It's so hard to find a shy...

It's so hard to find a shy, cute gf online because we live in a society where any girl on the internet gets a million orbiters and you instantly get discouraged sifting through the trash until you get her attention, fuck this gay world

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or you could go outside

>he thinks shy girls make it known that they're girls online
there really is no hope for him

It's kind of sad yet also hilarious when I see nerds and losers on Jow Forums fantasising about a "cute shy gf" when shy girls have exactly the same dating preferences as normie Stacy girls. There are literally zero girls in the world who want a loser bf.

You're either a girl or a whiteknight. Pls be my psycho gf.

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it's because you orbit e-girls you spineless gimp

Just wait till he finds out that most of us here dont even like guys

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>still uses gay as an insult
Unironically Are you 13? You limp dick cuck

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Holy oof YIKERS ur cringe fag

Your real problem is that you want to find your shy gf online. And do you know why you want to find her online?

Because it's a) less effort and b) less scary.

But unfortunately for you the OTHER lazy and cowardly guys all had the same idea, so the competition online is huge.

>This isn't fair! I should be able to get a shy, cute gf while making no effort and taking no risk!

Sorry homes.