Just let this place fall apart, janny. There's nothing worth saving

Just let this place fall apart, janny. There's nothing worth saving.

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Do you have any advice for how to get a gf? I can befriend girls fine but moving past that "friends" stage seems impossible, they never see me as more. Plz help

is only me here, me and everyone else that hates you, the place wont fall apart it will keep being the same once you leave

you are reaching orbiter levels not seen since a thot got a knife in the neck

true this place sucks now. generals and discord trannies truly do ruin everything.
that and porn studio psyops i guess

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gay men ruin everything

i dont e date like you discord retards i have my own life

"fembots" and faggots ruined this place. not even ledditors have caused so much harm

go back to your favela and eat a bullet, you fucking monkey. don't you have another "femanon" threads to post on?

Do I look like someone who knows anything about relationships? Male or female, I'm completely inept. Remember that they're just insecure humans, much like you. They're worried about how you see them too and try to impress you. There's no special magic. But I don't really know.
It's not about just me. This place is rotten to the core.

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including their own assholes

>rotten to the core
of course it is, that was the premise from the start, this place is for social rejects and the mental ill its not a good place and everyone knows about it

>Do I look like someone who knows anything about relationships?
Idunno, I'm just asking anybody I can at this point, sorry to bother you

You look like you know about sending me those ass pics I will hound you until the day you die if you don't drop your discord

>It's not about just me. This place is rotten to the core.
maybe but you still win the biggest fuck up award by far. noone can hold a candle to you

I thought the original premise was making original content or something.
Sorry, I'm not mad at you specifically, just in general.

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>discord gf conditioned herself into getting aroused whenever we call
>tells me she gets wet almost immediately after we start talking
>she masturbates multiple times and makes me talk dirty and call her a slut
>i just want to talk about anime and food

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>Sorry, I'm not mad at you specifically, just in general.
Why? What's wrong?

this whole site i mean not just the board, way back when the site was made it was for autistic social rejects anime lovers you want to see what a normal social site looks like go to facebook or whatever else

she tried doxxing a kid after luring him in with a premium proxy to shitpost. lies all the time. wants to drive 2 individuals to kill themselves. is a shit person overall and now she is blaming it on us can you believe it dude

But Jow Forums is especially bad. Why is it so full of namefags and avatarfags anyway? I don't see so many on other boards.
Nothing. I'm just a trash person.

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