I feel really bad

I feel really bad.

I fucked a prostitute without a condom. She took it off and put my dick inside her, raw.

Now I'm gonna die of herpes and AIDS.

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why did high cuts have to die with the 80s

I don't believe you. No hooker would do that shit intentionally, even if you are a fucking sexual adonis, which you aren't.

That's one of the least believable things I've read here, and that's saying something. I've plenty of experience with escorts, and there's no way they would even think of going bareback with a punter, perhaps unless he offered her some serious cash for it.

im quite glad to have googled this word. thank you, user

>She took it off and put my dick inside her, raw.
Tell me more, that's my fetish

There's always room in the lexicon, peace out brother.

It was on the Wallen (Amsterdam), with a qt short Columbian hooker. Fat ass, good tits. At least 35 I think, but her face was nice.

I said it was my first time visiting a window prostitute (which it was), and I was a bit nervous the entire time. Dick went limp when I did missionary. Couldn't hold an erection because I use SSRIs which make me feel like a zombie.

I think she got tired of it, and she pushed my face between her thighs to eat her out, and after a while pulled the condom off and put my cock into her vagina. Man that was the best feeling ever.

I fucked her hard and came close to cumming, but wasn't allowed to. Then she finished me off with her hand. Because I did nofap for a week I shot a big load of cum.

At least I will have a good memory to think about when I die of HIV.

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Perhaps another reason, I came across as very inexperienced with women. I fucked her laughably bad during doggy.

I lost my virginity two weeks ago, at the ripe age of 28. Perhaps she sensed that and wasn't so scared.

the only thing stopping me from consulting prostitution is the desire for love with the partner. lack of love during sex appears depressing

>going down on a prostitute
Nigga why

Was she a hot thot at least?

You get over that. If you just want to put your dick in a hot woman and nothing more, then it's decent for what it is. If you expect even a shred of a connection with the person, then yes, you will probably walk away feeling a bit empty.

>and she pushed my face between her thighs to eat her out

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I couldn't think straight, I had a boner. All the blood from my brain was in my dick.

In hindsight I shouldn't have done it.

Yeah I can understand that, I've gone down on an escort. That was years ago, and to this day I still wonder what the actual fuck possessed me to do that. In the heat of the moment, the dick wants what the dick wants, I guess.

well if you don't get ridiculously sick or notice any strange sores you might be okay. nothing you can do now except hope she took pity on your for being a virgin and knew you would be clean.

You have 72 hours to get post-exposure prophylaxis.

Where are you based? Call your non-emergency medical line NOW.

I saw the same hooker twice.
the first time, I took it off to fap over her ass and cum over it, and she made a comment about me cumming in her ass, I ignored it but when I said I wanted to fuck again she got another condom.

Next time I saw her I ate her out , and made her cum a few times she says, then I started kissing her neck and started to put my dick in her no condom. She didnt even reach for one or get one out, and she was like"this is a really bad idea", anyway she led me in and I fucked raw and it felt amazing. she wa sso wet and warm.

STD tested and im clean, even months later, so I guess shes just a risky whore. She wanted to feel good and didnt like the condom. She also said I was really attractive and had a pretty penis

She must have been hoping you had a deadly disease. She obviously has been trafficked against her will and is trying everything she can to speed up her dying day.

You're just another man who raped her.

some girls really just do it to degrade themselves like a crazy fetish, mental illness. it turns them on so much to live this life.. rare but they exist

I was joking about HIV. Girls working in Amsterdam are regularly tested. I worry about lesser diseases though.