Hello wagie, your weekend officially begins. Enjoy it and savor every moment before it's gone. I heard they go fast.
Hello wagie, your weekend officially begins. Enjoy it and savor every moment before it's gone. I heard they go fast
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i will! thank you very much op. i hope you have a good weekend, too.
dont get wet now wagie
neck yourself bitch
Now now that's a good wagie, release all of that pent up frustration from working tirelessly all week.
Top kek. Comfy boys rule.
Thanks, OP. I'm currently fairly high up Mr Noseberg's corporate ladder, and hope to have the passive income to become a based NEET in a few years. Congrats on achieving the ultimate lifestyle.
You bored yet bro? Eventually that mountain cocaine blown up your ass won't feel as good anymore. Sure you might pour in a few bloody Mary's here or there, finish it off with a shot of vodka and a bottle of captain morgen, but it'll get stale. Those semi dead whores won't hold you the way a nice low pay wage slaves can. Waking up every morning before 6 (18:00? I don't understand army whatever time), sitting around the ugliest people this world has shit out during those meetings. Each one of them with a low IQ. Half of them in diapers crying cause they're ultra sensitive over someone attacking them via not being divorced and being prettier than them. You might buy lunch around 12 (14:00 time) but cause the pay is so low, and you're that overweight, you don't want to spend the dough, although the weight isn't really the excuse that works. After work you try and not kill yourself cause no one wants. You won't have that frog. You just can't underatand.
You need to stay off that crack man
Corporate life's either a life sentence or a smash-and-grab, user. You have to get in, get the goods, and get out, quick as you can; and once you're out, you have to stay out, or it'll drag you back in, coke and microdosing and hard liquor and stock prices and all.
But for some of us it's the only way in. The only way to reach escape velocity from planet wagie. The only way to become a NEET at last.
Joke's on you my NEET friend. I have to work 12hr shifts during the weekend, because my faggot coworker called out and I was on call.
At least I will get some good cash in my next pay check.
can you get neetbux for having bpd?
No. You need a real disability.
Why does shitting on wageslaves feel so good?
I don't earn enough to pay substantial taxes so your gloating doesn't bother me much.
But you have to go to work everyday while we stay home and play all day.
>apply for over two dozen low-tier wagecuckie jobs
>no replies
>send e-mail to law firm specializing in helping people get disability
>tell them I've got anxiety and agoraphobia
>they email me twice and call me 9 times in two days
I dont work thurs-sun
Its halfway through the weekend for me
similar boat, the less effort I put into my resume and CV the more luck that I seem to have. Maybe the 90IQ HR roasties just feel less threatened or something by it?
My job is pretty cool, so the fleeting weekend doesn't really bother me.