Who do Scientistians pray to in times of need? Who do they thank for their blessings? Nobody? What a sad, pathetic...

Who do Scientistians pray to in times of need? Who do they thank for their blessings? Nobody? What a sad, pathetic, empty life that must be

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I had no idea Mississippi was so far backwards in time

Yup, nobody. Same as you.

How do Baptists verify the means of their salvation? Do they have any way of quantifying their righteousness against the world?


You can follow science and be religious, many religions fit pretty much perfectly into science, im guessing you wouldnt know that though because you're a normie abrahamicfag

It's binary. You're baptized or not.

There actually is something God like that scientists pray to. You arent exposed to this knowledge until you finish a STEM doctorate degree. This knowledge isnt for the masses, but rather the top intellectual minds. Thats all the information I can tell you.

I'm asking a professor now. You can't keep your secrets from me, magicman.