Weed is still illegal where I live

>weed is still illegal where I live
>alcohol isn't

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Alcohol is legal because it's a good form of accelerated natural selection

>anime isn't illegal
How the fuh

shut up cringy ass anime dweeb

Higher demand for booze, I guess. I don't like smoking anything, but enjoy a glass of whiskey at the end of the week.

Weed's illegal everywhere except in some parts of USA and Amsterdam. And in Jamaica if you're a rastafari.

Legal in leafland and Uruguay.

>loli sex dolls are illegal everywhere
Fucking puritans.

Tbf you fucking pedoshit, weed should totally be legal before your faggy Loli dolls.

Uhm, ever heard of Canada?

Crystal meth is illegal in all 50 states.
Fucking anti white trash racists.
Stoners will hang next to the pedos

why do you want to be a degenerate user?

thinking about moving to canada desu.

Good. Drugs should always be illegal.

Imagine being so dependant on weed that you have to move country, pathetic worm.

not dependent on it. I haven't smoke weed in over 4 months. I just think its retarded to make a plant illegal. meanwhile much more harmful substances are perfectly fine as long as the government can make a profit. like tobacco and alcohol.

holy shit would you stoners stfu about tobacco and alcohol being legal and cannabis not

Alcohol: fermented grains aka plants
Tobacco: literally a plant
Weed: another plant

Alcohol and tobacco got grandfathered in. Weed did not. Blame the movie Refer Madness.

>tfw live in illegal state
>but it is an hour drive to a rec legal weed state
>tfw plug drives there every week and gets an ounce of "good" dispensary mids for $40
>tfw he sells me an o for $50
The good thing is that the wealthy only care about money. Legal weed states are bringing in billions of dollars every year. Almost all the left politicians want weed legal. A good amount of repubs want it legal. Trump said he would sign a document if it ended up on his desk federally legalizing it. A lot of people think the 2020 pres election will be heavily swayed to whichever side pushes for legal weed federally.

Nixon is one of the main reasons why weed wasn't legalized a long time ago. He even said numerous times on hidden mics that it was all about putting blacks in prison and that he knew that weed wasn't dangerous from reports his staff gave him from people who heavily studies cannabis.

>2020 determined by weed stand
The fuck are you on about? 2020 will be determined by immigration, the economy or War in Iran. Weed will have fuck all to do with that.

Nixon was president how many decades ago.
Also blacks in prison: Let me guess the CIA invented HIV to empty Africa too?

Imagine a world so pathetic where weed is the biggest issue brought up for an election for president of the United States. Humanity won't go extinct soon enough.

Almost 65% of Americans want weed federally legal. Most of the top Dem candidates have said they will push for legalization. Also
>the economy
Are both massive factors from the failed war on drugs. Cartels are bringing in billions of dollars of drugs across the border. If weed was federally legalized, it would hurt the cartels and by extension, lower the amount of border hoppers smuggling drugs. Not to mention the tens of billions of dollars that would come in from legal weed.

>Nixon was president how many decades ago
Yes during the hippie era when everyone was smoking weed before it was seen as some dangerous drug on par with hard drugs because of propaganda. The Nixon era was the start of the war on drugs.
>Also blacks in prison: Let me guess the CIA invented HIV to empty Africa too?
What? You can listen to the fucking recordings. They are all over the internet of Nixon laughing about how many blacks were being incarcerated over weed because of his insane policies to target poor neighborhoods. I'm not defending niggers, but he locked up tens of thousands of people for decades for having a small baggie of weed

refer to It's not about getting a bunch of people high. It's about stopping cartels, stopping crooked cops, bringing in billions in tax revenue to the economy, ending the war on drugs that wastes billions doing nothing to stop the core problems.

>a logical argument for weed legalization
Well, I'll be damned. You've convinced me: Hemp 2020 or bust. (and no, I'm not being sarcastic.)

I'm glad user. And yeah Hemp farming could be the biggest economic growth we've seen in decades. A lot of people aren't aware that Hemp was one of America's largest industries pre-1930. The uses for it are almost endless

daily reminder that yang gang is all for weed legalization. remember to vote for yang niggers.

Legal in based Georgia too

Attached: 20151008-georgia-map.jpg (1500x973, 131K)

>sand nigger territory
user, I...

Stoner cope, kill yourself at once

refute anything I said. More states are legalizing rec weed every year and seeing billions in tax revenue come in from it. There is an almost 25% decrease in violent crimes in states where weed is legal. The amount of teens using weed is also funnily enough vastly down in legal weed states. It's not even classified as a gateway drug any more. People with chronic illness/pain are finding relief with it that no pills ever did. The only reason you would be against legalization is because you believe that everyone who smokes is a burnout couch sitting degenerate. But that's not even close to the case.