Any Chads here...

Any Chads here? Do you avoid associating with robots because they are a social and sexual liability that will lower your status? We're losers and I know you don't need a downward comparison prop to make yourself look better, but I wonder if having us around and being seen with us might make you miss out on pussy. I'm never getting any pussy myself. It wouldn't be just a matter of being seen with any of us, but our lifestyles would clash. I wouldn't be able to go along on fun adventures and be around people. I'd drag you down. I'm sure you'd start getting horny and want to go fuck someone, so you'd have to part ways pretty quickly to go get some pussy.

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Half the chads on this board has been here longer than you

What does that have to do with the question? It's irrelevant since the question was for Chads, not about how long Chads have been here

Guess I am a nigger Chad definitively, only been dating white or non black girls since I split with my ex. I just like hanging out with racist white people and shooting the shit always have since I was the only black lad in a white suburb that wanted to alienate prospective Hispanic residents

As long as you are white I usually get along

Girls who send vids like this are the worst, like holy shit put at least a little fucking showmanship into the deal for christ sake

I don't mind spending time with you sharing the hobbies that we share, but considering you seem to be already fully aware of your autism (diagnosed or not) and your discomfort with social situations, even though I invite you to social events you decline.

So it works. Keep it up.

not really, no. would definetly befriend some of you guys... fuck whatever the others may thing

I'm pretty much a total loser outside of having a job. Chads are usually some of the most friendly people i meet. It's more the typical betas who will put you down, or not associate with you to feel better about themselves

i have a black friend and he always talks to racist white people. Most fun convos he says

I guess I'm a chad, but the idea that a NEET dude who's 5'5 who likes makeup and weeby interests could have plenty of sex with girls is enough to send robots into conniptions

Chads are nice to everyone, even robots. Every robot has a story of when Chad tried to bring a robot into the group, or was a sudden wingman who talked him up in front of a girl

how do you do it? And what many? Also are they ugly?

>takes the drip from her anus and puts it on her vulva
Soooo unhygienic.

>Every robot has a story of when Chad tried to bring a robot into the group, or was a sudden wingman who talked him up in front of a girl
Yeah, no

passion, charisma, and style, i suppose. willingness to adventure and present how i like. as for the girls i've been with, they're not ugly, no. they're not bleach blonde "trad wives" tho, but i've never even been attracted to that. i like artsy types, rebels, dreamers...

I hate admitting I'm a chad but I get called one by a lot of women in the know. It's awkward but I guess I have to accept it to some degree. I like robots, my current part time job while at uni surrounds me with people who I assume are also robots. The idea of robo chad is hilarious to me but I'd be happy to answer questions for robots seeking advice. I've helped some get laid, had MFM threesomes with them and all kinds of other crazy shit. I generally like most people and try to get along with people and invite them to groups and introduce myself to them and others at parties.

I agree. Once got stoned surrounded by white frat boys and started talking about niggers, all of my best friends are just racist white guys that like to smoke, drink, watch sports and talk niggers.

This makes me wonder... what the hell are you doing here? You got a job and seem pretty social.

The OP is some kind of bisexual cuck fetishist looking to be bullied by a dude LARPing as an alpha male.

Sadly I can detect this sort of thing.

Contrary to you retarded, incel belief, r9k isn't about effeminate men that can't get laid

Chad here, i surround myself with betas so that i look even more chad in comparison

suburban black people who think theyre messing with racist white people are the jered leto jokers of black people

I dont think Im messing with people I just think talking about niggers with my white racist republican rebel army and frat friends is hilarious. I only have a select few black friends due to proximity

Not a chad but I avoid robots because most aren't pleasant people to be around for any extended period of time.
Tons of self-victimization and "le self-depreciation and passive aggressive comments means I have a sense of humor, right?" too, neither of which I can stand.

>Do you avoid associating with robots because they are a social and sexual liability that will lower your status?
nah, when i was younger i would always invite them places. they never came.
>We're losers
people treat you the way you treat yourself.
>and I know you don't need a downward comparison prop to make yourself look better, but I wonder if having us around and being seen with us might make you miss out on pussy.
nope. i've helped get a few finally dudes laid. pussy isn't everything my man.
>I'm never getting any pussy myself. It wouldn't be just a matter of being seen with any of us, but our lifestyles would clash.
one of my best friend's was a robot. all he did was play vidya and blow shit up in his back yard back when we were in middle school. he got expelled for holding his family hostage with a shotgun. i don't really care how different people's lives are. he's never, not even once, or as a joke, did anything harmful towards me. what matters is the bond that's built. knowing that you'll have one another's back. that's all that matters. none of the shit he did made me look down on him. not once.
>I wouldn't be able to go along on fun adventures and be around people. I'd drag you down.
reciprocate my dude. we're always down to hang out with you and do what you want to do if you come hang out with us and do what we want to do. it's give and take. nobody is dragging anything down.
>I'm sure you'd start getting horny and want to go fuck someone, so you'd have to part ways pretty quickly to go get some pussy.
is this larp? if anyone ditches you to get some pussy, they're not chad nor are they anything remotely close to what you could call a friend. i've outright heisman'd hoes for trying to "leave the group" to do shit like that. it's not cute nor am i going to sacrifice time with bros to get something that i could get whenever i wanted.

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The issue with most r9kfags isn't that they're losers.
It's that they're losers AND cunts.

chad here. i don't hang on Soc and R9K to compare myself with losers, rather to laugh at them because they haven't figured out how easy the real life is. I don't need the ego boost, i just do it for my own entertainment.
Also you serve as great exemples of things that one should never do in order to get pussy or friends.

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>rather to laugh at them because they haven't figured out how easy the real life is.
at least you're honest about your looks getting you anything you want in life
>Also you serve as great exemples of things that one should never do in order to get pussy or friends.
Yea rule number 1, don't be ugly.

This would have been my guess. Mediocrity kills you, if you find your niche you can chad around art thots all you want

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No. Girls love me cause I'm me, not cause of who I associate with. They don't really even know who my friends are

This kills me when fags do it and they think it makes their shortcomings ok. It doesnt girls dont like it kys fag

This is just dumb kys fag nigger

something wrong "Chad"? Did I strike a nerve? Drop the false pretences and accept reality. You're not charming. You're not charismatic. You're not much of anything apart from good looking and that's all that matters in this world. Don't delude yourself by believing you've achieved anything. Your parents and genetic combination do all the work for you.

except it doesnt. Attitude & self confidence get me further, but losers like you always find excuses to avoid facing the harsh reality: you're alone and unloved because you deserve to be alone and unloved.

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I love to hang with robots, most chads are boring as fuck to talk to, also i'm overt the pussy hunting and set, so i don't give a shit about how anyones company makes me look like.

nice cope Chadlet. Attitude and self confidence only get you so far. If you are legitimately a 1/10 you better have money because the odds of you getting laid are astronomical. I'm alone and unloved because of an unfortunate set of circumstances that made my brother attractive and me ugly. Seriously I see this time and time again. Self proclaimed "Chads" and normalfags legitimately think they've got some kind of skill or some kind of mental edge over everybody else when in reality they just got lucky with their looks and it's doing 90% of the work for them.

Attached: delusionalnormalfags.png (1280x736, 462K)

keep looking for excuses loser, you'll never grow that way

~35 bodycount chad here
we used to have a robot in our friend circle
he would immediately get attached to and stalk any woman who's contact information he could get his hands on, at which point he would start self harming over his unrequited "love" and guilt trip his targets
he even went as far as to go through all our Instagram followers to harass any hot girl he could spot, including one guy's girlfriend to which he sent a fucking bible of owo erp sex shit, he was fully aware they were dating
his idea of interacting with others was entirely limited to regurgitating fucktard reddit alt right beliefs, under the delusion that he would somehow prove his worth by spewing asinine extremist shit to ascertain some superiority over his undeserving victims
let me break it down for you, being different doesn't make you better or superior to anyone, no one gives a shit about delusional opinions you've spent half a decade polishing on your favorite political subreddit
decent individuals don't feel the need to bring other people down to feel better about their evidently lacking selves, even among us normies there are people all across the political spectrum... but what does that mean to us?
absolutely fucking nothing as no one among us thinks their bullshit stances are worth more than the other person's company
robots have zero respect for women nor men alike and are fully convinced they're god despite being offputting, self serving rejects
we've given you chances over and over but you lack the self awareness to let go of your ego and change for the better
neither me nor any of my friends would give a shit about hanging out with a virgin, it's the fact that you people behave horrendously towards others and disrespect everyone that makes people reject you

do you actually like them? do you find some unspoken respect despite their view on race?

rule number 1, don't detach yourself from reality with internet cult thinking
I've spent 11 years on this shit website, far longer than you dipshit lookism lingo queers, and in spite of that self reflecting on how I treated other people helped me change from a robot loser to having friends eventually
I'm a 4/10 at best with a crooked face and feminine features

That looks disgusting, user.


ruined my breakfast OP