>be me
>taking summer classes at my uni
>never had gf
>not necessarily due to ugliness, mainly because i'm an autistic retard
>i don't think i look too bad but i'm probably biased towards myself
>be bored in class
>doing essentially nothing, just waiting for it to end
>qt3.14 black girl walks up to me
>she's popular and shit and has a large friend circle
>in contrast i'm an autistic loser who has no friends
>"hey, what's your name"
>i tell her my name
>*chuckles* "okay, user. you're tall!"
>"i know"
>she continues to ask me shit like the types of music i like or my favorite activities
>i nearly always respond with 1 word nonchalant answers because i'm shit at holding conversations
>i'm pretty sure i overheard her telling one of her friends that i was attractive
>i clearly see that she's interested in me at least a little bit but i'm too autistic to do anything about it
>i don't use social media and we never exchange numbers
>regardless, this continues for about 2 or 3 more weeks
>same old conversation attempts
>"user, why are you so pale?"
>"i don't know"
>"you must have low melanin in you. do you know what melanin is?"
>"uhh yeah. that's what determines skin color isn't it?"
>"yeah" *chuckles* "whiteboy!"
>see opportunity for joke
>"yeah okay, nigger!"
>a few minutes pass by then class ends
>she stopped talking to me after that
>it's been one week
>she hasn't spoken to me since
why the fuck am i so autistic. it's time for the rope i guess.
i'm going to die alone.
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
People will tell you comedy is about timing. They're wrong. Comedy is actually all about perspective. My point: it's funny, exactly because because I'm not you. Get fucked
Damn you're a fucking a retard dude, such wasted potential
>you need some melanin in you
what an absolute alpha i think that was a pick line, she was going to femdom you hard
you are a fucking lad for saying this and not getting reported to the police for hate crime
I REFUSE to believe this actually happened originally
user has terminal stage autism. Hes beyond help
just a bit on the spectrum
>no blackpills to swallow
>considers roping over SHIT HE CAN CHANGE
I don't know how changing your autistic tendencies will work. You could get so much help with that but Chad suicides should be more illegal.
you fucking retard you might as well kill yourself