The Universe Computer

You access to the universe's computer, only you can access and type on it. You can reshape continents, planets, physics, society, culture, biology, individuals, etc. You can implant knowledge too. What would you do with this computer robots?

I would create another pocket universe and create a small tribal village there, rewarding them for their worship of me.

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change my appearance and live with my waifu in an ideal world

Immediately destroy everything.

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>What would you do with this computer robots?

I would make all women futas

Make pi exactly equal to 3

I'd make big titty bitch, faggot

>I would make all women futas
very based, i like where this is going

>simulation reset

What's your ideal world user?

Create a world in which the world computer does not exist.

Audit the universe source code so we can figure how the world works.