So I heard the Yogscast are all pedos now
So I heard the Yogscast are all pedos now
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Seriously, fucking all of these entertainment fags are pedophiles. The only one who's got a moral compass is neckbeard-turned-chad Chris Pratt
now? I wouldn't be surprised if stuff like this was going on for forever
Wasn't it just one literally who member that was caught?
Any guy that doesn't like 30 y/o trannies is considered one nowadays.
He flirted with a 17yo in a country where the age of consent is 16. He will never work again.
What fucking bullshit. This pedo scare bullshit that started in the 80s has gone to far. Fucking retarded
quick rundown? All I know about these guys is the screw the nether song
the funny thing is that "teen" porn where the girl is technically 18 but looks like a 12 year old is insanely popular, but then normies pull shit like this and get mad at people for talking to a girl a few minutes under the age 18 even though fucking 16 and even 14 in some places is the age of consent. it's literal NPC behavior
>18 but looks like a 12 year old is insanely popular
user is a pedo