Hello, my name is Ethan

Hello, my name is Ethan.
According to my calculations, I will spend 32% of my life asleep. Additionally, I will spend 35% of my life at my place of work, a state of being I dislike strongly. I will commute for about 4% of my life. Roughly 72% of my life will thus be spent either unconscious or unhappy.
A ballpark estimate puts “chores” (paying bills, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, walking my dog Fritz, etc.) at another 15%. This is 87% of my life used up so far.

Considering all of the above (sans sleeping) takes energy, I will have about 70% energy to commit to the remaining 13% of life that belongs to me.
Given these numbers, is there any reason to continue existence? Would you play a video game for 80 years if 87% of it was absolute shit? Asking for a friend.



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Hi this is Ethan again. What do you mean by this post? I am new here and just finished school.

cuz I like onions milk

Okay first off, being asleep is great. I love sleeping. So I am enjoying that portion of my life. Secondly, learn to enjoy chores. Don't think about getting it done and just put some music on and do that shit and it'll be done before you know it.
And you mention walking your dog? Fucking retard don't buy a dog if you don't want to walk a dog.
And don't compare life to a video game zoomer scum. A video game is supposed to be for getting as much enjoyment as you can I guess. Life is about whatever you decide it should be about, but I'll tell you that it's not enjoying yourself. The few moments of true internal peace will always be outweighed severely by the heartache caused to get there but you gotta realize that as far as you know, this is the only chance you've got to achieve any kind of fleeting happiness.

If you really think it's so hard, kill yourself, and delete this thread before you do. This isn't about literature

You should probably kill yourself immediately. First off, you are a complete faggot. Secondly, you are ungrateful for the society which has been handed down to you. Oh no boo-hoo, you’ll have to work an office job for a decent portion of your life! Better than fucking plowing fields from dusk to dawn in order to feed your starving family, all while getting taxed to shit by your King/Emperor/Lord/Whatever. I’m also going to guess that you live in a first world country. There are people RIGHT NOW that would saw their hands off to be in your position, you ungrateful twat. And lastly, the whole idea in life is to find fulfillment in life thru family/work/hobbies/etc. If you are too big of a retard to be able to find a job you can enjoy, or train your brain to find meaning out of life, then yes, you should kill yourself immediately.

Your ancestors frown upon your weakness. Your very existence is an argument against modern medicine, you should have died in your infancy. Kill yourself IMMEDIATELY to preserve your ancestor’s honor you massive faggot.

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Boomer trash

There is either play or no game at all.


Even if I was a boomer, it would not detract from the fact that you are a whiney little faggot.

Oh no! I have to work for things in life?! You mean people aren’t going to work to provide me free shit my entire life?!

I don’t even have to tell you to kill yourself. The creeping depression should handle that in about 4 - 5 years lmao!

LMFAO utterly BTFO. op should stop posting off-topic shit and perhaps go read a book

>Would you play a video game for 80 years if 87% of it was absolute shit?

Been playing Fate/ Grand Order since its English launch so probably lmao.


>just slave away and die goyim

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>doesn’t enjoy walking his dog

You "plough" fields, not "plow". And it can be enjoyable work, even back in the day. You sat behind the plow driving the horses up and down the field, at the end of the day there is visible results for your efforts. If you have your own land this is even better.
Sure, there were times when this life was hardship, and people were ruled by oppressive forces. This was horrible I agree. But the actual work of ploughing is better than a mindless office job.
They did not tax you a whole lot either, they just did not pay you well at all.
I am not an apologist for imperialism, I hate it with every bone in my body. But working the land is better than working in an office.

>Absolute shit
My son, you have a good life. I do mean it. You can sleep with a full belly, in a room and bed you are not sharing with half/all your immediate family.

Your meals are varied, with one dish of meat a day, should you so choose. My grandparents lived with 1 meat dish per year; not a joke.

You have machines to wash your clothes, cellphone computers; wikipedia is 15 seconds away on any subject matter. My father's childhood, Encyc Brittanica was a richman's trophy, only one boy had access in the whole neighborhood, never shared. Education stopped roughly eighth grade for most people.

Dyssentry and scurvy are not real risks for you; you have hot water on tap; 24hr electricity. Wheb you get sick and the doctor prescribes something, it comes as a pill, not in a tiny paper envelope of powder.

This life is not the ideal life. That's fair. We all want to live off trust funds, big tiddy gothic gf. But it is not absolute shit. Not sackcloth-underwear-Depression shit. You need to adjust your definition of shit.

Shit is shit. Boring mediocre =/= shit.

I'm not OP, but thank you for taking the time to write this regardless. Made me feel better.

Chin chin, champ.

There's always sushi. Things can't be hell on earth if there's sushi.

Have been playing for less then a month and I already feel like I've played to much. I'm level 102 now though. Btw, how do I beat Amun-Ra during the second fight?

and this is why NEETs are based they didn't fell for this jewish meme

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