Fembots, do you want a family?

Fembots, do you want a family?

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Yeah eventually. It's weird because I find pregnancy hot but birth terrifying and I love the idea of having a family but I'm terrified of the responsibility. So I don't know if I will.

>I find pregnancy hot


just give in and get pregnant. just imagine all the positive attention youd get

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pretty pls yes
my poltard bf always cums inside and tells me how much he loves breeding me and how he wants me to be a mommy and an empty headed stepford wife. ideally we'd have 6-8 kids because homesteading. it makes me rly happy we want the same thing

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You don't think it's hot? I can't explain why it is it just is.
Eh I don't think so.

No. Making a family as a woman ensures that life will hand you the short end of the stick for the rest of your existence. No one wants to hire a pregnant woman so you have less opportunities. Studies show that employers are less likely to give you promotions while male workers with children are more likely to get promotions compared to their childless peers. And children do best with a stay at home mom for the first two years of their development. So if you want your child to have a fighting chance, you have to decimate your career since the early years of a career are the most vital to later success.

Even in millennial couples, where house work is split the most even between any other generation, when children are introduced the average couple, both of whom work full time, revert to a 70/30% split in household chores and childcare with the woman picking up the bulk.

Pregnancy ruins your body and shortens your life. Plus the horror that is the birthing process. And if you live in America, your chances of dying in childbirth are higher than any other first world nation.

So while I'd like to have children, I would have had to be born a man to actually go through with it.

you disgust me

Well I want to kill a baby and have a white daughter and to put her in a situation where she's alone with non-white males for a few hours when shes a child and I want a son I can emotionally abuse until he murders me

>not wanting to be a full time mommy
>not wanting to keep your house perfect and your husband's belly full
>not wanting to be knocked up and kept by a man
fellow femanon, you sadden me

Thanks alot fags you woke up my pp with all this breeding talk

So you have the right to have a career and she doesn't

Did you think only men could develop breeding fetishes?
I'm glad you're concerned
But you should still go through with it, provided you have a wonderful husband first

>all that stress for some ungrateful faggots you hate
geez why don't men do this if it's so great?

I tell exactly this all the time but people keep telling me I'm saying bullshit, like fuck you I want to live my life not some goddamn kid's life

but being bred and having a whole litter for her owner is a girl's purpose in life

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why the fuck would you want a career?

I'd love to have a small family eventually, but right now i find the idea of getting pregnant and giving birth fucking terrifying. As well as i obviously want to focus on my degree and career thereafter. So maybe not for a while lmao

I would want to be father but not till at least 35 yo, I think that's the ideal. Kids are a good thing but a huge responsability.

>hating men
wew, its not stressful if you enjoy your place and embrace your femininity. i really love cooking, gardening, baking, and wearing lolita. i love being owned by my bf. but if you're this bitter about your biological purpose i guess it's a lost cause

That's dumb
You're gonna be too old to play with them

What do fembots think of a nanny taking care of the kids while you work?

>Pregnancy ruins your body and shortens your life.
So that's why my grandmother who birthed 8 children is incredibly skinny and is in her 80s.

Then what's the ideal age for you? Cuz I feeel like 27 would be too soon, but would be nice as well, I meant not like too young meaning at 23 or so.

it's not healthy and women should raise their children entirely or not have any at all

I'd give anything to be a loving stay at home wife who cooks and cleans and dotes on my husband and kids and dog but why would anyone impregnate an ugly girl

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Why do you have to introduce your weird kinks into having kids?

You should be focused on being financially stable first but the younger the better
I would happily be a father now at 25

No. I don't have a meaningful career and I want to raise my kids myself.

How ugly are you even? You know personality goes first right?

A sense of worth and purpose in the world? Knowing that you have contributed to the greater good within humanity and expanded the collective knowledge?

Inb4 "you can do that with a child", not really, what's to say that your child won't grow up to be a useless dumbshit that wastes its life to have children like you?

Drop your contacts, you and I can find out why.

>Not wanting to be nothing more than a parasite dependent on another's happiness for your own.

That is a level of unrelenting hell I would kill myself to escape. I hope you can find happiness.

That's the shitty thing to me, my job is shitty so. Ideally I would want before it's too late but at this point I don't care about women. I don't think anyone would sette up for me to the poing of even wanting to have a baby, Sucks to be loser.

No. This planet is not in a state where I'd put lil humans in. Maybe if times got better but with global warming and the already overpopulated earth, I'd rather just not.

I mean, unless you become a world leader your legacy will be small and will die soon after you do

Nah that's fair. My parents didnt have me until their 30s so they had a good full 20s before they had kids.

a sense of purpose pushing papers in some bullshit hr job? because thats mostly what women get

Every now and again? Fair. Necessary, even. But i fucking hate the kind of rich parents who don't give a shit about their kids and just lob them off on a nanny or babysitter every single day to the point where the kid loves the nanny more than their own parents.


There you go champ.

Same with my mother. She enjoyed her youth so much and then when she was like 35 had me. Gave birth a failure but wasn't her fault. At least she could enjoy her 20s and Im glad.

dunno, in my culture it is pretty common for women to have that role in the home. it genuinely makes me happy to cook dinner for my siblings or to bake for my boyfriend

Ily femanon, please do what you stand for

I hope you are pretty enough to get a hubby that can afford a maid to clean and do laundry and do the dishes. you probably only want to have 1 kid, that isn't messy too.

Wholesome content

Ah fuck that does sound pretty nice, tho what if they both grow up beta as shit and request therapy and call the police on you

Don't listen to him. 35 is honestly the perfect age to have children. It increases your chances of them being defective, but as long as you don't let feelings trump facts and you're willing to abort, 35 is perfect.

He says you'll be too old to play, but how many young parents do you know that are too tired from working constantly to play with their kids and just plop them in front of a computer? So those kids end up without involved parents and poor. Whereas older parents have flexible careers because they've put in the work and they have the money to send their kids to fun activities.

Studies about the subject are all over the place
You're never gonna get the answer you want

I wouldn't do it because what's the point of having kids if you're not going to raise them, but like donating eggs, it's the ultimate chad move. You get all your genetics out there without ever having to lift a finger.

I think by ungrateful faggots she meant children.
And it's great that you like to be a stay at home wife and cook and do generally feminine things. That's not baked into biology though.
So don't be a cunt just because another woman wants to do different things than you.

My parents where both 39 when they got me and lord did I hate it. Your kids will be a whole generation appart, you'll never really be able to bond with them

The only people I know who had a lot of children and died relatively early were people who didn't take care of their bodies anyway

i want a lot of kids, it's pretty standard where i'm from. also doing laundry/dishes takes at most half an hour out of my day. i'd like to introduce my kids to the hobbies i like and the same with my bf who likes grittier outdoorsy things. the most important thing is to teach my kids self-sufficiency

Maybe 39 is a bit old. 25-35 is a good window in my opinion.

If you say so
My dad was 33 when I was born and the same shit happened to me
You can be an involved parent at any age

My point was that guy said there's no point to having a career. From your point of view of only being a world leader mattering, then there is no point to kids or a career.

Wholesome is a shitty excuse for sad life.
That's certainly true, if you're young at least you get along with your kid. I don't care honestly, first thing is to have something to have a baby with, you know, duh.

Cause Ada Lovelace, Marie Curie, and Rosalind Franklin don't exist.
Most people's lives are meaningless user, being a male doesn't give it any more meaning.

W what. All I said it that its wholesome than user said he was glad his mum enjoyed her 20s wtf are you on about.

I honeslty feel like I'm close my "prime" to be a mom. Soon I'll be 20 and I feel like between 20 and 25 is the best time to get kids? But I don't think I'll be able to be a good wife in time for that prime.

With good wife I mean educated, good body, at least a little financially stable,.....

I take the answer science gives me. Do you have any studies about people who have children living longer?

>i think when she said ungrateful faggots she meant children.

I agree with your point on hating an entire gender but idk why you brought it up lmao

If you depend entirely on another being for happiness, you will never find it.

I'm not saying you can't be proud of your accomplishments
But unless you're missing out on being president or prime minister the difference is minimal
Plus I know tons of childless people in their 50s and their lives suck regardless of how much money they have

i don't know how to read i guess i thought she was talking about dudes

thats nice but i sincerely doubt you will ever be like those women. men get something out of working, they get to feel like they're providing for and taking care of their family

such naivety
I remember when I was didn't have children of my own. you'll see how stressful it is when it's too late.

I know I'm that user who said that. What I meant that wholesome means sad life for me, I'm glad that she enjoyed her youth but Im still a fucking failure so it's all sad not wholesome. Ugh. Forget it.

And women dont?

Those first two had kids btw

>because of a few bad eggs
>autism jokes on Jow Forums


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Ayy don't forget Grace Hopper, Amelia Earhart, Barbara McClintock and in more recent years Jennifer Doudna and Emily Levesque. Look them up, they're pretty dope

i'm already pretty content with my life and myself, friend. everything used to be shit for me but things are much better and i simply look forward to the future. what's wrong with me feeling good because i can make other people in my life smile over little things?

And it is physically impossible for working women to have those same feelings?

I know. But we remember nothing about their kids and everything about their accomplishments.

enjoy having nannies and baby sitters raise your kid

Nothing's particularly bad about that. It's nice you find happiness in a relatively small existence. Don't shame others for not feeling the same tho

i'm one of 6 kids and i raised them alongside my sister. it's not an unthinkable task for me

You can be a normal couple and split the child rearing between you and your partner
Or have a house husband
You retard lmao



I mean the studies vary and these don't take into account people who conceive are probably healthier than those who don't but my point was the point was moot

>Plus I know tons of childless people in their 50s and their lives suck regardless of how much money they have

Do they say they suck, or are you just assuming that? I know lots of retired people who are glad they don't have kids, but I've never met even one parent who didn't regret their kids at least once. And if they're admitting it to someone they barely know, how much are they keeping bottled up?

Yes but my bf of three years has suddenly changed his mind. He has no problem delaying again and again but I'm prepared and its within the time WE BOTH AGREED.

His excuse all along is financial stability and I agree so I have worked hard and smart and make a very good income but here's the problem. He has a good degree and made more than I at first but I quickly surpassed him. The more I made the less he applied himself and been fired twice in the last 18 months. Now he's telling me we cannot marry and start a family because WE need my income.

Sooooo. I still want a family and not going to wait 5 years for him to get it together and working on the courage to break this off.

If there is any positive from this, thank god I didn't marry and have a child already with him. He clearly has proven not to be husband/father material.

Yes, but it won't happen so...

That's the point, I'm not having children because I've got better things to do.

I'm the financially stable one, you'll just have to get on your knees and suck my cock, take care of yourself too, but that's pretty much it

Leave his useless ass. Sounds like you'd be better off

Irene Curie won a Nobel Prize and her sister Eve was a journalist and activist on UNICEF's behalf


I'm going to need you to actually find me studies if you want to prove this. Not pop science bullshit.

>"what's to say that your child won't grow up to be a useless dumbshit that wastes its life to have children like you?"
im just throwing this out there, but you could, i dunno... care for the child? Lead them in a less shitty path that most these people on r9k have? Raising a kid to be a shithead isn't inevitable, its just a shitty path that negligent parents do.

And I've never heard of her or her kids. Children don't matter, what you do with your life is what matters.

>implying the journal's wont link the actual paper or study

It's not hard to find you autist

But what's the point of raising a child?
Is it so hopefully the child can be successful? Why not pour all that child raising energy into being that successful yourself?

i'm getting more warmed up to the idea of having a family recently.
i used to not want kids, but if i ever had them i'd adopt them because there isn't any use contributing to overpopulation when there's kids that need homes.

however, after i took an (((((ancestry))))) dna test, i found out i was 100% nw european, with 90% being english. i would feel kind of guilty not reproducing with a guy of similar genetic makeup and passing on this genotype, but i'm very petite and a baby would fucking wreck my body so hopefully test tube kids are an option by then.

Same user you replied to. I agree

I'm not doing the work for you. You presented a theory, so defend it you retard. That's how discussions work.

Sometimes you can do the best for your kid, try your hardest, and the kid will still end up being a neet shithead who spends his weekends browsing r9k and watching loli porn and daring to blame their parents for why they turned out like that.

>sometimes people are just born shitty

>studies show
What studies exactly?

>BackgroundIt is known that parents have lower mortality than childless individuals. Support from adult children to ageing parents may be of importance for parental health and longevity.

>after taking a dna decided to have children
I'm the exact same, I found out I'm 100% white and 80% English, so I thought at this point I have to have children, but I think demanding a girl also take a dna test first would hamper things

pretty much all truly successful people have children