If you unironically defend her you are one of most pathetic, stupid and cucked people in this place
This dumb whore
This is true originally
Imagine hating other people. None of us asked to be born, some of us were just luckier than others
Also fuck you CIA glowie, shit like this is so tired
There's something very arousing about this photo, I mean, I've seen plenty of dead women on the internet, even the same cutting of the neck but this photo is pleasing. The angle, the way she's placed. I'm not really sure how to explain it.
>why am I still virgin?
pleasefsop posting this i know my comment doesnt mean much but its hurting so many people please stop
>implying this slut wasn't hurting people
You beta faggots are so fucking retarded, if she was alive today she wouldn't have given a shit about you
This orignigilioli
>beta white knight defending a worthless dead slut
>implies we are the virgins
Top kek
how can you really judge the actions of a 16 year old. i was a babbling idiot when i was 16 and i would have been just like her if i had been born a girl. you should be more understanding of other humans in different situations.