Still can't cope with how my older brother's friends took advantage of me and sexualized me when I was younger

>still can't cope with how my older brother's friends took advantage of me and sexualized me when I was younger
Anyone have something that they can manage to shake?

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obviously i guess

they told you dirty stuff or something?

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Well rather than being treated as a middle schooler, which I was at the time, they treated me like a grown woman that they could try to play around with.

And they fucked you?
They're child predators
Talk to a therapist

>middle school
how old is middle shool again? like 12 or something, thats not to bad since nothing really happened you just need to see a therapist

A couple of them did. I've been to a therapist a lot.

>nothing really happened

Have you considered some kind of trauma therapy like EMDR? Might help remove some of the emotional baggage tied to the memories.

tfw no sexually abused femanon to cuddle and comfort

Wow did you look like a woman jeez describe your 12 year old self and body complications.. Wow I can't imagine