Nostalgia of playing Nazi Zombies and hearing this

Nostalgia of playing Nazi Zombies and hearing this

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>black ops
yikes...all zoomers should die

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Black ops 1 was 10 years ago, a very long time if you ask me.

>lmao, you're a zoomer unless you find the original Tetris nostalgic
sorry gramps, people have moved on.

sorry zoomer, you cant dislodge boomers

People who were 16 when black ops 1 came out are now 26 so tell me, how the fuck is that being a zoomer you illogical swine?

I don't give a shit about blops 1, come back when you played Allied Assault, GTA 3, Vietcong or Mafia 1, better yet come back when you spent most of your childhood wasted on Sid Meirs Civilisation 2, Simcity classic and 2000 ect

But really I don't care whatsoever, World at War zombies was better, wasting zombies as JFK and Mcnamara was funny but you can't beat the original

Black ops is not zoomer tier you fucking newfag

Black ops was shit though

based boomer BTFOing these disgusting faggots
>zoomer calls me a newfag

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Why are you so mad user? Not his fault your memories are 8-bit

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Lmao at all these old fucks getting mad that we had kino games growing up
I'm 19 and played blops when I was 11 and so, I even have an old YouTube channel I made from back then that I made emblems and recirded zombie matches with a laptop webcam

blops was not kino

why are you such a fucking debbie downer? No wonder why you're on this board you fat old miserable piece of shit.

Yes but the thread is about Nazi Zombies on black ops 1 which was a popular game mode.

Up and coming zoomer

Is that your fucking buzzword is it? Some shitty meme that was made and youre taking it seriously? Yeah fuck off you miserable bean bag. I'm 21 if you wanna know not a teenager so yeah fuck off.

It's best map was literally called kino
The story is a fun conspiracy Vietnam JFK assasination mind control mix
The prison escape level is gold imo
Multiplayer was one of the last to have active in game voice chat. nowadays, call of duty voice chat is fucking dead. Pop in blops 4 and not a single word from anyone. Boring as fuck

stop getting mad zoomie zoom zoom

I'm glad you're enjoying. Too be honest, if calling people who are young and still have some fucking life left in them zoomers, then have fun you miserable

I had some of my best laughs from voice chat, shame to see that it's died.

god alive, why can't people like you just go find a different thread. why stay in a thread you dont like just to complain? what is wrong with you?

I was a kid so I was constantly getting bullied and even made cry a few times. I had a mental breakdown and started screaming "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU" to myself while my mom looked on in bewilderment
I want to kill myself via the night night method now, before I turn 20. I am a failure. i have never held a girls hand

You're still young please don't kill yourself. If you're that desperate just text a random girl hello you'll be surprised where it goes.

Can i get a quik rundown on the night night method?

Something about taping 2 socks on both sides of your neck and then giving it 20 seconds, supposed to be painless and fast. Look it up, because I can't really explain it right
They dont respond. Last night I texted my old crush and she still hasn't opened it :(

user probably meant a new girl not one you've already had extensive contact with

Take a look at my SoBa MonTage I made 8 years ago, dubstep and all. Fucking hell.

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>m-muh crush muh texting muh friends and crush im so sad broke up yesterday wahh
Send me the video of your suicide
I was so innocent back then. Now I'm a deranged retarded incel.

But I never broke up with anyone cuz I've never had a gf
Braindead fucking retard cant even read

I never played CoD zombies. Which CoD had the best zombie mode? Which game today has the most active players?

If you're texting girls you need to die

Its called snapchat and every fucking zoomer has it
Women will add you back not because they like you, but because they just want another view on their "snapchat stories". Your just another number
I dont have any of thems phone nunber

the future is now old man

>zoomer niggers having nostslgia over a shitty CoD game

Can't stand newfags

the future is now oId man

>zoomer niggers having nostsIgia over shitty CoD game

Can't stand newfags

the future ls now old man

gotto agree that zoomers are annoying cunts, but you're acting like a little bitch
you mean to say you didn't reminisce about the days playing hl1, counter-strike, resident evil etc a decade after?