"Good morning honey! how did you sleep? I'm glad you slept well...

"Good morning honey! how did you sleep? I'm glad you slept well. I don't think I can have a bad nights rest when i'm in your arms."

"Hey hun, today is a lovely day, the sun is out and everything is so bright and lively. Get dressed , lets spend the entire day outside today together."

Attached: 1554502834342.jpg (463x700, 79K)

what the fuck is wrong with that wall on the right

>that young face with those beasts


Attached: AJ.png (638x342, 263K)

you're at the wrong house bitch, get out.

shitty slavic art

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someone please respond to my thread.


my life is so unbelievably shit

it's old wallpaper partially torn off the wall

blue eyed blonds are the best

green > blue
blue is a good meme
green on blond looks better and even better on redheads
i would know i got light hair and green eyes

please stop reminding me how lonely I am, OP

Attached: cat toilet.jpg (720x960, 39K)

i dunno, green and blue give off the same feel to me, both are a light color and i think its attractive

I like these kind of threads, especially when people start posting more accompanying pictures +texts. It makes me taste hope and despair at the same time.

Nobody would ever say this to me. I don't sleep well. I scream quietly and I jerk and toss and actually start throwing punches and kicks when I'm having a nightmare.

"i know you had a rough day at work.Just forget about it for a while.Go take a nice warm shower then get into your pajamas and i'll get some snacks ready for us. We're gonna cuddle and watch some movies together all night "

Attached: perfecto.webm (640x480, 1.82M)

"ill protect you user. I'll always love you unconditionally no matter what happens . I will still love you even if you begin to hate me."

Attached: 1555785483507.jpg (1200x680, 180K)

"i'm here for you user. I care about you"

Attached: 1517942919946.jpg (564x564, 44K)

T-thank you. Y-you too!!

Ps:love the rare Ciara.

"I love how brave you are user, you're so honest and caring. You make me feel so safe in your arms. I appreciate everything you do for me. You do so much for me and your friends and your family. You work so so hard you deserve a long day off to relax so let me take care of you. I love you baby , I love you so much."

Attached: 1499133316328.jpg (1280x854, 135K)

Aaaaaaargh, a delicious tomboy and hot body and also kind and gentle.^^

Lets stay inside and hang around in bed, p-pls.

Now that the dust has settled and Ciara is 18-19, when can we finally see some Ciara tits?

im already with a woman so i dont need you WHORE
get OUT of my HOUSE and what the FUCK DID YOU DO WITH MY GIRL
if you dont tell me in the next 6 seconds you will be subjected to SEVERE punishment at the hands of my expert nanchaku skeel

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"what ever you want user I'll do it for you"

Attached: 1487459155470.jpg (1200x675, 129K)

"I love you. I promise to always take care of you. You mean so much to me. You're my world."

Attached: 1555788088323.png (899x846, 1.08M)

mommy give me milkies... and please break up with step-daddy michael sosa, i don't like him he's always mean to me mommy

"I don't have any plans for the weekends. Maybe you wanna do something? I also thought of a few things we might be able to do"

Attached: cC.png (1277x793, 1.54M)

"allahu akbar user"


Attached: 1553533723838.png (1539x799, 1.68M)

I hate to be that guy, but if you get timed out by The Robot, you should expand your post a little rather than just typing gibberish at the end.

she look daed brah. why did you kill her?

women who dye their hair blonde should be shot on the spot

how can I guess a girls nipples type by looking her dressed?

type or color?