Rim a black male
Rim a black male
You gotta be at a really low point in life to eat a black guys asshole
Why are they so superior to ((us))?
Posted by:white Americans gang
What does black asshole taste like?
that will be a negatory from me lad
Every time I see a pic like OP I imagine it is dirty
I never wanted to try it until I watched a dickdrainers video. They make it look so fun
AIDS and watermelon
I dont want to try it all unless I meet a white girl that loves me like Jane loves Tarzan. It is kind of hard to imagine kissing somebody on the lips or having a conversation with them knowing they licked out your shitter though
Lol I have ate my ex wife I had been with a long times ass when we were still kids but barely prodded it with my tongue plus little girl shit flakes are a lot less toxic than grown nigger shit chunks