"Good morning honey! how did you sleep? I'm glad you slept well. I don't think I can have a bad nights rest when i'm in your arms."
"Hey hun, today is a lovely day, the sun is out and everything is so bright and lively. Get dressed , lets spend the entire day outside today together."
i dunno, green and blue give off the same feel to me, both are a light color and i think its attractive
Jason Cox
I like these kind of threads, especially when people start posting more accompanying pictures +texts. It makes me taste hope and despair at the same time.
Samuel Jones
Nobody would ever say this to me. I don't sleep well. I scream quietly and I jerk and toss and actually start throwing punches and kicks when I'm having a nightmare.
Joshua Baker
"i know you had a rough day at work.Just forget about it for a while.Go take a nice warm shower then get into your pajamas and i'll get some snacks ready for us. We're gonna cuddle and watch some movies together all night "
"I love how brave you are user, you're so honest and caring. You make me feel so safe in your arms. I appreciate everything you do for me. You do so much for me and your friends and your family. You work so so hard you deserve a long day off to relax so let me take care of you. I love you baby , I love you so much."
Aaaaaaargh, a delicious tomboy and hot body and also kind and gentle.^^
Lets stay inside and hang around in bed, p-pls.
Josiah Foster
Now that the dust has settled and Ciara is 18-19, when can we finally see some Ciara tits?
Hunter Lee
im already with a woman so i dont need you WHORE get OUT of my HOUSE and what the FUCK DID YOU DO WITH MY GIRL if you dont tell me in the next 6 seconds you will be subjected to SEVERE punishment at the hands of my expert nanchaku skeel