What's your ugliest physical feature, r9k?

What's your ugliest physical feature, r9k?

Mine is my forehead, it's fucking enormous.

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my hiroshima nagasaki-obliterated hairline

Masculine jaw and chin as a woman

adult acne, it's not domino's pizza severe anymore like in High School but still

Either my creepy eyes or my giant nose.

women don't come on here faj

My nose is a little fucked up and crooked. It's very noticeable when I wear glasses. Some kid from Highschool bullied me about it over XBL.

How are your eyes creepy? I've been told I have dead eyes.

My legs, my legs are too masculine and big.

It's my fatness. Everything else about me is great. It's all my fault.

I had a three teeth in my top row broken as a teenager. I have had one replaced and am saving to do the middle two. Thankfully they dont have exposed nerve and arent decaying though so at least I dont just have a full gap

My nose and ears are too big for my head.

if my hair didnt cover it up i would also say my forehead, but other than that my baggy eyes

Eyes I have been told. I have sunken droopy eyes with dark circles around them. I'm pretty sure that this is caused by my allergies and being a skelly. They are brown too, so they arent saved by pretty colors.

I'm constantly oily looking and my upper lip is kinda thin

My eyes and brows are ever so slightly asymmetrical horizontally. It's barely off but it upsets me.

My thin hair. Im balding like a fucking dude on the top of my head and I want to die. At least I could lose a couple lbs with exercise to rectify that but theres nothing to do for my stupid fucking hair, Ive tried so much stuff to no avail.

My crooked, jutting nose
There is no worse fate

wear a wig then

I still have some stubborn pride left. Plus what if I ever got a rl gf or bf? Id be so ashamed ;_;

I'm assuming your female. I doubt anyone would care. Tons of women wear extensions which is just a step away from a wig.

Same here. Even at 50lbs overweight or whatever I am I still get interest from attractive women sometimes. When I was skinny I got tons of it but was too much of a sperg to do anything with it.

Facial assymetry.
The right side of my face is absolutely fucked. Bigger jaw, bloated lips, weird nose curvature, also my mouth seems to "drop" to the right every time I speak, slightly smaller eye and a bigger cheekbone than on my left side.
When I compare both sides the difference is very notorious. Left side is almost good looking, right side is completely ugly.

First time I saw myself on video and in those reversed pics where they show you how you actually look like to others killed me and I've been super self consciouss ever since.

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teeth that are stained from all the Tea I drink, even when I get them professionally cleaned, they're dirty again within 6 weeks

Teeth are completely fucked. Most of them broken off and gone. Rotted away. Can't afford replacements.

how much tea do you drink? are you british?

10 cups a day, and Irish

My crooked nose with HUGE pores. Fucking disgusting.

Crippling scoliosis

Either my terrible asymmetry, my crooked ass yellow teeth or my yellow, constantly bloodshot eyes.
No big deal right?

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permanent dark circles under my eyes
fucking hate it

My nose. it's too wide.
also my smile. I think it looks ugly

Mine is a combination of both of these
>Always had a big forehead
>Hairline recedes to the top of my head, making my forehead way bigger


You can literally be fucking hideous and get chicks if you're 6'+

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Were your pores always huge? My mom is 40-something and would look no older than 30 if it weren't for her huge pores.

Being a girl and going bald seems like it would be a million times worse than being a guy and going bald. That is until you realize you can easily get away with wearing a wig.

Got a mole on my nose, a centimeter or two away from the tip of my nose. Not really that ugly though.

6'2'' here. Complete lie. I have a facial deformity and am fat. Kindly fuck off.

5'4, some middle schoolers are taller then me

They just look weird, I don't like them. I've been told I look dead once or twice, but mostly I just don't like the way they look.

My body
The entire thing


thinking of just body bagging this entire abomination throwing into the nearest compacter.

That would cause problems for whoever finds it
Main reason I havent become an hero

my huge ears

my face. my 22head, my man brow, my gross ball nose with a growth idk how to get rid of under it, my square jaw, and my massive chin.

short legs

I'm 5'6 and my legs are disproportionate, they should be another 3 inches longer. I always look ridiculous and have to get all my pants tailored.

hip dips, double chin, hirsutism, giant pores, small eyelids.

Lost the genetic lottery hard with oligodontia, failure to develop permanent teeth. I literally have SpongeBob's teeth, gap included. I've seen people visibly recoil when I laugh or smile... so I stopped doing those. It's been a very lonely 14 years after 10 years old when people became judgemental and cruel.

My tits are too big. I'm not even fat.

I'm a guy.

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>tfw gynecomastia

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>Enormous forehead
Eggman? Is that you?

Im a ginger

ahahahhaaauuuwewewwwweeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeee uurrgghhh

Gyno. I could pull off the 'dad bod' thing (and I'm old enough to) if I didn't also have these man-boobs.