>videogames got boring
>movies/shows got boring
>browsing the internet is getting pretty boring
>only smoke weed and masturbate all day
>this also is getting bored
I doubt I will reach 30 without killing myself before

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Obeying God is never boring.

Why don't you just stop being bored?

You just gotta keep finding random shit to keep you occupied, user. That's life.

Try new genres. A different kind of game, a different kind of movie/show, a different strain of weed, etc.

I'm kinda like you, but I'm 25, dont play vidya and I go out to bars and concerts occasionally. Honestly, If I lived the same way in my 20s during my 30s, I have to kill myself.

24 here too
I notice there's less creativity and genuine insight as well. Anything that is, I see as golden. My wits are the only thing that hold me together

I'm 38 and in the same boat. I've tried so many times to change course and "get out there" but nothing else scratches that itch. Smoking pot by myself and browsing the internet is simply all I want to do even though I hate it.

I know, right? It's something that we've always been comfortable with. But I think the problem is when we get pushed too quickly, without a resting period. Thereby making us go deeper into our hiding spot.

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Don't sound like a cookie cutter. You could try an instrument.