These are the THREE things you MUST have if you want to be a Chad. You need at least TWO to be DECENT, while also not being too skinny or fat. If you fail both HEIGHT AND FACE, FRAME alone will not save you. Likewise, HEIGHT or FACE alone will not save you.
HEIGHT - must be at LEAST 6'. 5'10-5'11" is average. 5'9 and below have already FAILED this requirement. Above 6'4 is LANKLET TIER and to most women you will have FAILED, but it is better than manlet.
FACE - cannot be UGLYL WEAK CHIN, poor SYMMETRY, doe eyes, etc. SELF-EXPLANATORY.
FRAME - many people think you can just lift to fix this, but you CAN'T. Frame is GENETIC and if you have a skinny frame you will ALWAYS be a SKINNY BETA. A Chad or any average person with a good FRAME will NEVER need resort to being a gymcel, if they ever even go ONCE. They just do PUSHUPS while YOU spend COUNTLESS HOURS in the gym.
Lifting is POINTLESS if you have FAILED in 2 or ALL THREE of the above categories. Don't be a PATHETIC GYMCEL.
>arbitrary rules so I can call myself a Chad Lmao. There are no 'rules' to being a chad, if you need to try and follow some of them or make up your own ones then you're not one.
Anthony Turner
You also need a personality. I have These 3 thing but no personality. Girls go full contact on you but you can't do anything.
CHAD doesn't need PERSONALITY LMFAO. He just sits around and eats PIZZA and fucks your ONEITIS while YOU are trying to """improve yourself""" (aka trying to make yourself look good just to get your DICK WET)
Xavier Morales
Wtf are you talking about? You're ugly right? Girls always try to speak to me. So many girls asked me out. So many girls harrassed me sexually. If you can't talk to girls they'll think you're uninterested. They'll try hard but if you can't talk to them after that they'll go away.
It's easy to talk to girls, if you have HEIGHT, FACE, and FRAME. It gets harder with only TWO of those, but possible. ONE or NONE of the three and you are a GENETIC FAILURE and NO amount of lifting or ""self-improvement"" will EVER change that FACT, gymcel.
Liam Lopez
OP isn't wrong but after say about 25 being a chad becomes overrated and you're back to reality. Unfortunately I died when I was 21.
Ethan Rogers
Ok so girls trying to have a long conversation with me and me only answering with "yes" "ok" is me trying, right? Incel. Most women aren't whores who'll jump on your dick instantly. Few will touch your dick to indicate they want it but if you can't talk to them then gameover.