importantly they want to obliterate all instances of historical particularity in human society, such as there being two genders. it's "revolutionary" because it wants to destroy everything normal that society has always been predicated upon, and to subvert every hierarchy so that there is only one main social body. socialist and communist are the same thing, with the practical reality being minute differences in stupid economic policy.
the totalitarian essence of communism remains essentially intact. what these fags don't get is that there will be the worst kind oligarchy sustained by orwellian public school gayness and big tech's ability to constantly watch everybody. everything is online, everything can be tracked. as soon they establish some sort of institutionalized precedent of complete domination, they're not going to give a shit about trannies or blacks, this is only the means to destroy everything and create a new world order that wins by default, because there is no other positive existence of society that can stand up to it.
one powerful line of sophistical rhetoric is that humans are essentially blank slates, but everywhere you find data the suggests otherwise. it's a big lie propagated by international capital and their faggy co-conspirators.
the nationalists are actually the good guys, if you do it right. that's the best way to realize human existence, with a harmonious society where 90% of people are on the same page as 90% of things.