What do you guys do when you're so depressed it literally hurts in your body?

What do you guys do when you're so depressed it literally hurts in your body?

I feel sick and drugs dont help me anymore or its only temporary and then I feel even worse after

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I pray that my heart gives out in my sleep.
It feels like it's about to, but knowing my luck it will be a painful heart attack.

Ive been starving myself and hoping it kills me off soon.

I usually force myself to take a hot bath, make a good meal and tidy my room, for some reason this makes me feel better.

Do NoFap. It fixes your brain's dopamine receptors. Before you say anything, if you really have no options, then just do it for 2 weeks and see how you feel after that.

Starving to death is very painful. Once all your fat is gone, your body will start eating it's own flesh, muscles, and organs to survive.

I drink a lot of alcohol to numb it

A while ago that would have worked great for me as well but I'm lost in the void now, everything just feels like nothing

Give it a try, it's incredible hard but it always works.

I'll give nofap a shot I like dont even slimax anymore anyways or if I do its super disappointing

the good thing about nofap is that if you succeed you get the benefits and if you fail you get half the benefits and nut with the force of a thousand suns anyway, there's basically no downside