What has your experience been like with psychedelics?
What has your experience been like with psychedelics?
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Fell for the nutmeg meme
Ate like 7 spoons, started hearing voices and then vomited 3 times on my floor and passed out.
you mean grocery store nutmeg?
is that a thing?
>What has your experience been like with psychedelics?
I really want to try
Absolutly horrorfying.
Made me confront every single ounce of negative build up that I have accumilated in my 25 years of life. It was so scary it gave me ptsd. Confronting your darkness is one thing but accepting it is something else entirely.
>Ate like 7 spoons
Took a microdose of lsd in college. It did absolutely nothing
They were great, saw the world in a new way. Everything was so beautiful. Would definitely recommend LSD and shrooms, never done DMT but want to try it.
None. Never had any. Never had tobacco or alcohol, either.
it didn't live up to my expectations, and i've taken some pretty stupid huge doses.
i've tried shrooms, 4aco dmt and 1p lsd a few times each.4aco dmt gives me horrible come up body load, and lsd makes all my muscles in chest and neck tighten up for pretty much the entire trip. i did 3 tabs my first time and was 14hrs of hell purely because of this.
regular cubes though gives me no bad side effects so i like it the most.
I did half a tab of lsd once I didn't see anything, I just felt very energetic happy and content
It was kind of amazing. I dropped a lot of acid from 17-19. But at the same time it was somewhat of a mistake. I plunged myself balls deep into it. And I think I kind of got lost inside and never fully made it back. The mind is always searching for boundaries and these kinds of drugs can change your perspective on the boundaries of life, sometimes severely. Not sure if I regret it, I learned a lot. But its painful. Feels like I have been alive for 50+ years despite being in my 20s.
>did 3 tabs ln first time
Lol literally your own fault
I'm tripping now. Took 300mcg lsd about 8 hours ago. It would be better with friends.
The real danger of psychedelics is having too *good* of a trip, because you might not wanna come back home again
Nothing but positive.
yeah if i had read somewhere this shit would happen, and that it would make the trip completely unsalvageable i would have known to lower the dose, but not once have i ever seen anyone complain about this anywhere on the internet besides myself.
I honestly did not find them that alluring. When tripping your mind wanders all over the place and to a lot of people that gives the feeling of enlightenment. But if you actually stop and try to force your brain to think about your thought and ideas seriously they turn out to be nothing more than surface level "im 14 and this is deep" tier stuff that simply feel like the answer to the universe in your drugged state. perphaps some other people do find enlightenment or some deeper insight/different perspectives but for me it was nothing truly lifechanging.
also as a purely recreational substance I think that hallucinations are cool and enjoyable but lsd or shrooms make me very introverted and I have supreme difficulty forming coherent sentences. Still fun occasionally with good friends.
Then the lesson you take away from that is start small THEN go large
Loved them. Ketamine, Mushrooms, Acid, ecstacy. All great experiences. Did them with friends in safe places. Best visuals = mushrooms. Best introspection = acid. Best I don't know wtf = ketamine k-hole. Used to go to museums/art galleries and the like on mdma, great fun. Never done them in a party/club scenario because I don't like that.
Haven't done anything in 10 years, but I've been thinking about trying again. Interested in 1p-lsd, since I don't know how I would get any hookups without using a research chem site.
I spend most of my time there discussing my misery with all the other acid casualties.
Don't fall for the hallucinogen meme. It's like playing Russian roulette with your brain.
>it's like playing russian roulette with your brain
This is a very apt way of putting it.
You don't need to resort to analogues, although 1p-lsd is biochemically indistinguishable. You can buy cheap, pure lsd (and basically anything else) on the darknet, although it takes some time to get all the technological pieces in place.
all the exchanges have been taken down, its near impossible now
Pretty based. I'm not a retard or schizo so it's the funnest drugs to do for sure
my DMT trip morphed everything i saw in front of me into an aztec-like dimension while insisting that the afterlife is real and that i should give up all skeptical sentiments.
it didn't even talk to me necessarily; it made me feel what it wanted to communicate to me while showing me these realer-than-real visuals. even looking down at my hands with fish-eye lens, i started questioning everything in my thoughts like:
"i can't believe this is happening to ME. it's touching the core of my being through my body... or maybe thats all i am. a body. who is user?"
still think about those thoughts from the trip to this day.
just bought 7 grams of shroms and 10tabs lsd how much do i take? also have a gram of molly
Even dream? Can't check right now but it's on lchudifyeqm4ldjj
Depends on your experience and your plans
only ever smoked weed, i plan to do mushrooms tmr with a friend and his gf how much for dossage is a good amount
how much of lsd should i take as a firsttimer if i just want basic visual trip?
depends on what your tabs are layed at
Not a real psychedelic apparently, but I did salvia a few times years ago. Everyone always says that they had a negative experience on it, but me and my sister had a fucking blast. Mine was an insane out of body experience into a dark void, and I slammed back into my body at the end going mach 5.
>tfw a bunch of old fucks in the state congress decided to make it illegal
I really want to try a real psychedelic, but I'm broke right now.
Tripped on a lot of drugs in high school but always did them in large doses
I took 4 gel tabs at once and sat in my room in complete silence starring at my ceiling during my peak and shit was so vivid and everything was moving since the walls were entirely covered in posters making the room feel larger than it was
About 3 hours into my trip I went to roam the neighborhood at night and I was seeing honeycomb patterns in the grass and what looked like tiny patterns of stick figures dancing in the asphalt
One of my best trips yet
The tabs were also estimated to be about 250-300 so needless to say my brain cells completely fried
Bad trip on acid. Freaked for days after whilst my mind recovered. Thought I was dead for most of it.
I would say drop 3 hits. A few hours into it eat 1.5 gram of mushroom, and snort a .1 line of M. You can adjust the amounts more or less based on how potent your shit is and how high you want to get.
About a year ago I had a very similar trip after I took 750ug of AL-LAD. Sat in my room in silence for while because the TV was getting overwhelming. I didnt notice any difference between regular acid and the kind I got, except for the honeycomb patterns I was seeing everywhere. Very intense trip that I cant remember much of. The memories are still coming back to me piece by piece.
pretty funny, i dropped acid for the first time today. 50ug. spent the day at wild beach with my best friend laughing and being overwhelmed by the stuff. its been 12 hours and i am just seeing colors funny. will definately try again with 100ug maybe 150ug if i am feeling daring
It's shit like this that makes me want to never do DMT. I have enough problems questioning reality as it is.
I mixed LSD with alcohol and blacked out for 6h during a festival. Apparently I danced the whole night, and when I woke up I absolutely freaked out because I thought time warped and the sun suddenly appeared.
The first half of my trip was great I had lots of fun with my friends but after 3 hours I blacked out and I could only remember feelings and dreams I had It was terrible. Brought out my worst fear, but I learned alot from the trip itself. I will never do it or anything similar because It moved me so much. The trip itself is 4/10 the mindset it gave me is invaluable
>have taken LSD around 7 times
>first few times took with a group of friends
>decide to take it solo
>literally alone with my thoughts, not sure if what im seeing or thinking is real at all
>just lay on the couch til my roommate shows up
the more I take it the less I like it, which is sad
i seem to get more bad trips than good ones now
maybe i'm just in a shitty place in life.
it's much less secure than when i first took acid
i've taken 200ug, 180ug, 300ug, 340ug, and 360ug
I'm a 180lb male, and I think the sweet spot is somewhere between 250ug and 300ug, not sure where yet.
if you want visuals take at least 250
Jezus christ user that feels relatable.
LSD can be nice. Did 150ug the other day. Was a typical psychedelic experience. Saw the red/blue haze. Saw the shifting patterns. Cognatively altered too and far more reflective.
150 is lightwork though. Going for 200-250 next time. These were certainly correct doses too, it's a comfy drug and its advised to mix with something else.
I#m and this is true I reckon. 150 is far more intense than weed but very controllable and mellow. 200-300 seems like it'd give you overwhelming visuals which seems like a good thing.
I don't think they are supposed to give you interesting ideas or intellectual insights. The "enlightenment" is more in the way it can help extinguish your thoughts and ego, which is usually an experience only people who are moderately experienced with meditation know.
Candy flipping (MDMA & LSD) was a bit too much for me but still a beautiful adventure (4 years ago) that I witnessed at night time in the woods...
Shrooms were a very controllable experience that I was able to enjoy to the fullest in a broad day light setting.
I've tried lots of acid and shrooms a few times
pretty fucking epic desu
I've had some of the strongest suicidal feelings in my life while on them but I do believe they were essential in basically saving my life from utter despair so I highly approve.
Where do you guys even find lsd? S. R. or just know a guy?
>What has your experience been like with psychedelics?
amazing with weed. lifelong improvements in my life too
>or just know a guy
yea pretty much
if this is bait, well done, i honestly couldnt tell.
if not, i have some news for you user..
Godammit I just want to do DMT but Im having no luck finding any. Am I really going to have to make this shit myself?
buy on dark net markets. easy as ordering from Amazon
for me it's the opposite. Weed makes me overthink things and LSD amplifies that effect. I always have a really unpleasant time if I try mixing them. The only bad trips I've ever had was because I blazed up while tripping. Weed and mushrooms go together well though
I want to take DMT but Ive never done anything else. Should I smoke weed first?
I've done LSD and mushrooms once each. I've also done LSA 3 times. Unfortunately psychedelics just make me fucking depressed.
it's really easy user, and i nearly failed chemistry in High School. not to mention that if you do find it on the street it's charged $10/point all the way up to 2g or so typically. Now compare that to your expenses/yield with DIY
Fucking crazy. Tripped lots. Tripping is great and unmatched but left me super exposed to redpills of various sorts and now very depressed. No regrets but it feels like pick your poison (take or no take).
Are there any good recipes/guides that you could refer me to? I know its made from tree bark but other than that Im clueless.
not him but just go to the dmt nexus for all the info on that.
Ah ok, thanks my dude
only done it once, mushrooms at Mountain Jam
accidentally rolled down side of said mountain while feeling like a marshmallow, messed up my ankle
when I was still in the lights, be it day or the lights of the vendors, it was magical
when I got into the pitch dark of the camp area, things got interesting
I wouldn't say it went bad, but I remember vividly thinking of myself as a wounded animal in the jungle
would do again
extremely positive
Absolutely terrible
I took like 2.5 grams of dried shrooms and they hit me like a fucking truck.
The "I" I knew completely went away and I was in this bizarre state of some inner childlike "me" perceiving this insane and unknowable universe.
At one point, I completely stopped perceiving reality and was stuck in this horrible loop in some strange other world. There was no time, there was nothing else but me, and all I'd ever experience was this agonizing disorienting flurry of emotions I've never felt before, and perceptions I've never perceived before hitting all five senses at once. And I could never realize what was going on, because the moment I came close to it I was slammed with the next "experience".
I felt that way for eternity. I had always been like that. I always would be like that.
And then I woke up hours later having pissed my pants and made a mess in my room.
And ever since I've never been able to look in a mirror or question reality, because I start becoming convinced that I'm not me, and that this world isn't actually reality.
I'm schizotypal though, that's a big factor.
Ate an eighth of mushrooms to trip alone in my room. Ended up going full caveman after falling asleep to music while tripping, waking up not knowing who/where/what anything is. Sliced two of my fingers open and got blood everywhere.
Shit's no fucking joke specially if it would be your first psych, as it would seem. Hope you're not a normie and would find the negative shit appealing. Nice knowledge, though.
LSD fucked my shit up, mushrooms fixed me. I'm still anxious about psych because they are so fucking powerful, they inspire so much respect it's spooky.
Yea, assuming I ever get to try it, it would be my first psychedelic. Most of the people Ive asked said I should try shrooms/LSD first before DMT. Perhaps I should. Ive read and listened to a lot of firsthand accounts about DMT and it fascinates me though. I really want to try it out and see if its really as profound as many say it is. From what Ive heard/read, it sounds like the experience can be equal parts terrifying and astounding.
Heyo, don't do DMT straight lmao. Even 200ug of LSD would fuck you up for your first time, DMT would put you in a psych ward for a few months lmao
That bad, huh? I have considered doing LSD to prepare myself. Guess I should try it out to build up my psychedelic tolerance.
I had done 25i a few times thinking it was acid (on my last trip i kinda knew it wasnt)
Then I wanted real acid.
My first time doing LSD i ordered 10 tabs (rip wall st market). 140ug each.
First Day:
One tab. I heard all this pseudo-science bs about it 'curing' depression and helping schizophrenia. I was 17 at the time. Dropped on a friday at about 11pm. All i remember was listening to F#A# infinity and the train sound on Dead Flag Blues scaring the shit out of me and seeming like it would never end. Also, I could hear every note in music as if i were hearing the spectrograph of it, I heard the reverberations.
Day Two:
I took two tabs. This one I have less of a memory of, other than i cleaned my room for two hours while tripping and blasting metal music.
Day three:
I noticed my tolerance was up from the previous two days of tripping and plunged deep. I took 6 tabs, and smoked about an eigth of my stash. My body felt not real. Nothing was real to me. It completely shattered any idea i had about the world. I realized work was pointless and akin to slavery, hated school, hated society. I fried a bit for that. My brain has never really been the same since.
Thats the extent of my psych usage, other than some light mushie dabbling for fun i did with my friend (nothing higher than a 4g dose.)
>That bad, huh?
Haven't you made some research about DMT? It's serious, it's not recreational.
Yea, I have looked into it pretty extensively. I guess Im just overeager to try it and am somewhat bummed that I need to prep myself by trying less intense substances first.
>Overall After:
Its shorter in a way. Became more aware of my surroundings slightly and colours for a time seem brighter. Found Christ after seeing a feeling a higher power on psychs. Not at first.
>Trippy sightings: Not in any order
On shrooms I tripped that I was in a wooden sphere and walked around like a hamster in a ball. Then was released and was filled with what I can only call "viking engrgy".
On Acid I fell face first into my bed listening to mac demarco (talk your shit) and saw this greenish blue (more green than blue) liquid and it was just so beautiful. Another time on Acid I tripped of seeing a wonderful art deco city in my heater with a woman dancing around a lightpost on the bottom. The bottom of the was an empty city street at night. It was so nice.
A time on shrooms I had a deep connection to the moon and it communicated to me just feeding me great knowledge of the world. A diffrent time on shrooms I listened to "night time at the switching yard" and flew threw the 70's seeing dance halls adorned in pistachio green and that tacky gold laminate that was popular for a time. I ate around 50 morning glory seeds and tripped a golden sphere being created infront of me and being folded open into a bunch of pyramids. Looking into the mirror on acid I saw a circle around my head and the words "ROSA LUXEMBOURG" carved into the wall behind me. The bathroom tiles were also forming from the face of Nixon to George Bush (the first).
>Is it good?
Yes absolutely
>Should you do it?
If you have a strong mind and have nothing you don't want to confront.
dont believe the fear mongering
dmt lasts like 10 minutes, not much can go wrong in that amount of time.
I did super huge dose of 25i back in 2012
Ordered 100 tabs of 1200ug
Then I ate two, smoked huge bowl of sativa and started walking in the night.
Trip got more intense as I walked, peak was when going trough a forest path, path looked like piano keys and they were lit up with neon colors
Clouds became a huge face, trees felt alive and real.
It was super scary at the Time, but I miss it
I'd say so, yeah. DMT is the most powerful psych on this planet as far as I know, and weed isn't even alcohol level of fuck you up, depending on doses of each of course. I'd say go weed, then shrooms or lsd, then go dmt if the others were fun.
Don't do drugs but tried lsd once, I remember feeling like I had a thousand conversations in 1 second. Anyone else experience this?
Get real drugs moron
LSA is no joke
How is it compared to lsd? I want to do acid but I have now way of getting it irl so I was thinking of just eating a shit ton of morning glory with weed
Mediocre. LSD was meh, nice day after feel is the best I can say about it.
Shrooms are shit and I actually regret taking them a bit, my ego was stronger before I let them kill it temporarily. Only positive there is that I threw out all my drug shit, including some mdma I was going to test, while tripping on them. (before spending the next 6 hours inbetween confusion and despair)
I ate a few caps once and thought I shit myself, so I spent over an hour frantically washing my totally clean boxers in the sink while my friends laughed at me for trying because it was so bizarre. I thought they were laughing at me for shitting myself. I saw a dirty, translucent film over the seat of my underwear that part of me must have suspected wasn't real, but I was paranoid and thought I was hallucinating that the boxers were clean. It was almost as bad as the time I got tricked into smoking spice.
Good and bad. I've never found it to "enhance my mind" or any of that bullshit.
x is better anyway.
i did a lot of lsd when i was 16-18 and now i feel like im not on the same wavelength as everyone else. like i cant focus on anything and im mentally stunted
that is probably the case but somehow im still able to make good grades and all that. have been and prob always will be a sperg though. im 'the quiet guy'
Spoken like a true retard that's never tripped
Not sure why robots seem to love psychedelics so much. Every experience I've had just brings up my faults to max and I sit there feeling shittier than I usually do only I can't talk or move for 5 hours.
I'll stick to beer, thanks.
Try candy-flipping (LSD + Extacy). It basically forces a good mood for the trip, especially with friends. Otherwise, if you are doing them alone or just feel like you have heavy neuroses getting in the way, it's totally fine to avoid them. I dislike psychedelics myself, but I know that there are ways to have a good time with them.
After taking a lot of acid before trying mushrooms I can say I'm not a fan, but I could just not be taking enough, I feel like I can fight off the call of nature for the mushrooms to take over, but with acid there's no amount of fighting you can do, you're fucked up
Completely opposite for me, i used to be a fucktard
Then i did acid, and i've never had it easier with humans, i've somehow learned to "tune into their wavelenght" without even trying
So my experience with acid has been amazing
Sure it made me wonder what existence is, but it helped me understand humanoids much easier
>Asking a bunch of semi-derranged retards how they felt on a drug that makes them face their problems.
Yeah, you aren't gonna get a lot of positive reviews.
Psychadelics aren't to be fucked with. If you are taking them cause you hope something in your mind will magically fall into place and click and suddenly your life will start getting better, that's not how it works. Psychs will sit your ass down and make you realise all the shit you are doing wrong, if you aren't prepared to hear that, then maybe you already know the stuff in your life that needs fixing.
Don't be in a rush to do psychedellics. If you do end up doing them and you like them, indulge in them infrequently.
Treat them with the utmost respect. Do your research and make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. If you are predisposed to schizophrenia, avoid them. Personally I've done acid about a dozen times at doses from 80 - 350 ug and loved it.
If you really wanna do it and have done all the required reading on erowid.org, make sure your set and setting is okay at least. Do some deep reflection, meditate on how you truly feel. If you feel turmoil in your current state, psychs could definetly amplify it. That being said, it's hard to pick the perfect time to trip. I've had some days where I've planned a trip with my friends and said fuck, I don't want to do acid today, then taken it and had a total blast. My last trip was fucking awesome, we went to a secluded beach town to a little shack, just the three of us, did 250 ug. Wasn't my most introspective trip but every time I do it I'm reminded at how beautiful shit really is. LSD is easily my favourite substance.
Bottom line, be careful, have friends that you truly trust and can be open with, cause if they aren't cool, your trip won't be. If you have no one you can truly trust, that's fine, keep a xanax in a place you wont lose it just in case.
I spent my whole experience on LSD (2 tabs) cleaning up vomit because the trip-sitter got bored and started slipping way too many vodka shots to my friend who was also tripping. They did not mix well and he projectile vomited, and the sitter made me clean it out of his shag carpet even though it was his fault. Having to clean sobered me up pretty quick. For a moment, it was the most immaculate puddle of vomit I had ever seen, but I just kind of shook it off and started focusing on cleaning the mess and making sure my friend was okay.
That sounds like a horrible time..
Took shrooms with alkaline water and ate Papa John's pizza.
It was longest 8 hours I've ever had in my life. All senses of perception were gone, lost all feeling in my body, and just went along for the ride. Kinda don't want to know what even my psychosis was.
The friend I did it with though, his psychosis was blind fury and was close to destroying shit in the house. Was crippled with fear that I was gonna die, cause I felt like I was in some sort of mental asylum, surrounded by dangerous people and moving shadows.
Nonetheless though, I did feel some sort of transcendence.
Pretty good i'd say, DMT has taught me alot about myself
Sure it put words on feelings that are supposed to be learned through-out your life, and near the end of your life
But i really did enjoy my DMT trips, it made me understand my depression, my anxiety, and made me more open as a person
I'm still reaping in the benefits 2 years later, the friendships i make a stronger and has much more depth
I feel alot more comfortable in my own skin and mind, and i'm way better spotting my thoughts and putting a stop to them
Depression used to take me so deep down, it felt like i never was able to get out of it
DMT showed me why i was depressed, taught me to grief, taught me to be me instead of letting my depression/anxiety riddled mind choose who i was
LSD is a nice timewaster if i wanna trip a bit, watch a trippy movie, trip out on some music, or get inspired to draw
A good K-hole is also pretty chill with some good ass electronic music
But if i wanna know myself it will always be DMT i go to
Take DMT one time and you don't have questions left to do it again, i can go over 5 years before doing DMT again
Whereas LSD/shrooms always leave me a bit confused, and tend to do it multiple times over the year to fully understand the questions and answers