Jow Forums was founded in 2003, Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005, and Twitter in 2006. All 4 sites are still running and have active communities still going on to this day. Despite this, the latter 3 feel "new" while Jow Forums uniquely feels outdated, like it has overstayed its welcome. All 4 sites have been running for over 10 years, so why does Jow Forums specifically feel like a relic of the past?
Why does Jow Forums feel outdated?
Only YouTube feels fresh to me still
Twitter has a terrible new design but also still feels sleek
Facebook just feels terrible to use and its like its sucking the life outta me
Jow Forums feel archaic but its so familiar
It doesn't to me
Knowing that it's the oldest of the 4 sites and has basically the same design makes you think of it that way.
Does it feel outdated? Absolutely.
Do I appreciate that? Absolutely.
I want it to stay unchanging and non-user friendly as opposed to chasing trends and updating constantly. I fucking hate the design of most of the internet nowadays. It's so fucking sterile and identical and generic.
Because it has nothing to offer. Even sites like 9gag proved superior meme creators, and useful OC kept vanishing to places where creators could actually get something out of it, like every other social network.
So it became a place for edginess and a secret club, which due to popularity created a couple of salvageable works but other than that just an ocean of pointless shit, where people expertly manipulated the idiots into campaigning for their interests in the name of edginess (no lulz anymore, there is nothing lulz in Jow Forums nowadays)
i prefer it that way, feels so comfy, those 3 feel like a 12 year old made them
Only Jow Forums and YouTube feels new to me.
Brazilians had past experiences with Orkut.
You are just seeking for (you)s and that's disgusting. The most desperate oldfag I've seen. Kill yourself.
The other places just feel dull and corporate and catering to phoneposters to me. Jow Forums is the internet as it should be and I wish more places were like it 'cause the anonymity gets lonely.
the most active users have Jow Forums x installed and the ui on those social media sites is actually horseshit, including instagram etc. like why the fuck can't you save pics of twitter?
no fuck that shit OP. one of the only things I like about Jow Forums is that they didn't fix what wasn't broken. I hate the interface on a lot of newer sites, there's no contrast and all of the menu options are blurred together and you can scroll for 6 fucking miles. Jow Forums's boards are a little cluttered and disorganized. that's it
Jow Forums should be a dynamic website built in React or Angular.
haha yeah
then other sites proved creating, and profiting from that silly stuff was super easy, and now sometimes anons keep posting reddit bashing, as if it wasn't painfully obvious reddit beats Jow Forums in every single aspect
Nostalgia and curiosity are the only reasons we stick around
No updates to design and media without accounts/profiles is outdated
Jow Forums is cesspool of unmarketability and without any actual growth or consistency. facebook or even myspace and twitter were always way bigger than Jow Forums ever was.
Has Jow Forums ever gotten a redesign of its interface?
i dont think it ever did. this screenshot from 2004 has the same interface as it does now.
If Jow Forums ever changes at all I will leave forever. This is all I have you faggots. I've been addicted to this shithole since 2006.
Jow Forums's had a lot of good quality of life features added over the years. We didn't have reply indicators for the longest time, no refreshing, tons of spamming, no webms, we had FRAMES
Jow Forums was, has been, and still is a counterculture definer. How often do you still hear about SomethingAwful? They morphed into Kiwi Farms, and that's even worse
>complains about Jow Forums being outdated
My dude people still get news from Drudge. That website hasnt changed since 1995 when it was launched.