Wow mister your package is really huge! My little hands could barely hold it!

>wow mister your package is really huge! My little hands could barely hold it!

Attached: 1563107088430.png (848x1200, 789K)

>what im saying is your penis is big and i find it impressive,fuckin autist

Ok OP, you really made me laugh with that one.
Here's a reply, (you) earned it.

Attached: 7656bf3a375b4aef0d31da974a2febc8.png (868x1228, 963K)

kid get your ass off my package, little shit

cute boots

Haha if you think that's big you should see my other package.

Guess you'll just have to use your mouth.

>starts bitting your box

You're kind of young to be a wageslave miss.

>you're kind of old to be loving with your parents sir