Tfw want to breed dark skinned girls

>tfw want to breed dark skinned girls

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Go to Africa, worked for me.

I have only slept with one dark skin, I used to be equally attracted to women of all races and skin colors but when I got to high school and dark skin black girls got mocked I started chasing high yellow mixed girls and eventually that is what I married and had a baby with.

Now I just go after white girls I do not think most dark skin black I see is attractive unless mixed or very white phenotype but the one I was with was from Ghana with a nice phenotype and very tall for African (5 feet 9

Beautiful smooth dark skin and she had just left a job interview so to be able to undress her all gussied up fuck

lol now I want a dark skin

Where did you go? Are you there now?

Nigeria. Not there anymore, but I bred a few while I was there and they wanted it.

Why did they get mocked? Are you a basketball American?

What race are you? How did you even meet them lol?

I'm white. I was there doing volunteer work but I met them in various ways. Just being there you meet people of course and they all propositioned me.

Colorism, remnants of a colonial mindsets. They got made fun of simply for being dark and therefore unattractive, including a black girl with green eyes I had a crush on and had started hanging out with but stopped since I did not want to be made fun of for going with someone darker than me.

Tfw want to breed any girl of any race who will let me

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