Learn about banking and how the current monetary system works. Learn about the cancers of fractional reserve banking

Learn about banking and how the current monetary system works. Learn about the cancers of fractional reserve banking.

All money flows through back to the banks. It all leads back there for the sole purpose of dishing out more loans, causing more debt and earning unlimited amounts of monies. The people that own private banks are the "Gods" so long as we think money is the greatest thing we could ever have. "Money is the best thing you can have, look if you want that thing over there you can buy it with money!" This is what they try to convince you of. They are satanic.

Under this monetary system if everyone decided to withdraw their money all at the same time the bank would fail and run out of money. Banks don't just keep your money, they use it to dish out loans.

In normal times, this works just fine. The bank keeps enough reserve cash on hand to cover a normal level of business.

BUT if too many people demand their money at the same time - there amount of money in the reserve starts to fall. If other people who have money saved in the bank get to hear about this - they may panic and decide to withdraw their money NOW - so they can get it before the reserve runs out.

This drains the reserve even more - even more people panic...and if something isn't done really quickly - the reserve can hit $0.00.

When that happens, people can't get their money out of the bank.

Rioting in the streets is generally the next thing that happens.

This panic then spreads to other banks. People think "If that bank ran out of money - then maybe mine will too!" - so they withdraw money in unusually large amounts - and the next bank goes down too.

The entire financial system can then fall like dominoes - one bank failing after another as confidence in the banking system collapses.

The trouble is that the bank DOES have the money - they just loaned it to people and it might be a while before those loans are paid back and the bank can establish a new reserve.

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 2:9&version=KJV

The vast majority of money always leads it way back into the bank, and then is dished out again causing more debt, supplying the banks practically with unlimited money. The people that have control of the monetary system are practically "Gods" of this world. The government of the world is the power of money. They can control military, press, governments. All nations that do not open their nation up, that do not allow their nation to be plundered by these people are attacked and destroyed.

Jews may even just be a front for it all. Yes there is no denying there is a large proportion of Jews in leading positions of financial power. But who really knows who could be at the top of this pyramid. It could be Satan himself. Christianity is firmly against the practices of Usury. Jesus Christ is hated by the Jews, the Jews rejected him, Jesus called them out on their lies.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 2:9&version=KJV

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You have the facts, and we have seen what has happened to all nations that reject this system of control. Spread the truth around. Wake the fuck up.

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Adolf Hitler fought the bank by eliminating the debt-usury system, by nationalizing the bank and by tightly controlling all aspects of monetary policy in terms of lending. The government issues / prints money and lends it interest free, as needed to grow the economy and ultimately serve the citizens.

Fascism is based on free enterprise but with constraints. One of the primary constraints being the question of "Is this economic activity in question good for our nation / people? Citizens can become wealthy under this system, the government has no objection to this (this is contrast to communism. Fascism also encourages the private ownership of property. Again in stark contrast to communism where private property is not allowed.

Fascism tells entrepreneurs "go ahead and start a business, earn money but don't produce products or services which will damage our nation and our peoples. And make sure that you treat your workers fair and pay them a living wage. If you don't follow these rules we will shut you down."

Above is the economic principle of Fascism. We failed in 1945. But the truth never dies, even if it is just underground. It gets out. Now the question is whether or not people are motivated enough to get out of this slave system. An economic collapse will guarantee this. So long as we stop worshipping money, they will have no power. Money allows these bastards to have all of the power in the first place. If we stop thinking that money is a complete means to an end they will lose power gradually. If all of a sudden we land in a post apocalyptic world with no money, they will have zero power. And nothing could stop us from clubbing their heads in with a stick. (((materialism))) is destroying us. We are trapped in an endless cycle, and it is causing misery.

People understand this, feel enlightened, like you just grasped a higher truth...

If you really understand this, and are not just some average idiot that read some shit that already half the population knows: make some fucking loans

People with unlimited money control media, this media socially engineers people. They have a complete monopoly. Back before mass media and internet. People would meet and discuss things face to face in person. People always defend the fact that private companies can do whatever they like, they can block or ban people from speaking on their platforms. Take Facebook for example. They ban and block things that they don't like or agree with. The financial powers of the world can shut people down instantly. In ancient Greece they had the Agora back then people would come and go, discussing things that were important to society. If this was privatized, and the owners started suddenly saying "No you cannot say what you want here sorry" or "You can only say what we agree with here" There would be a clear objection to this, the people would do something about it and the people would rise up. But now the people are weak, they are distracted and they do not let little things bother them. But the little things build up over time to the point where everything is lost. EVERYTHING. Harsh times lie ahead, the world is on the brink of collapse.

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Except half the population has no idea, and doesn't want to know anything. They are just brainless sheep. Numbers, accounts, worker drones that move back and forth as their society gets more and more like the matrix. Socially speaking people are becoming more retarded by the year, some people don't even know their neighbors names anymore.

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Bumpapoo in loo

>the reserve can hit $0.00.
the government would prevent that from happening and that never would happen anyway

literally just read Capital you fucking brainlet holy shit this is not remotely new or interesting

And all that does is keep the debt usury system alive while draining the government. Loaning out of nothing. It is a sham.

What do you mean, Das Kapital or some other book that I have never heard of relating to capital? Communism is stupid.

>calls him a brainlet because he hasn't read some shitty book and because what he is talking about isn't "new"

This kind of thinking isn't logically flawed, but just simply retarded. Kill yourself.

>debt usury system alive while draining the government
yea, its not like bankers also control the goverment or anything

A group of people with unlimited money flow can control almost anyone. Money motivates people to do almost anything. If someone offered you billions of dollars you would do mostly anything for it. Who do you think paid the rebels in Libya to assassinate Gadaffi and sodomize him by ramming a fucking pole up his ass?

Read everything carefully. They have unlimited money flow. All money in the bank is used to further issue loans. Making them more money. Learn about fractional reserve banking. It is an enslavement system, most people that live in cities need to have a bank account. They trap you into it. People are too materialized to want to get out of this system.

Hes right you know. If you agree with the system, you are a useful idiot for those that want to seek unlimited power by screwing people over. You are a puppet for the Jews. We don't even know what they do with all of their money, we only know basic stuff. like media control, rebel funding etc. Who the fuck knows what is happening at the top of the pyramid.

Bump. Thanks for the thread OP, have you read The International Jew by Henry Ford also?

you need to get money to get out too, im gonna save my money and move in with ted in the woods

You are one of them just like OP.

Its not about understanding anything, its about acting on it.
Maybe you understand a lot but dont know how to apply it for your benefit.

Every country except 3 use this method? It means that its an dominant economic method that has established itself and wont go away.
By shitposting or being smarter youre not gonna change anything.
But you can use this knowlege to your advantage.

Banks make money by giving out loans?
Who gets this loans? How can you get it? And so on....

This just basically means that there are 2 kind of people, those who work for it and those who get it for free.

Based and red pilled. Living off the land, not relying on (((financial power))) is Based. Starve the system by not contributing to it. They rely on you to feed them, to keep them going. They are the epitome of parasites.

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dont they make money on the interest? you shoudnt get a loan then

Only regular lawabiding citizens pay back their loans with their earned money.

If you know how to do it you pay back your loans with more loans.
Loans are time delayed, so you just have to keep it up until you die.

>" In ancient Greece they had the Agora back then people would come and go, discussing things that were important to society. If this was privatized, and the owners started suddenly saying "No you cannot say what you want here sorry" or "You can only say what we agree with here" There would be a clear objection to this, the people would do something about it and the people would rise up. But now the people are weak, they are distracted and they do not let little things bother them."

And this is the issue, only a select few people know about this. Look at the Henry Ford quote posted above.

>"Banks make money by giving out loans?"

This is fractional reserve banking. This doesn't have to be the only banking system we have. Read what OP posted above on what the Fascists did in the early 20th century.

"by nationalizing the bank and by tightly controlling all aspects of monetary policy in terms of lending. The government issues / prints money and lends it interest free, as needed to grow the economy and ultimately serve the citizens."

Based thread. God bless you user.

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isnt there only so many loans you can take before they cut you off? there arent that many banks around and they all keep tabs on you

bumperionio. Incel Fascist death squads when?

Thats if you make loans for personal consumption. You have to disguise your loans as "smart" investments

Hey (op?) can you give me a link to some data about jews in positions of power? Would like to see some evidence on it although i do believe you.

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but wont you have to pay the interest anyway? you wont get to use the money from the loan since you'll have to use that money to pay another loan

Yes you have to pay intrest, but nowaday intrests are so freaking low, and the bigger the loan the lower the intrests.

You need to provide cashflowstatements (proof that you actually have some roi)

The loans always get bigger, so you dont have to worry about paying back loans with loans because the old loan will always just be a fraction of the new loan.

You need to understand how to mix/hide personal expenses as business expenses.

Theres a lot of creativity involved.

Not OP but here.


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you just get bigger and bigger loans and use the money thats left over to invest or something, wouldnt it reach a point where the loans are just too big and they get suspicious? it sounds like some risky business that could blow over in your face and leave you fucked for life

hitler was a good leader except for the concentration camps and mass murder part. there i said it.


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>mass murder part
he doesnt know

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>Jewish holocaust never happened. After the war there was more Jews statistically than pre war.

>During the war many Jews were documented to living in Germany without being harmed while living many years after.

>many Jews were in the Wehrmacht and were leaders in the armed forces.

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Two words. Wooden doors.

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You have to start with nothing so if it blows up youll end up where you started but you had a good ride.

Your banker will want to believe in your succes because that is his succes.
The only way you get cought is if your banker chanhes and the new guy you get reevaluates you position with them, or the whole bank gets in trouble and they reevaluate all their loans like in a fimancial crisis.

The upside is that the whole bankimg system has to be "performant" and they have to give out loans blindly just to meet their targets

Jews were also shipped over to Palestine. This was under an agreement between the Israelis and the Germans. There was even Israeli coins commemorating this.

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Anime. Gaming. Manga.

Money is nothing but a scientific way of exchanging things. Before there was money, people were in real difficulty. All over the world there was a barter system. You have a cow and you want to purchase a horse. Now it is going to be your whole lifelong task_. You have to find a man who wants to sell a horse and wants to purchase a cow. It is so difficult a job! You may find people who have horses but they are not interested in buying cows. You may find people who are interested in buying cows but they don't have horses.

That was the situation before money came into existence. Naturally, people were bound to be poor: they could not sell things, they could not buy things. It was such a difficult job. Money made it so simple. The man who wants to sell the cow need not search for the man who wants to sell his horse. He can simply sell the cow, take the money and find the man who wants to sell the horse, but is not interested in a cow.


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Cool fashwave videos I came across anons. Check em out.





Fuck the banks and fuck global (((finance)))



you lose a lot of time that is if you dont end up in jail, its too much to gamble on the risk, i would rather do things the safe way, if i want risk i invest in stocks or something

Money became the medium of exchange; the barter system disappeared from the world. Money did a great service to humanity. And because people became capable of purchasing, selling, naturally they became more and more rich.

This has to be understood. The more money moves, the more money you have. For example, if I have one dollar with me_. It is just for example, I don't have one; I don't have even a cent with me. I don't even have pockets! Sometimes I get worried that if I get a dollar, where am I going to keep it?

For example, if I have a dollar and I go on keeping it to myself, then in this mandir there is only one dollar. But if I purchase something and the dollar moves to somebody else, I get the worth of the dollar - which I will enjoy. You cannot eat the dollar. How can you enjoy it just by keeping it? You can enjoy it only by spending it. I enjoy; the dollar reaches to somebody else, Now if he keeps it, then there are only two dollars - one I have enjoyed already, and one is with that miser who is keeping it

But if nobody is a clinger, and everybody is moving the dollar as fast as possible - if there are three thousand people, three thousand dollars have been used, enjoyed. That is one single round. Just give more rounds and there will be more dollars. Nothing is coming in; there is, in fact, only one dollar, but by movement it goes on multiplying itself

That's why money is called currency. It should be a current. That's my meaning. I don't know about others' meanings. One should not keep it. The moment you get it, spend it. Don't waste time, because that much time you are preventing the dollar from growing, from becoming more and more

Money is a tremendous invention.
It makes people richer, it makes people capable of having things that they don't have. But all the religions have been against it. They don't want humanity to be rich, and they don't want humanity to be intelligent, because if people are intelligent, who is going to read the Bible

Yes. But this thread is about the current monetary system, fractional reserve banking which is based off of debt-usury. Unlimited money flow into private banks.

What a copy pasta about gold coins being useful, now justify fiat money.


Just watch The Money Masters to learn all there is to know about the shitshow we are in. It covers what OP mentioned and more.

if i get money im spending it on government bonds not enjoying it

Upload that to BitChute, boycott Jewtube.


Just thought I would drop this hilarious post here. Have a good day yall

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Bumperino. Finally a less autistic thread.

>Hey guys, were rapidly exhausting our 50 year old water and power supply infrastructure and soon there won't be any left because climate change!
>N-no, sorry we cant build anymore powerplants or reservoirs because it's bad for the environment!
>Hey guys, we gotta triple our population with unlimited immigration, yeah I know, our 50 year old infrastructure can't support it, and yeah, we won't build any more housing or infrastructure or nothing, because we gotta artificially inflate costs to float our worthless currency..
>Because uh... climate change, uh... dont have any more babies btw, oh and please pay more taxes too it's your human right to support your slave caste lol :^)

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Pretty much desu. Facts and logic disarms these absolute idiots. Truth wins in the end, and the truth is on our side.

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Its less than 10% of the time youll invest in earning a honest day wage. You get much more money, you are less attached to your precious money and everything is completely legal because you need the paperwork to be good.

Hard times breed strong men. We want conditions worsened in order for people to wake up faster.

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yea but you run the risk of getting a massive debt or going to jail both will fuck you over forever

Figuring out how to create strong men during good times will bring about the thousand year reich

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Hail victory my comrades.





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Fuck off you stupid nazi jew hating pigs!!! get ouuuut pls.

user, what's the problem with nazifags?

They hate jews, Jews have done literally nothing wrong throughout history despite being kicked out of 300 + countries historically.. Oh yeah also fuck white people evil colonizers

Yeah true. I wonder why? They obviously they were doing something very wrong.

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Oy vey. Every. Single. Time.


Oyyy veyyyyy

>We are literally memeing Hitler back into the mainstream because we are bored as fuck.


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Check this documentary out, basically explains everything.


Or listen to this, you cannot understand Nat.Soc. trough documentaries, you need to understand it trough art.

Why isnt this schizo crackpot shit on the board specifically dedicated to cranks talking about le money lending conspiracy? wtf

>Thinks everything is a fucking consipracy.

You are a brainlet sheep that doesn't remotely question anything. Kill yourself.

Damn, send more of this shit I am interested in learning more.

>Don't even have a bank account

Nice try schlomo

You should learn a bit more about it yourself. Fractional Reserve Banking is little more than a meme. Reserves are NOT the limiting factor on how much banks can lend out. If they're short of reserves, they can easily acquire more.

The real limiting factor is either the Basel capital requirements or the supply of profitable customers to lend to.

Fascists are just as economically clueless as those they whinge about. It's just that fascists are satanic - they support governments doing evil things to individuals.

Lol that isnt true at all. Our current monetary system is amazing and helps the economy grow faster than it would otherwise

National socialism is literally the biggest shill ideology there is. The word privatization literally came from their economic policy of selling so much government shit that we needed a word for it

The current debt-usury system running dry is something that we want. It is endless infinite money for private profiteers that have more money than every human combined. If you defend debt-usury you are a satanic fuck.

>Fascists support governments doing evil things to individuals, yeah kike bankers.

And that is a good thing how?

Our current monetary system enables private shareholders to make endless monies whilst profitting off of peoples debt. People are forced to sell homes and properties as their wealth slowly devalues over the years.

A monetary system where the government issues / prints money and lends it interest free, as needed to grow the economy and ultimately serve the citizens is best system. Men who fought the bank have all been killed, vilified or assassinated.

>all debt is bad

What is it with ignorant morons being so confident in their stupidity that they really think they know better than trained economists?

Pick up an economics textbook and read something for once. Fuck.

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How isnt economic growth a good thing? It increases the material wealth of the citizens

>People are forced to sell homes and properties as their wealth slowly devalues over the years.

What? Home prices statistically have gone up over the years quite steadily

Learn about getting sex lol nerd

Doesn't take into account the fact that money literally rules over mostly everything. Dangerous amounts of money are in the hands of a small group of private share holders. These people control media, government and most of the money in the world.

Its all plastic garbage, and you call that shit wealth?

>Dangerous amounts of money are in the hands of a small group of private share holders

Because they are smart enough to own businesses that work for them instead of being dumbfuck wageslaves that sell their time for money only to waste it all on useless shit.

You think millionair niggers in africa, south america or china got there because they are smart enough to properly manage that business?

You think bill gates, zuckerberg or steve jobs did any positive contribution to their product besides initaly launching it?

Look at fucking windows 10 and tell me those people have any competences faggot.

Not even an argument. It is like saying because someone is smart enough to be a greedy fuck by fucking people over that they are better. Well no they are not better. Morally speaking. And if you don't have morals you are no better than a subhuman nigger from Africa that doesn't give a fuck if their baby gets eaten by a wild pig.

Buy shit that isnt plastic then...

Yeah, a world without windows would suck actually. Computers were super annoying before it

Becoming wealthy isnt immoral even the nazis knew this

You're paying for your internet, aren't you?

Well guess where that money is going, genius.

If you don't offer any valuable goods or services to the world, you don't get to complain about people that actually do.

Bill Gates is rich because his product is used by billions of people around the world. What have you contributed to the world lately?

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Fucking based and redpilled.

How the fuck is it a conspiracy, these are all just facts. Hitler was unironically right about everything.

The point is his product is still not good.
His product is nit used because hes efficient buy because he exploited a monopoly position.

Ive got my own product and own business and provide this to people, so i kniw exactly what ypu are talking about.

The wealthiest peiple dont their business because they are good and efficient at it but because they work with the fovernement and unfairly exploit dominant market positions.

Windows hasnt had any positive development since xp, thats like over 15 years shitting on a product and still selling it and you call that good?
They are just selling because they control the base of every softwarestructure not because its usefriendly or people want it.

This is basically communism

>Wtf is RSR/RSV?
RSR = Reserve Rights - Used as collateral to keep RSV stable at $1, when used its burnt to purchase xyz amount of RSV at $1 - so if RSV is $1.20 you can use RSR to arbitrage and buy at $1. It is a volatile asset intended to have a high price.

RSV = Reserve - The decentralized stable coin that is economically and legally robust at any scale. 100% asset backed by multi-collateral, and funded by top Silicon Valley investors. It is literally the most technologically advanced stable coin concept to date in a world where the current stable coins have more problems than a tranny trying to figure out what public bathroom to use. In short, RSV is the only stable coin concept that isnt a literal shitcoin. Just look at DAI, just the other week it was $0.93! MakerDAO cannot scale for use as a global stable currency, as of right now only the Reserve protocol fits the criteria checklist for that use case.

>Peter Thiel is only known to have invested in 3 cryptos: ETH, EOS, and now RSR/RSV - his investment patterns are overwhelmingly correct.
>Former SEC Commissioner (& Adviser to Pres. Trump) Paul Atkins named as an advisor to Reserve.
>RSR burnrate confirmed at 2-5% annually in USD value of the total supply by Reserve devs.
>Huobi is building a DeFi that will support RSV
>Entirely regulatory compliant

Available Supply data:
>The circulating supply for the first 3 years is closer to 20 billion as the reminder are essentially in a staked state.
>55 billion is held by the Reserve team to do burns so that more RSV can be minted
>In the event of minting new RSR the total supply will never exceed 100 billion as per dev data

Circulating supply on CMC is incorrect

Price projections:
2019 eoy: $0.05
2020 eoy: $0.40
2021 eoy: $1.30
2022 eoy: $2.80

Dev site: reserve.org
Whitepaper: reserve.org/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: t.me/reservecurrency

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Brotip: If you want to redpill bleeding heart lefties, start out with Mosley before moving on to Hitler. It's extremely effective.


It's just so freaking heartbreaking how someone can be so honest and good, like Mosley or Hitler, only to be spat on. Do normies even deserve to be saved? If they are too stupid and too deceived to see the truth?

that made me cry. no, it is not, mosley-kun

That's how it really be