
Ai portraits, sharks, and the lads edition.

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reply or the queen will die in her sleep tonight


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I don't give a fuck about the queen

bog and yarbles and reat big groodies

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Is this the scottish friend poster?

Where's me wee weab lass? I hope she cpmes to this thread soon so we can talk.

herro chaps

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well hello there handsome lad

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who's this handsome lad hanging from your wall?

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crying at this

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i havent kissed a girl for several years

is that you boy?

its pakipoo, soft sod

the one on the right is Jonah Hill in Superbad

soooooooo,,, why are you painting me? lmaoooo

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Beatrice today

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On the shore

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Got a flat 6 miles from home. Fucking right trek home from work in the morning lads.

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get schwalbe marathon plus tyres, theyre bombproof

The other bike I was going to buy had those stock lel. Serves me right for not bringing a spare.

You lads ever watch "The Quest"?

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>You lads ever watch "The Quest"?
no, just porn and the news

And this is why I try to stop wasting my time here

Can't say I have to be honest lad, would like to hear about it though.

i could link you up some good pornos if you want, what sort of stuff you into? amputees?

please leave the bins in the bin leaving out area marked 'bins'

It's a strange one tbqh

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I'mma snatch every mutherfucker birthday

I don't understand morrissey. He is a nationalist yet loads of his lyrics talk about fucking over the state

Lol this film.

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He's only a nationalist cause he hates pakis, nothing wrong with that desu.

Fair enough. I hate. diversity too. Once you see it im person it really sinks in how bad it is. As someone from a white working class area, even the white shit holes are way safer than than multicultural areas.

Sorry for the typos. I'm half asleep

Diversity isn't a problem, it's the tendancy for them to all group in one area and turn it into a shithole where they don't integrate with our culture. I'd feel safer walking down a rough white council estate than a black or asian area any day.

don't leave me
I can't stand being the only one awake and bored at stupid oclock in the morning

Im here for you in the wee hours lad

Sorry lad, Saturday morning wagie here

The nightlids are never far away. You nocturnal like the rest us or did you pull an all nighter

night lids time for sleeps

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On the toilet at work.
Really nasty poo. Hate when it's like this. I'm really gassy and a few wet chunks explode out, followed by a stream of thick paste. Right pita to clean up.

>humidity above 50%

oh on. oh fuck no. oh good christ.


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I hope it rains all weekend

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know what I fancy?
with thick clotted cream and strawberry jam

fucking lost bloodborne off my ps4, must have accidentally deleted it whilst pissed. Fuck sake. Hope i haven't lost my save.

Just went to the gas station to get a pack of cigs, still can't sleep. I lost control over my life.

Morning lads. Think it was a mistake getting up this early

>fucking lost bloodborne off my ps4, must have accidentally deleted it whilst pissed. Fuck sake. Hope i haven't lost my save.
Nah, saves aren't on the game file but on another ps4 memory folder.

I once corrupted all my save files on my ps4 and chuck it out my flat window but that's a story for another time.

*walks away but glitches into the ground so bad it looks like someone buried me upto my head*

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is it medicine or social skill
don't have the answer and nobody will
do it screaming or without a word
being sad is a fulltime work
another day has come to an end
and then you start to cry again


thank god for that, I've played a good 10+ hours the last few days and am halfway through, would hate to lose my progress as I did a lot of grinding. Thanks for the info lod

>10+ hours
spend the same amount of time and didn't even kill the first bosses, muh crow man thing and creepy priest

knee bother lid

*stealthily infiltrates thread via a ventilation shaft*

Morning lads. Didn't set an alarm but my stupid brain woke me up early anyway. Time to make some toast

did you get to the shadows of yarnham? fucking solid that boss fight, had to grind for a while and summon some level 120 guy to help me kill them

morning crew represent

I had to wake up at fucking 5AM to get to my job. Tesco bakery. The cunts before me never do any prep. God I hate them. I hate this job.

I hate that divide in work places with a hundred different groups and managers
>sorry mate, that ain't my job
yes it fucking is and you know it

Shut up and make my chocolate croissants wagie

My shits have been toxic lately. Then again do has my diet. Rotten farts and slimy stinky shits

In a Tesco-ass bakery

that you for this valuable information
rise n shine mothafukas!

mornin Mr freeman

Kettles brewing lads. Have those fucking croissants turned up yet

might have a blowout today
I've been eating clean and sensible for 6 goddamn months straight, can't even remember why I started

Why are people obsessed with money? Why do people use social media to make themselves look like they have the perfect life? Is it a cope

>not sausage rolls

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Tell me Mr Bun, why is Tesco bakery so shit compared to Sainsburys?

not from tesco bakery lad
cold, dry and shit

We all get the exact same shit. Frozen bread/pastries we get in boxes, throw in the oven for 5-10 minutes before throwing it on a tray and on display. Your Tesco probably overcooks/undercooks their stuff (which is hard to do, since there's a setting for everything which makes it pretty foolproof), or maybe they're just not as fresh out the oven as your Sainsburys.

The most based bakery is actually Lidl, but keep it under your hat

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I do not consider sossij roles a breakfast item

neither do I, I was just memeing

that Street racer that hurt all thoes people looks like an ultimate deano

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my ligaments hurt

what's a ligament?

might go back to bed before my family asks me to do stuff

wakey wakey song
need to ring the chauffer and check we're still on for fishing

>person pulls up in car for me to get in
>I attempt to open the door but it's locked because of some safety mechanism
>it takes like a full 30 seconds of me stood there like a mong trying to open the door for them to finally realise and unlock them for me

every FUCKING time

what we up to today then lads? thinking of finally starting to play judgment

gonna flake out soon
probably play some CTR in bed before then

>BoJo is actually legit going to be PM

The sheer volume of whining and tears is going to be glorious


a fellow boomer of taste I see

You lads played Hollow Knight or Shovel Knight? Thinking of getting one or both.

nice fancy bike and fancy trainers you fancy git
i've had two things go through marathons. a thumb tack some cunt left on the path and a thorn from cuttings in winter. to be fair though i hardly had any punctures on my old generics. i cycle a lot more now though.

Im 26 today lads. Got a nice text from my grandma but now I have to hope nobody at work finds out or Im gonna have to spend all day pretending to have plans for tonight.

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shovel knight yeah
good game but I can't beat the final boss

I know the feel lad. I removed my birth date from Facebook years ago for the same reason, stealth birthday is best birthday

It looks kinda like an old Mario game maybe? I like the chirpy aesthetic. Whereas for Hollow Knight, I love the Souls games and apparently it's a bit like those, but looks like it might be a bit of a bummer the whole time. There was that game Limbo and I just got sick of it. Dropped it pretty fast.

equally if there is a vote of no confidence there will be tears.

i've been waiting to remove my name from the calendar at work.

kek based Boris owning the libtards

Happu birthdu as the japanese say

Wonder how many guys she's fucked.
Bet a few of them have been non-white.

Domo arigato fren roboto

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I did Tesco bakery for about 14 months after graduating. The job itself is fairly decent, short hours and you're left to yourself, eventually I was given more responsibilities like stock checking and adminand was essentially promoted to head of department (despite being the only person who worked in the bakery the whole time).
There are a few tips, for baguettes, give them an extra few minutes so they really crisp up on the outside but don't bag them immediately - allow them to cool otherwise you get condensation on the bag and they get soggy. Croissants can stay in another couple of minutes too to get a better finish, and are best served immediately.
For the icing, I used to let it sit in hot water before opening it, makes it very easy to use.
Cookies are another one you'll have to let cool before you can bag up, if they're warm they'll just collapse and fuse together.
Donuts you can put in an open oven for a bit to defrost, the customers used to love them a bit warm in the morning. Don't leave them in too long or the jam/custard will erupt.
They say to clean as you go but just leave it all until the end of your shift.

Caring about your nation and caring about the state are two different things. Besides what lyrics are you thinking of? I know he has a lot of anti-monarchist stuff

>only supermarket that sells fresh pretzels
Can't say I disagree

If my first fictional crush was She-Hulk, and my first pin-up was Chyna, does that make me gay?

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This. I love being Britain and I'm so proud to be and our history. Kind of ironic because I hate rich tossers who have ruled this country for ever

*messes with the settings on the thread toaster*