Realize I'm bisexual

>realize I'm bisexual
>still not degenerate enough to have sex with men

Is this the rarest feel? I fap to gay porn occasionally to satisfy my urges, but have no interest in actually fucking dudes.

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If all there is in your mind is sex you're a degenerate regardless of your orientation

Thats fair user. Im bi but anal stuff is a hard no, even with girls. Sure Id suck a dick but being penetrated or penetrating someone elses ass is disgusting to me. I was raped tho so thats likely why.

It's just porn addiction man, I feel you. The taboo is what turns you on, not the gay shit

This. most people cant reconcile the idea that the porn you ingest is not a reflection of your real life fantasies. With porn addiction you seek out more and more taboo to satiate it, because soon the old genres/tags just don't do it anymore.

how the fuck can anyone be attracted to a man. very rarely they will have an okay personality but holy shit men as they are currently are basically totally worthless.

I'm a straight male yet I swoon when I see a decently fit shirtless guy. am i gay?

>how the fuck can anyone be attracted to a man.

Dicks and traps. If you pay attention most of the gay stuff on Jow Forums is on the feminine side, men are pretty hot as long as they look like girls. You don't see many threads praising masculine or typical looking hot men. Other than that you have cocklust, a lot of fags are really just in it for the dick, not the whole man.

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Perhaps, but no one will believe I'm straight if they knew my porn habits, plus I want special snowflake points for being bi.

Pray away the gay user

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Can relate a bit as a bi girl
I love women's physiques, but sadly they don't have cocks and is hard to compete with that

ur not bisexual, you're just a porn addicted freakazoid

You make this thread every few weeks goddamnit you think the answer's really gonna change that much?

>It's just porn addiction man
nice cope. im full fag and never fap to women. you bi boys are so insecure.

Similar, I like dicks but everything else about men is entirely unappealing.

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Funny, I don't see how anyone can be attracted to a woman. Vaginas are icky holes with weird membranes, and they bleed once a month.

>Is this the rarest feel?
no, everyone is bisexual. just most people aren't faggy enough to actually do gaystuff. getting off is just getting off. it doesn't mean anything.

Vaginas are gross as fuck but I still find myself very attracted to woman.

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But what if I'm upside down? Doesn't that mirror everything, so now you are the degenerate and until I stand up straight but I'm gay so that will never happen haha

This is a serious feel. Being 100% straight is the only socially acceptable excuse to not have sex with men, otherwise people hate you for being "repressed". People would rather you get pozzed than to be gay and not act on it.

I have literally gotten booty pics and he's DTF but... I don't want shitdick, or aids. He's probably a slut and has fucked others, like every other faggot.

Wear a condom and don't bottom.