Honestly this describes your typical Chad more than it does an incel. So why are we the ones who get called psycho?

Honestly this describes your typical Chad more than it does an incel. So why are we the ones who get called psycho?

Attached: psychopaths and sociopaths.jpg (927x862, 128K)

I had an ex girlfriend text me after three years when I cut her off just stopped speaking to her and ask if I was a sociopath but I definitely show remorse for what I have done and can feel it for certain things rather than other

because high status members of society are more well liked so people have a positive bias towards them. This is a rhetorical question and you obviously know the answer

>I had an ex girlfriend
fuck off normalfag before I find you and fill your skull with high velocity lead

Attached: seunghecho.jpg (468x396, 35K)

It's all projection by normalfags on behalf of alphas.

>As those with many personality disorders, those with ASPD believe there is nothing "wrong" with them, the issue isn't as serious as it truly is, and/or everyone else has a problem, not them.

It worries me that I would probably be diagnosed with ASPD just because of my outward symptoms even though it is very far from the truth, I feel great amounts of empathy. Psychology is a spook, psychology just calls whatever is currently politically convenient to call a mental illness, a mental illness.

Dude, didn't you hear the news? The normalfags run r9k now. Posting shit like this doesn't do shit to them, they don't care because they can do what they want. I used to be like you and would try my best to reply to them with shit like what you posted, but it's just not worth the effort.

because it's only hot when Chad and Tyrone do it.

Is that fucking medic

My friend is a chad and he is totally heartless to anyone who isn't his friend. To my group of friends he is willing to do anything, including the ilegal, as he has already done in the past. But he doesn't mind fucking guy's wife. I love that guy, best friend you could ever ask.

And the spy

Because "psychopaths" and "sociopaths" are formal terms that get tossed around and treated as informal buzzwords.

Kind of like how "pedophilia" is a sexual disorder that makes one attracted to prepubescents (people typically ages 6 - 12). But "pedo" gets thrown at anyone who show an interest into an individual younger than them (even if that individual is of legal age to consent).

Kek, underrated
But originally

Sociopaths are absolutely Chad's psychopaths on the other hand are manipulative manlet beta's. Stalin and Hitler were sociopaths and the guy's who made up their inner circle were psychopaths like Himmler Goebbels Beria and kruschev.

Read a book nigger Himmler was the most beta guy in the entire third reich. A real robot whose lack of romantic and social success led him to join the nazis. He was a good boy and just followed orders when he was executing scum.

Attached: himmler.jpg (170x240, 8K)

i am a sociopath it feels good I just do my own thing and dont need friends and can break up with girls easily I like hurting them

now 3 years ago I wouldn't have been like this

Yeah that's a typical voter. Is that suppose to be shocking?

some day this will catch up to you

be worried now or you may not survive that moment when it comes

t. fellow sociopath

wait your self realizing of this how?

>wait your self realizing of this how?

being alive for several decades

>the chad psychopath vs. the virgin sociopath

Spotted the incel.

Fucking pathetic.

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Chads are psycopaths who know how to make people love them, incels are sociopaths unable to function in the world around them.

No its completely made just like most mental illnesses. I think its meant to coral everyone into one way of thinking.

Almost everyone that every lived could be called a sociopath. The Romans watched people hack each other to death for entertainment. The term is irrelevant as is all mental ilnesses if they describe normal human behavior.

>the chad sociopath vs the virgin psychopath
there, fixed it for ya
psychopaths have to use words like fucking betas

The only difference between these bitter incels and the american psycho CEO types are looks

Psychology is bullshit, I've been called a sociopath or psychopath constantly but I'm really only just a massive remorseless dick

My first though

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Virgin Sociopath VS Chad Psychopath