
I want to kill myself but I can't bring myself to do it, I've fucked my life up so badly and I can't see anyway out of this hole I've dug for myself. What can I do to gain the courage to end my suffering once and for all

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I have been binge-watching a lot of suicide videos for the last few weeks to see how worthless our lives really are. It just takes a second to jump, shoot yourself in the head or hang up yourself, necking yourself doesnt seems to be that bad if you can do it alone with no one to interrupt.

I'm going to drink myself to death. Not kidding, 23 drinks in about two hours could kill me.

just go work as a toilet cleaner and you'll be at it in no time

how'd you fuck your life up?

Is charcoal burning a good way to try and go? I wanna get a small, cramped hotel room and make it as airtight as possible with duct tape, swallow a cocktail of prescription drugs then pass out after the charcoal has ashed out. I just dont wanna hurt anyone else is the vicinity.

Please don't do it lads.
Get a job to keep busy. Simply try conversing with people.
I was ready to an hero and then I simply decided to be extroverted. Just throw everything in the wind and give life a shot rather than throw it all away.

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I had a girlfriend who I was in love with for 5 years. I stupidly decided that I didn't want her anymore and we broke up. I regretted it and decided I wanted her back and begged for months to come back to me. I found out two days ago she has a new boyfriend and just recently had a baby. I spoke to her last night and she told me she doesn't love me anymore. I've never felt so crushed in my life.

I cant live with myself for much longer, user. I did such terrible things to the most important and special person Ive ever known. I dont want to face things without them and me disappearing for good would finally allow me to move on and stop being a stain on their life.

sounds like you just need to get laid honestly. You need to fill the void with something to get over it and get your confidence back. Why are you even doubting yourself? You clearly saw something you didn't like the first time around. Have you ever known a happy on-again, off-again couple? They're always the most miserable people to be around. Dodged a bullet mate.

user, you can fix your life in the old way... all you have to do is stop being narcissistic.

Why are you going to kill yourself? What is wrong? Mind explaining your situation Aus bro? Only by diagnosing what the problem is, can you then find solutions. I want to help you. So please help me help you.

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AH shit dw scrolled up, you're fucked m8. Only thing you can do is get over her becuase you FUCKED UP big time. Go fuck some prostitute pussy for a bit, try to find a new girl. You can't go back you fucked up, so keep fucking pushing forward you soldier.

Don't be a coward by killing yourself. Be a fucking man.

>just stop being narcissistic

he already explained you dumbdick, Its about a roastie who wont jerkin his gerkin anymore. I'm telling you OP, you don't care about her, you only care about how she made your dick feel. Otherwise, you wouldnt have broken up with her in the first place

I already know, scroll up. Dick heads like you are why people are fed up with society.

Not that easy. People who can fix their themselves with this don't have ruined lives.

Yes user, just stop being narcissistic, pretty simple but beyond your capacity

maybe you should post your suicide thread next

>AH shit dw scrolled up
What does this mean?

Dont be a fag. Man up and deal with that shit. Have some pride in yourself regardless of the outcome, life is about the fight

>Get a job to keep busy. Simply try conversing with people.
that's what makes me suicidal
maybe i should swallaw this entire bottle of sleeping pills and wash it down with a handle of rum

Faggot arse pussy.
Killing yourself over a woman, how big of a bitch are you

Maybe you should stop being such a special snowflake and try to live like a regular human.

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I became chad and fucked over 30 women since we broke up, nothing has helped

>regular human
>tfw when 2 more months of this shit

>dude just be a normalfag npc lmao

Do it you fucking faggot. Nobody wants you here on this earth. DO IT. END YOUR SUFFERING RIGHT NOW. WEAK FAGGOT.

What a couple of faggots the two of you are.

This kind of arrogance is the reason you're suffering, stop imaging you're special and a regular life is below you.

fucking retards
you have to be retarded to be made happy by wage slaving and talking to people

None of this is helping me kill myself

No user, I just have to admit I'm not a super genius that's above pleasantries and working.
stop being narcissistic and you'll learn to enjoy life, no matter circumstances.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to drink yourself to death? You'd have to attempt it weekly for months, if not years, before your fucking organs so much as give up. And even then someone could save you. Humans have gotten good at not dying of alcohol poisoning.

>dude just stop being a autist with a bunch of mental illnesses lmao

your an actual fucking jew shill

Can we stay on topic and find more suicide fuel to end this shit? It's fucking amazing how these threads get flooded by these faggots trying to keep people living a shitty life regardless of their reason for ending it.

I've Asperger myself, and I needed many years of depression to learn arrogance and narcissism were the cause of my suffering.
It took time, but I learned that I'm not special, i'm not smart and that living my life is not below me.

No, jews want you taking pills, going to doctors and being a broken person... you'll never see a jew saying you to be humble in our century.

What a drama queen you are.

if you can't relate to anyone or connect with them then use you are special moron
and you can't enjoy any job with Aspergers it's hell being around others

That's the problem, lack of social skills is not the same as incapacity to connect with people.
People are nice to you when you are nice to them, no matter how much you sperg or act cool, as long you act like you're superior to people they will make your life hell.
Learn your place, act according (even if you don't social skills) and people will connect with you.

No one can tell anybody what they should or shouldnt kill themselves for. We all feel and suffer hardships differently.
OP how close are you to suicide in terms of things needed to do it? Do you have a gun? Do you live in a high building or near a tall bridge? Do you have any drugs you could OD on? Somewhere to hang yourself?
You should pick a way of going and plan and prepare everything, it doesnt take courage to do that. Then you will have to do 1 last thing, which will require courage, but is usually 1 little thing doable in a second. Like jumping, pullinf the trigger, knocking the support once you got the noose around your neck, etc
Good luck in whatever you choose OP, and I have to say I hope you choose to live

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Drama queen for trying to not derail the topic and not thinking that everyone's life is worth living? Ok, i am one then.

Sorry just ragging on you OP. Go to bed and stop staying up so late if you live better with more discipline you will feel better.

Okay. Now, imagine these feelings pass with you rising from the ashes... ONLY to come back down. Do some psychedelics or something, unironically.

Not OP, i just got off the phone and forgot to put the namefag i use. But, my point is that just telling people to "just man up, get a job, you're not special, etc" don't you think we don't know all that already? Even if some of these fags reason to die is over a girl or relationship, is no one business to tell them to not die or just keep on going, everyone experience life in a different way and it's most likely they won't do shit to begin with.

just can't unsee shit. that's all.

Every single fat person knows that eating less and doing exercises will make them slim, but knowing something and doing it are too very different things.
All I can do is say it and hope you put it in practice.

fuck you faggot i was nice my entire childhood and always hated and treated like shit anyway
fuck you

No user, you were not nice I assure you.
I bet you were a really "smart" kid that were above other kids.

>I bet you were a really "smart" kid that were above other kids.
wrong normalfaggot
and you don't have aspergers you lair

>wrong normalfaggot
This is the king of narcissism i'm talking about, you talk like you're superior to normal fags, special in some way...
Don't get me wrong kiddo, normies are idiots but we are no better.

What makes you think i have not done anything i could to make things work for me? As i said, it's impossible to know the situation of the other person or how fucked up they really are just by their post here.
But again, i know you normalfags are trying to be good Samaritans or whatever shit, and it's probably appreciated irl most of the times. But coming here just typing shit like "don't kill yourself for x reason" means nothing.

user, if a fatfag say to me he has tried a diet but he still fat I'll assume he haven't tried that diet for real.

If I want you to get over this is because I think you is not strong enough for suicide. If suicide was an option you should take it, lol.

>kiddo, normies
like pottery

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You really think people just kill themselves out of the blue without thinking or planning it for a while? It's not like we don't have feelings or no fear of dying or anything.

It takes a lot of time and failures to become a 350kg fatfag, the same way it takes a lot of time and failures to become a suicide.

You're not ready for this, need more preparation.

how do morons in this thread think that getting a job will help?
that's the cause of most depression

Getting a low stress job is good for you, trying to win the rat race is the cause of depression. I'm a carpenter, it pays very bad, but it's relaxing.

Working retail was the most stress relieving thing for me when I was in college. I loved going and being myself, chatting up customers and co-workers. Even if you're currently employed, I recommend working weekends to stay social/active.

>I'm a carpenter, it pays very bad,
no it doesn't

Yes that's the thing for an asocial asperger to to
that would be literal hell for me

I'm not an american, maybe in US being a carpenter is well paid work, here it's two minimal wages, I don't have money to buy a car (and I don't need one)

You're a fatfag complaining about exercises being hell.

exercise is fine but okay retard

if you have to ask why someone would want to kill themselves in a shit world like this, youre a normie who understands nothing

I'll try to explain it to you.
When you have asperger you need to be social, even if you don't enjoy it you still have a need for human contact to be healthy.
If you don't get enough contact you'll be prone to depression and many other things, so imagine this an some sort of medicine, it taste bad but it's necessary.

you retarded faggot i only feel bad when i'm around others
>what are hermits
you are a literal npc
thinks everyone has to be the same

hermits are incredible strong, you're a weakling that complain on Jow Forums, be humble and know your place.

Every human need food, water, sleep, warm... that's why this are called basic needs.
Unless you have the titanic willpower it takes to live alone you also need human contact, just try to have it in the less painful manner.

how am i weak? and i don't have a place you weak piece of shit
and i'm literal a hermit by defiant
kill yourself
i hope you burn to death

I'm weak and I know I need human contact.
You pretend you don't need, you live alone, but you got depressed from lack of human contact.

If you were strong, you'd not be depressed in first place.

fucking retard

dont do it in a hotel if you care about the aftermath. carbon monoxide detectors also might go off. personally plan to do it in my car, but started talking to some user and theyve kept me distracted from it. been about a week, but i need to get going

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user, you need human contact, if you didn't you would be alone and happy by now.
Stop pretending you are a hermit, you're a depressed aspie with a huge ego.

I am alone and usually happy
i'm depressed because i'v been forced to leave my house more than need be you stupid faggot i hate you

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Normie.
Or at least try to fucking troll harder. I have a full time job and I still constantly think about killing myself

Why you don't become a real hermit or a pilgrim them? Just find some far wood or keep traveling.

no fucking money? obviously
i already never leave my house unless absolutely necessary

So you need fancy luxuries. Just become more strong and become a true hermit, cabins are cheap.


I'll suppose you live in the US, here people sometimes donate money for hermits, it's prestigious. Maybe moving to a cheaper country will help.

>yeah why get a job when you can be a homeless cuck like me?

the cuck is the one slaving away
homeless are based

Why not I got a shitty hand dealed to me I'm fat, ugly, terrible at conversation with women so I'm doomed to be a virgin so why exactly should I keep living?

>npcs hate anything that deviates from the norm so much that they'll try to convince depressed neets that they hate so much to not kill themselves and "just get a job bro"

it's too much.

>Fuck empathy am I right guys?


I tried to kill myself in February unsuccessfully, most attempts will be unsuccessful, and it made my life much worse. I lost a lot of independence, despite being an adult man and homeowner I could not deny my family the opportunity to check up on me when I had put them through that but it has caused a lot of frustration since none of us were close before this and for clear reasoning when are within 2 feet of one another.

For me I realized I did not want to die but rather I simply hated my life, so while attempting suicide felt extremely painful and unnatural moving to another city unannounced, changing my number, buying a new car and starting a new life (dating different women online and just trying to find out who I am) has helped me a lot

I stopped smoking weed as well, have water fasted for a week now, and could realistically see myself cutting out the internet now. Jow Forums kind of the only thing bringing me back like an old friend but I am trying to determine whether this place has brought me any genuine happienss outside of the laughs

bruh just decide to be extroverted just have sex bro like wtf haha

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