40% of male adult population in Japan are older virgins(30yo,40yo). Imagine that. Millions of Male Adult Virgins in Japan. Not to mention millions of Older male virgins in China and India because of the gender ratio.
And now the whole incel movement in the west.
>But everyone gets laid!
Ha! Sure thing
>But getting sex is easy!
As Chad yes. Or if you have money or status
>That doesn't prove anything
But it does. A new generation of sexless men is being created worldwide
There are Millions of Adult Virgins worldwide
Other urls found in this thread:
>But it does. A new generation of sexless men is being created worldwide
the problem will fix itself we will all die out and never have children
There is nothing wrong with people not having sex. Japan for example is overpopulated, and the inferior genes not reproducing is a natural phenomenon.
Or we can have a beta rebellion and put an end to gynocentrism once and for all
plenty of betabux bitchboys are still having kids because they're suckers
But they are growing each year. And the same is happening in the west. It's spreading everywhere
at least we know we're not alone in this struggle. in the near future the same males telling you to "have sex" will be joining the bottom of the barrel men as standards continue to increase and gender relations are strained even further. to counteract female hypergamy we will have to make designer babies mainstream like what china is trying to do.
I find it pretty funny that people are so willing to give money to the lazy people but aren't willing to provide sex to the ugly people.
It's literally the same rationale.
Easy, China will force a section of their men on the pink pill and have trannies for these men who cant breed. Its the only way to stop violent chinese incels.
>people that don't breed don't have children
>non-breeders die
>people that breed have children
>those children have children
>birth rate is fixed when non-breeders are gone
>, and the inferior genes not reproducing is a natural phenomenon.
Theres literally men who abandoned their children, child abusers, molesters, and thugs with children. Passing down your genes dont make you superior. Were dumber than actual animals. Natural selection works for dogs than humans.
Your moral preferences have nothing to do with evolution.
Guess I'm Chad then...
There have always been sexless, lazy "men" such as yourself who don't know how to do any form of work toward a goal
You must never reveal to anyone that you are virgin. Refuse to talk about it, the only reason anyone cares is to make fun of you/look down on you, see
what if you are rejected you are just ugly as shit no matter how hard you try?
you're not considered a man if you are sexless? that is so toxic.
Japan isn't overpopulated. Basically the entire country outside Tokyo and Osaka is empty
The opening scene of Idiocracy is happening right now: youtube.com
>Japan for example is overpopulated
It's actually not.
There's a shit ton of empty land in Japan. It only seems overpopulated on paper because something like 90% of the population crowds into cities.
Try harder
Maybe learn a little bit about logical fallacies you dipshit, I put that word in quotes because you're not men, you're literal fucking teenagers in body and/or mind
I just wish that hostess clubs were as popular in the West as in Japan. At least that way we could pay a girl to pretend to like us instead of this complete absence of any female companionship.
Japan is overpopulated. If Japanese don't want to live in the country, that land is as good to them as Texas.
>durr Japanese should just change their lifestyle preferences because I say so!
Fuck off, incel.
You all can't find women because you don't leave your computer caves. No shit you aren't going to find women in your basement or in line at burger king. Confidence is not a meme, I have personally showed people in real life how to do it. Just figure out any way to be interesting in any area, and stick to that when talking to a women. Go to a place you like, if you like motorcycles hang out in biker bars/shops. If you like hentai figurines, hang out where they sell them in collectable shops. Wait until you see a girl there and casually bring up said interest. "You like X manga? So do i! The artsyle is X. Want to trade usernames? We can talk about X thing in common/compare collections" done.
Online dating has totally fucked up society and made women more insufferable than ever. I expect us to reach 50% male virginity within a decade or two at this point, and for all the sexual harassment MeToo shit to get more extreme because of all the thirsty dudes
There are nerdy awkward girls in the world. Find them.
It's the rise of volcels. Men and women who choose to now have sex.
>Your moral preferences have nothing to do with evolution
A robot could get a hooker and impregnate a her. Does that mean he's passing down superior genes? No. Animals have a dynamic to make sure their species survive and reproduce to make strong children as they were.
Most humans are way too stupid for that and treat their children like shit. Incels isn't the result of nature's law.
>but COULD
The vast majority of breeding will not be done by hookers.
>There are nerdy awkward girls in the world
They don't go for awkward nerd men
>hehehe lets just deflect this argument right here...
>Getting sex is easy as a Chad
>be early 20s scrawny nerd with barely any muscle mass
>baby face
>live at home with my mother
>still fucked 20+ wahmen
Keep making excuses tho. more wahmen for my scrawny ass desu
Your entire argument is based on a fallacious premise, you mouth breather.
Have sex.
I recently graduated in my 20s and I felt somewhat better but nothing crazy. When I think about it, it's pretty neat not having to look out for another birthday being a virgin.
Are you a nigger or something? All you do is think about sex.
Who do they date then? Chad doesn't appreciate the buildup in kaguya sama
not him but you sound like a brainlet, you're in a thread about sex retard
Checked vol.11
>millions out of billions
You're the 2% genetic trash. Good riddance
>A robot could get a hooker and impregnate a her
That's not how hookers work, you demented, literally retarded incel. Just look at how fucking stupid you are, who in her right mind would come anywhere near you? Fucking mongoloids
Color collapse
>40% of male adult population in Japan are older virgins(30yo,40yo)
[citation needed]
>implying virgims arent partially created by social factors
>implying having sex is the only factor determining whether youre worth passing your genes
>nothing wrong with people not having sex
Imagine never having a gf or someone that's interested in you romantically as everyone else finds a partner. How can you think an existence like that is okay?
Confidence is simply being self aware of your probability of success. If your entire life has been rejection from the other gender how do you expect us to be confident in talking to other women?
>That's not how hookers work, you demented, literally retarded incel.
Yeah,let's act like hookers dont have children
and then the police arrive and arrest you for cat calling
The problem with normal fags is that they believe they're the makers of their own destiny. This is why their egos are so up their ass, and feel like anyone else who's having a hard time isn't trying hard enough. When in reality they were born into an upper middle class family, had loving parents, had good genetics, went to a good public school, was able to make friends, or doesn't have any mental issues.
How are any of those things in anyway in your control? These stuff shapes who you are, you can't simply say that everything you have or achieved was because of you own tenacity. That's a narcissist talking point
This is an excellent point.
Mass beta slaughter when?
It's because women love baby face. I also have it, and it is exacerbated by my blond hair and blue eyes. It is the only reason I have ever made love to women.
>There is nothing wrong with people not having sex
Well, if you consider only sex, maybe yes. But sex is the outcome of human connection which is pretty much essential to the sanity of any individual.
>Japan for example is overpopulated
You actually have no idea what you're talking about. I'm starting to think this is bait.
>inferior genes not reproducing is a natural phenomenon
How do you define inferiority? There may be brilliant people out there with extraordinarily good genes intelligence wise that will never reproduce because they were abused as kids and are scarred for life. People whose kids may have changed the world. And this is only one hypothetical example. Attempt some critical thinking from time to time, will ya?
>tfw I think Japanese boys are cute
>into femdom
>they wouldn't go for me because I'm a white American woman despite the fact their women are all race traitors
>boohoo they're all virgins
Good. Fuck 'em. Or don't.
user, why are u so hostile. Not all of us are bitter incels
> A new generation of sexless men is being created worldwide
Which is in line with the direction of where its all heading.
The human race will eventually achieve a sexless society, along with advancements with food where we only eat the essentials in powdered form. Then one day we will discover a near infinite energy resource using quantum physics. This will make it so there is no need for competition which in turn will lead to a society without violence. Then all our energy will be focused on becoming enlightened beings (we are able to do away with all physical desires and physical limitations) and then we can finally ascend into higher dimensions.
>posting the retarded 40% of nips are virgins meme
You know that the nips only count marriages and that figure comes solely from that? Most of that supposed 40% have had sex at some point, they just haven't gotten married.
You have to remember that not all cultures promote casual sex like most western countries do
That reality isn't anywhere near happening. You can't just be fantasizing about utopia and not address any of the current issue like an autist
i dont understand it
if japs are 100% virgins, why are there so many of them?
Just pay a woman to fuck you. If you have worthless genetics then you can't get free sex.
Just do it faggot.
there's no war to give these men meaning in their lives
Human nature creates societies, not the other way round
Then why are there millions of virgins out there then? Retard
Don't share your problems with other people, 90 percent of people don't care and 10 percent are happy you have them.
I'm not a loser, I'm just ahead of the curve
Going by your ludicrous proposition, people like Issac Newton and Nikola Tesla didnt have genes worth preserving?
The one and only reply you will get from me you stupid fuck.
I've always felt like a significant part of it is simply because men view relationships as just extra responsibility as oppose to the comfort and support it's meant to be, especially in a place like Japan where a soul crushing wage slave life is damn near inevitable. I mean who in their right mind would add a nagging aging used up wife and kids on top of the hell of having a job when we have all these awesome video games and technologies available to us?
Please listen to 1:20-3:30 and tell me you still want to be a part of this bullshit as opposed to playing Persona 5 and chilling.
>Imagine never having a gf or someone that's interested in you romantically as everyone else finds a partner.
This is a false premise as everyone else doesn't find a partner. did you even read what OP wrote? 30-40% of adult males are virgins, which means an even larger amount are unpartnered.
but it has been. what do you think the internet and things like VRchat and onions is for? Food and Sex is just an archaic way to consume and reproduce. Eventually humans will evolve to capture energy from quantum particles, and learn how to reproduce asexually. Through the internet we will all be connected as cells in the brain. Then finally the earth will become a living organism that figures out interdimensional travel.
God, I love it how incels and angry white men can only bitch about this shit online.
You know you will never, ever in your wildest dreams outvote us...right?
2016 was a freak occurrence, a tantrum by a dying breed of pissy white dudes who will never make it happen again.
You just don't have the numbers and 10% of you are gay.
Storm's a coming, assholes. And it is very brown, very feminist, and very fucking Stalinist for shitty regressive throwbacks.
When Dems get power back, you cucks will be dragged off to PRISON for posting hate speech online.
Women are so DONE asking for their rights. You fought them tooth and nail and now they are going to take those rights with soul crushing force.
Fuck your shitty slutshaming.
Fuck your imbecile creamsicle President.
Fuck you for never getting laid.
A socialist regime will need complaining workers after they get the power.
Subversive folk will me rounded and killed like many times before.
Do I still get my MtF HRT?
>a coming, assholes. And it is very brown, very feminist, and very fucking Stalinist for shitty regressive throwbacks
voted for hillary in 2016 voting for trump next year just because of this garbage you posted so thanks!
Seems incredibly dubious, I see most figures claiming 10-25% and the ones claiming 25% of the population hasn't had sex with a women is counting gay men in that figure. The only ones claiming 40% also claim that the number is even higher for women, which doesn't jive at all with the incel worldview so they're being pretty disingenuous.
>This is all you need to bait robots
Give him a reply he had to put some effort into it, that's AA grade bait
>Caring that much about sex.
Are you fags pajeets in spiritual form or some shit? Get a life and stop obsessing over pussy.
I feel like ultimately this is the solution. Men will realize sex isn't even that important and do other things.
This robot is right.
I must also add, that the human race has been trying to find ways to emancipation of wordly desires and reaching higher realms ever since civilizations was formed. buddhism and jainism were already exploring ways to overcome eating and abstaining from reproduction to attain an enlightened state. This phenomena of sexless virgins is only a transitory state from the past experiences of civilization towards all of us eventually becoming bodhisatvas, as the natural order intends it to be.
Most of them are old people. By 2045 their population will be half.
100% this.
I got out of my cave, I got a job and I have dozens of cute coworkers. No one wants anything to do with me. They don't even engage in conversation. I try to talk to them and I get little to no response. I asked a girl out and she literally said "I don't go out". I keep asking myself "why are you still trying?". Every attempt ends with humiliation. There's nothing you can do when you're unattractive.
>The human race will eventually achieve a sexless society
Women will never allow that.
>In 2014 on average 70 Japanese people die by suicide every day, and the majority were men. Seventy-one percent of suicides in Japan were male, and it is the leading cause of death in men aged 20-44.
We must stop the devils from reproducing. That is...my plan.
Japan isnt overpopulated. Also, because of their culture, economy, and technological advancements, they will survive unlike the west.
It started with text messages. Letters were fine because of the distance traveled. But text messages and phone calls is where we started to go wrong. Social media and online dating was the nail in the coffin.
>The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Humans cannot survive in this environment. This has become apparent.
Japanese people have been killing themselves over shit since the fucking dawn of the samurai, it's ingrained in their culture. They have loads of honor related shit to explain why they tend to kill themselves. It's a cultural thing, not because Japanese men can't fuck. Hell, even women are having far less relationships.