What will happen when there are 8000000000 starving niggers and no one to give them free gibs...

What will happen when there are 8000000000 starving niggers and no one to give them free gibs? Is it cruel to artificially boost a population to incredible sizes without any sort of insurance that you are going to be able to keep providing for them eternally? Won't it result in billions of deaths that could have been prevented? Isn't welfare just evil?

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This is truly the most important question of the century.

We can safely assume that, should mass famine and disease epidemics occur, the crisis of refugees fleeing to Western countries, and even potentially China and Japan, would intensify beyond anything we've ever seen. Closing the borders would be cruel. We will be endlessly guilt tripped with images of their suffering. Half of our population may even want to accept them, or maybe only an extremely small minority would. Either way, we're in for a ride.

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hopefully whites will wake up and either retreat to Europe or take back their land in America

This is retarded. Ethnostates are fucking stupid and america wasnt built on white people, 99% of all Americans are either immigrants themselves or descendants of immigrants, less than 1% of people descend from actual colonists. I dont give a damn if there are black people here. I dont want the country to take in 2 billion africans, but that doesnt mean i have to kill my coworker for being black you mangy cockwomble
To answer your questiom OP, the far right will say its becayse they were niggers, the far left will say it was capitalism, and the non insanes will say what you said in a way, id imagine like "they continued to raise their population while relying on foreign aid and when foreign aid could no longer keep up and their infrastructure was underdeveloped due to said reliance there was a mass famine that could only have been prevented by them either developing their own stable infrastructure or not increasing their population so fast"

>america wasnt built on white people
Literally everything good in the world was made by white people

I'm European. Immigration has been a huge issue thru the last year since thousands of Africans/Syrians kept coming with their boats illegaly.

>america wasn't built on white people

Attached: soyredditballs.jpg (651x807, 106K)

>ignoring the slaves who did the majority of the labor
>le onions reddit
Second user, only redditors think reddit is an insult.
Both of you back to your containment board now, git, git on

Slaves are tools. Saying that slaves built something is like saying that hammers and saws built something.

>me dumfuk make word on 4chin
You rn