Be me, mid-to-late 20s

>be me, mid-to-late 20s
>finally get mse and banking it
>one of the go-to engineers in this town
>paid off loans, got my first house, everything is set
>meet qt3.14 who's from my home country
>village isn't far from mine, either
>she's finishing her medical degree, and poised to intern at a nearby hospital
>we hit it off in no time
>after a few dates and hiking trips, our relationship becomes official
>ffw few years
>third anniversary, got her a promise ring, she's banking it at the hospital, and I'm still killing it at my job
>everything's exactly how I wanted it to be; could not be happier
>american dream, lol
>lately, she met this one guy who stuck out to me
>white, late-20s, slightly overweight, musician, still lives with mom
>don't know why he's sticks out to me, but because of details above, don't see him as a threat
>they seem good friends, so why care?
>over time, she's more cordial towards him
>they text almost always
>mostly cringy memes from reddit or imgur
>but, again, don't see him as a threat, so don't pay it any mind
>eventually, she's more distant
>not as enthusiastic to see me
>texts me less; and what messages she sends are brief and to the point
>no longer the eager and rhapsodic writing that characterised her style
>no more of the emojis and typed out :))), etc
>they resemble more of what I send my employees than friend or family
>soon, she's not as bubbly or jubilant as before; treats me like a passerby than anything else
>doesn't want to cuddle or get sexy in bed
>still lives in my house, but her presence feels non-existent now
>finally, come home to her with packed bags and suitcases
>says she's leaving me for the white guy, and that she's in love with him
>my brain 404s, as I can't see why'd she choose such a loser over an engineer making six-figures
>but soon she's gone
>like that. forever

Anyone else? I think I'm finally seeing what misogynists and robots are talking about.

Attached: brain-404.gif (220x287, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what race are you?

you were a fool. if someone got lovey dovey with my girl i would fuck them first to assert my dominance.

I feel bad for you user, let that bitch go, she will come begging at you in no time, when that happens remember she didn't hesitated to replace you with a fat redditor neck-beard.

hang in there OP.
time heals.

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who gives a fuck

Did she have a bad relationship with her father?
If so, don't even feel bad.

you didnt treat her as property. he did. thats why she left bro. you were being too beta towards her.

Youre probably uptight and too smart for her or maybe made her work too hard or had too high of expectations for her. Sounds like she left for a low-pressure relationship. Youre probably too goal or mental-health oriented. Its not fun when you think everything through and cant go with the flow. He is probably a total loser and she likes that

>"she should love me because I make six-figures!"
Looks like you were a misogynist from the start. There are plenty of gold diggers around though, so don't sweat it OP.


>imagine being such an asshole that a woman leaves your 6 figures for someone who lives with their mum

>she ““met”” some guy

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>Be me
>Post this on reddit
>Get that sweet karma

girls are technology

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you might be a dick
we dont know
Also, girls dont leave if the sex isnt better

sorry. You should just face that now and get it out of the way.

Youre probably a great guy and youll meet someone just keep doing your thing, loving yourself and stay approachable and positive. Everyone deserves to be happy

The heart wants what the heart wants.

You're from the same village, both very similar, etc....

Its honestly no surprise she left for something new and possibly exciting.

That other guy might have a lot characteristics you dont. To you he is a looser to her he is the opposite

3 years is not that much. Especially in your twenties. There are people out here suffering 9 year losses and even 15 or 20.
Its fine. Youre fine. Get a tinder date to bounce back, take her to sushi and let her talk the whole time. Youll feel better.

I reside to believe this happened in the way OP presents it. OP is probably bad in some way, or the other guy actually looks ultra handsome.

>posts anime
>claims to make six figures

yeah, ok. Maybe in your hentai fiction but I aint' buying it.

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You fucked up somewhere and didn't recognise it, or perhaps did recognise it, and didn't do anything about it. So she left you and moved on to the other guy. That she didn't move out physically is irrelevant. She didn't "leave you for the other guy". She left you. And moved on to the other guy.

Race mixing is wrong user, she finally realized that after her friend introduced her to TRS

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>the virgin engineer vs the chad neet-musician

This is fine. It happens. Depending on how you see it, it's not even a problem. Don't try to find a culprit, it's all positive.

Another animetard incel alt right redpill LARP post

Have sex

I'd laugh were it not so painfully true.

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How can it be alt right if he's not a white guy

It’s a LARP, it’s a seething white weeb incel.

post is full of clues as to why. OP is just some autimo retard or literally a dime a dozen asslord no one actually likes.

>6 posters in this thread.
>26 posts
really user?

>treating women like property
women are like wild animals and unless you keep feeding them attention they will eat your balls


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>you fell for that bait
really user?

>in a relationship for a few years
>living together
>not married
>no babies
>get promise ring, not engagement ring, to let her know she can just keep waiting
Time is ticking by.
Is she supposed to wait forever?
Be more traditional if you want her to be.

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>called out for inaccuracy
>"nuh uh! I was just pretending!"

>home country
>doctor GF

Pajeet, my son?

And have her run away with half his money, th3 kids and the house?
Ask me how i know you're underage

I'm not the faggot who baited you, I just pointed out you're an even bigger faggot for replying to obvious bait.

If she were a gold digger, would things have turned out how they did?

This. If you live in a country with strict laws about that kind of stuff, woman gets the house and money, etc., just do not bother doing it. Even a perfect angelic innocent woman can flip.

music master race
git gud

>run away with the kids
You're saying that as if kids were somehow an asset.

This is the technology board, not the sob story board. I think you're looking for

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the fuck is a promise ring? a pretend engagement ring for kids?

this. op fucked up and is a narcisisst, probably more in love with himself than with gf

>OP: I hate women
>also OP: Cant understand why she left me

You often have pay way more for them in child support than you would if you had them. Brendon Fraser had to pay $900000 in alimony every year.
It can have various meanings but for a guy in a 3-year relationship earning 6 figures it's a way to let her know she isn't getting married.


Are you and your gf asian OP? If that is the case, then that explains it.

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>finishing her medical degree

Who would see this as a good thing?

>I'm not the faggot who baited you
>replied anyway

>A Purity Ring is a promise to remain pure until marriage. It is a commitment between the couple to engage in abstinence until marriage. The ring serves as a reminder to the couple as they struggle to keep strong to their commitment.
geez, is it that hard for normalfags to not have sex?

>Jow Forums - Blogshit and Faggotry

A fucking promise ring after THREE YEARS of it becoming official?

You know, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say she made the right choice leaving you. You're a whiny insufferable faggot. She can do better. She doesn't even need your money because she makes good income on her own. You are worthless. With any luck you're employer will see you as equally as worthless as she did and will terminate your ass and put you out on the street where people like you belong.

>>my brain 404s, as I can't see why'd she choose such a loser over an engineer making six-figures
Not all women are greedy whores. Some just want a nice, entertaining man.

whoever made that image missed a spot while redacting

shoulda dropped her as soon as she started texting that guy dumbass

she left cause you're boring

lmao imagine living inside this bitch's head.

Is this r9k? Jump off a bridge, you dumb faggot.

I hope you're just larping, OP but just in case you aren't then it's really simple. You are stable and reliable but she now finds you boring. The new guy is exciting for her and that's why she left you for him. Provided nothing successful happens to that musician then she will leave that guy too for someone else. Hypergamy is a bitch.

It's a hard pill to swallow but the simple reality is that if a woman's pussy starts tingling for another man she doesn't give a single fuck about any rational argument about why it's a bad idea and why she will regret it later. They are extremely animalistic in that respect and very few of them can resist. If you really care about having a lasting long term relationship the only thing you can do is make sure you always improve yourself. Even if you're successful in your career that's not enough. You still need to have interesting hobbies and constantly keep her entertained and surprised, just like you would a child. Personally I think all that bullshit is to much trouble and I'd rather just use prostitutes for sex and a dog for companionship. Women have no sense of honor or duty or responsibility, just the sad reality of life.

>still got the girl
Bad news OP.
He's packing over 7 inches...

holy fucking yikes kys

Yes, chads and Staceys don't understand how to practice abstinence or jerk it to porn as they always made fun of "loser incels who retreat into fantasys". Thus they commit life ruining decisions and fuck themselves metaphorically as they get fucked literally. Then the number of weak willed stupid morons with poor impulse control increases as they breed. Look at how normalfags call everyone that abstains from sex virgins/incels. Anyone who uses virgin as an insult is a moron in this cycle, and anyone that incorrectly conflates incels with virgins likely is as well.

girls bad

Honestly guys who aggressively hit on girls who are already in a relationship are the fucking worst. If they are GIGA chads it's okay. But the manipulative and physically weak type who does that shit are some of the worst people i can imagine.

Indian men are the male equivalent to black women.

You're the least desired male. An Indian 10/10 male has the same sexual value as a white 6/10.

black 10/10 > white 9/10

Black men are behind whites and some Arabs(Persians mostly). Still fairly desired. Latinos can potentially be more attractive, but the amount of non goblin Latinos is low.

god i wish that were me

Chins up man. Don't think of it as losing her, think of it as dodging a bullet.
I've literally seen this situation play out, what I predict, is that starry-eyed sensitive musician guy is months from fucking the next gal who comes, along, if not already doing it.
In the coming months, she'll realize what a colossal mistake she has made, and will come back to you crying.
Whether you take her back in is up to you I guess, but I'd advise against it.

She did not take your house? What a fool.

Poo in Loo: The H-1B Story

scared, marriagecuck? I love doing this

Only asian girls.

>Anime post
Of course you will get cucked

>But the manipulative and physically weak type who does that shit
It's called the softboi approach.