What's the worst pain you've ever felt in your life, anons...

What's the worst pain you've ever felt in your life, anons? I got a nasty toothache which I think is caused by the pulp being fucked, which made me think of this, but its not my worst
>be messing around with my brother in my dad's business
>place has been closed for a while and it's a mess
>breaking a few things didn't bother dad, the place is a shithole he can't be bothered with
>me and bro have a habit of smashing those long light bulbs on each other, can't spell it you know what I mean
>decide to record a lil skit where we get into a "fight" and I'll smash the bulb over him
>we do so and I whack him with it
>didn't realize other side is broke
>pull it back after hitting him and it goes right into my leg
>ouch that don't hurt too bad but there's a hole in my leg about the circumference of a quarter, we should go to the hospital
>we do so, and they find out there's a piece still in my leg
>they fucking dig and poke around in my leg for literally a bit more then an hour
>numbing shit they gave me is only numbing top of skin, all the meat and shit hurts like hell
>they dig to my bone, skin swells up and it looks like I got two damn knees
>even after that they can't get it and I need to have surgery
Got pain pills out of it tho. Pic related is my scar

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the worst pain i've ever felt is when i found the perfect girl but she didn't like me back and i still kept talking to her because she was my only friend and every night i would cry into my pillow

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Toothache - infected nerve. That was agony.

I had super intense stomach cramps during fevers twice in my teen years, felt like being stabbed in the stomach. both times went to the hospital and they didn't know why

Once woke up in the middle of the night with the strangest and most powerful stomach/intestine pain i ever thought was possible. It was a huge pressure that felt like my belly was about to burst open. Tried my hardest to get to the toilet while almost collapsing because of the pain. Sat down on it thinking it was just gas or something but no matter how hard i pressed nothing came out. Spend probably 2 hours trying to get whatever that was out of me but to no avail, after that i just crawled back into bed and tried to not die for another 2 hours till i eventually feel asleep or maybe even blacked out i don't remember. Slept for 14 hours and woke up feeling fine. No idea what the hell that was.

i don't even know what this was from, but under both of my ribs i had a pain that literally paralyzed me. i couldn't inhale at all without feeling like i was being stabbed, i was bawling my eyes out; looking back it was like i had a blender in both sides constantly cutting into me. so that was fun!

otomycosis. That shit hurted so much I couldn't get no sleep.

Degloved my forearm in a bike accident. I passed out shortly afterwards.

I have ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. Characterized by bloody diarrhea 5-20 times/day during a flare-up. It feels like pushing a kidney stone out of your ass.

I've been to the ER once because of it, not by the typical dehydration from diarrhea or anemia from the bleeding or malnutrition, but just because the pain levels were nothing like I had before. I lost count how many times I shit that morning and I started throwing up because of the pain, I thought there had to be something else wrong. At the ER they started giving me pain medications and they kept ramping up the type and dosage and none of it was helping. Ending up with morphine but still in a lot of pain, was really weird.

user what does deglove mean? Sounds like your skin was peeled to the meaty bits, sounds like hell

Testicular torsion. I obviously don't know what childbirth is like but I've gotta imagine it feels like that. And because my dad is/was retarded he thought i was faking to get out of school so I had to feel like i was being stabbed in the balls for a solid 24 hours until he finally took me. Long story short I've got one less ball but hey, if someone tries to kick me in the ball they've got a 50/50 chance of missing

I wouldn't recommend googling it, but it is when your skin gets peeled off, yes.

Yeah i could've just googled originally but wasn't in the mood to see gore atm haha
Hope it wasn't too bad or at least you recovered quick, user

I burned my whole body with boiling milk when i was 4.

Physical - burnt by steam. That shit just keeps burning you for hours. Agony.

Mental.... too many to list

damn does that affect your semen production at all, idk too much about balls but when you cum is there much less?

Being away from kids.
Take this from a guy that has survided two car accidentes and parctices martial arts as a living.

from your kids or just children in general? seems like you're avoiding something

Had a blood vessel burst real deep in my nose so they had to shove a really big tampon thingy up my nose.
Thing is, they had to shove it in before dilating it with saline solution or whatever. It looked like and had the size and density of a popsicle stick. And they shoved it up my nose.
That was the only time in my life I actually whimpered from pain and not from getting scared cause I got hurt or whatever. Don't even get me started on how they pulled it out too early and had to put in another.

It's still the same amount, doctors described it like losing a kidney, the other one just works overtime

Infected tooth. I got lightly struck in the face with a dodgeball. Wouldnt even hurt otherwise, but i dropped like a sack of rocks.

when i was a boy i was playing tag and a boy kicked a ball in front of me. i was going so fast i wouldnt be able to stop so i knew what was going to happen. my foot lands on the ball, knee smashes on pavement. the kicker is that im not a crier, never have been so nobody believed me when i said it hurt. the nurse didn't want my mom to take me to the hospital so as a result i still have the scar, two inches long and quarter inch wide

>From my kids
It's horrible how a misspeling could label you as pedo here.

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I haven't had one of those fun nights in a while. The pain is horrible but if you manage to get over it and get back to bed exhausted and dive into one of those deep deep sleeps it is worth it. Nothing beats the feeling of deep, relaxing sleeping.