When you grow up, your heart dies

I don't like any of my hobbies anymore

Video games lost their magic when I started college
I love music, but I've been listening to the same shit for years and probably will until I die, that's not a hobby it's a cope
I want to make my own music, but my friends are the only ones that like it, and I don't know if they mean it or not
I want to be a video game designer, but what's the point if you can't even enjoy games at all anymore
I've reached the point where I like the idea of video games and my other hobbies more than the hobbies itself.

Is this just part of getting old and I have to find something else in life? The only thing I can do by myself to make me happy is look at memes and masturbate to kill time and afterwards I fucking hate myself for it.

I don't even know what the point of this was, I just wanted to get it out somehow. I missed when things were magical. I'm fucking stupid and I'm sorry, this doesn't make any sense does it? I'm just rambling incoherantly at this point because I'm fucking lonely and miserable, but that's not even true either, I still have my friends and maybe I'm just a whiny retard that can't appreciate what he has I don't even know anymore but I hate myself and I hate feeling this way

I'm gonna go for a walk, maybe that'll help, I don't know

I guess this is what happens when you lurk here all day and don't post because you know it'll just end of as a disjointed rant like this and the longer you delay it the worse it will be and maybe everything I made up about being happy and not being able to be happy anymore is just made up as a cope for the fact that I was never really happy and I'm just wearing nostalgia goggles I can't tell anymore


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im probably just being a whiny faggot and none of this matters

I've experienced a similar loss of enthusiasm for media/hobbies. I think it's normal. Natural selection favoured those for whom children became the focus of their lives rather than self-entertainment, so one would expect that the pleasure gained from media/hobbies to lessen with age to motivate procreation.

i couldn't have said it better myself friend. let's get wasted and cry about innocence lost. our childish wonder that was stolen by this cruel dark world. its okay though, soon it will all be over. the crop will be sewn and those who poisoned it will reap their just rewards. the day i die will be the greatest day of my life

just wait 20-30 years for me and other /sci/entists to invent AI and brain-machine interfaces and you'll finally have immortality and heaven on earth.
your welcome

it takes a special kind of crazy to want to spend eternity on this planet with all these..ahem..wonderful people

>be 10-18
>new years eve is favorite holiday
>run around with friends from 7pm until 3am
>modding and lighting fireworks
>having the time of my life
>turn 18
>fuck yeah finally NYE again
>light up shit
>it does nothing for me
>light the rest
>go inside and vidya
My childhood died on Dec 31, 2002

I was in my early 20s when I started to write down my day dreams from when I was 14 y/o. That story is more vibrant today than its ever been

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Stop masturbating. Re-organize your living space. Force yourself to do something different. Set some small goals and work on them instead of looking at memes. Do this for a while then report back.

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seek help. you're depressed, which can be treated. one of the defining symptoms is no longer enjoying things you used to.

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fuck me theres always one, that shit don't work bitch, you gunna flex seal the chasm in my soul? i didn't think so

I'm sorry you couldn't hold on to self control and started falling back into your old hobbies again user.

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>I don't even know what the point of this was, I just wanted to get it out somehow.
Nah man I know exactly what you're getting at. Actually I've tried to start similar threads before but they never get many replies. When you get older life loses its flavor and its harder to enjoy things because you've seen it all before. I think this is one of the reasons people have kids.

the fact that i haven't killed myself yet is evidence enough of my self control

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Self control or fear of the unknown. Could be either one. Same effect. Too scared of the unknown to break out and look for something else. Too scared of the unknown to go through with that. Or maybe you have enough of a conscience to not do that to people you care about for fear of how they react to it.

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there has to be a way out of this that doesn't involve a bullet, I just don't know what.
I've tried the self improvement pill on and off like said, and I know it would help me, but I just cant bring myself to do it because I'm weak but I know damn well it would work on someone stronger than I am

i guess it's a bit of both, nofap is just masturbation with extra steps though, shits a meme, so is going out doing things, meeting people, 'improving' yourself. all life is wasted, and i don't think i can put up with another 50+ years of this monotony. everything is hollow, no matter how much we pretend it's not

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>I've TRIED self improvement ON AND OFF
>I just cant
>I'm weak
This is the problem you have with it. You don't TRY it, you don't ON AND OFF, you just DO it. You stick with it as long as you can. You keep pushing for more and more and more.
>there has to be a way out
>I know it would help me
>I know damn well it would work
See? You haven't given up on yourself completely. You're not done yet.

Stop thinking about it in a "try and fail" mentality. Just work on self-improvement. Self-improvement isn't an instant "oops I slipped I failed!" it's a never-ending process. In a good way. You work and work and improve and get away from nasty habits, until one day you slip and fall back in. That's okay though. You just have to get back to work and improve again when you fall. It's okay to fall down my man. What's not okay is refusing to try again. You didn't get to this position in life overnight, you won't get out of it overnight either. And remember the next time you fall down, that you have stood up again before. You can do it again.

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im on the same boat, i cant ejoy something for more than 10 minutes

Nofap is a meme, but don't forget what timeline we're in right now. Memes are affecting reality every day now. You're being defeatist right now, you just WANT to give up, but you haven't completely yet. You don't want to fight anymore. I don't blame you, fighting is hard after so many years of doing it. It's all cascading, it's all ripple effects, life is not wasted if you don't waste it yourself. Tell me, what is it that you want from life? What is it that you really crave? This is a question that needs to be answered, maybe not to me in this thread, but absolutely to yourself. Because I can guarantee that there is a way for you to find at least some kind of peace in life.

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yea thats the thing, i've never wanted anything from life, my entire life is just drifting aimlessly through eternity. i suppose i could ask for peace love and understanding, but most people are selfish creatures and only pretend to care about anything that's not themselves and then they get mad when you call them out on it. i aim to be free.

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Okay, let's try something else. What kind of free do you want? Is it a realistic kind of free? Peace love and understanding are great and all, but it's too vague. You have to break it down piece by piece and narrow it into something you can work towards.

Let's talk examples. Let's say "I want love". Okay, what kind? A wife and kids? Great. How are you going to get a wife and kids? Meeting a good girl might be your first answer, and it's not really wrong. Let's say you find a good girl. Would she want you? What do you offer her? "Love" is not a valid answer here because it's too vague. She has to like you before she loves you, and "but I love you" isn't a reason to LIKE someone. So why would she like you? We'll be realistic for a minute (no offense to anyone involved) and say you didn't win the genetic lottery in looks. What else is there, personality, shared interests, safety, and comfort.

I'm gonna nip this real quick before my post gets too long, but do you see what I am getting at? You're right that most are selfish, but selfishness isn't always anti-others. Sometimes people get what they really want, by co-operation and being polite and good to others.

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i hate to break it to you but you're wasting your time with the ramblings of a drunk man, there's nothing on this planet that i want, literally. There is truly one thing I desire, and that is to be reunified with the creator. Only once have i ever felt true happiness and it was in a fucking dream. one day I will proceed to the nearest exit because theres really nothing here to be had.

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It's not a waste of time if I enjoy the way I spend it my man. I'm gonna be blunt though and say I flat out don't believe you that there's nothing you want, or could want, or ever did want. I just believe that you've convinced yourself nothing is worth it. Most of yourself anyway. I'm not giving up on you, and I hope that you don't give up on yourself in the long run. I don't think you have completely given up though. I do understand that what you're going through right now won't let you believe me either, but that's where we stand.

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No matter what you believe life is meaningless
We can create our own meanings to try to cope with the realization but you will always come back to the same feelings and thoughts
Especially with the advancement of technologies and societal structures all we can do now is distract and entertain ourselves until we die

you seem like a good person user, i feel like you're wasting your energy on me though

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I see you forgot to read the "it's not a waste if I enjoy the way I spent it" part. Besides the fact that you should stop thinking of yourself as a waste or not worth anything.

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try out some mature hobbies like carpentry or fishing, its not for no reason that they are considered mature