What keeps you living? why haven't you ended it?

what keeps you living? why haven't you ended it?

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I got a girlfriend this week. I have no clue what this means but she says she's mine.
I know, I know "gtfo normie" and all that shit. I'm still a robot through and through. But I haven't been on here in two months. Just came to kind of say goodbye. And what an appropriate thread, too.
Farewell anons, we're all gonna make it.

>what keeps you living? why haven't you ended it?
I'm young and have a whole life ahead of me, and I'm quite healthy, I don't suffer from any illness beside depression, but my lifestyle help to cope as far as I know. It would be stupid to commit suicide.

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if you kill yourself you kill yourself for all eternity

My great genetics. I have genius intelligence and I'm attractive. It would be a waste.

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i doubt this severely

I'd only end my life if a psycho yandere would do it. She would choke me while slitting my veins open. Then she'd lick my blood and kill me by choking me to death.

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Fear of failing and giving myself worse brain damage than I already have.

1. I am wanted
2. I'm scared of dying

I like living. Life is fun.

I am waiting for the next widek album. Also music and curiosity. Killing my self will be a boring end

Seppuku needs some preparation that I currently don't have

too much videya to play desu

I owe my family money for paying for the college i was expelled from. That and medical bills. Cant check out until
I have enough money to pay them back

I doubt a genius would spend any time on Jow Forums

I have nothing else to do. Why shouldn't I be on Jow Forums?

I want to see how the future developes. So far I've heard of many contradicting prognosis and I have no clue who will be right at the end.

Damn son you must think that you are incredible incompetent if that's the only thing holding you back. What kind of brain damage do you actually have?

My family


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I'm 20, intelligent, Aryan, work out and run 10+ miles daily. Life should get better eventually even though I live in the middle of nowhere with no car, no friends, and I haven't fucked anyone in a year.

i at least have to have sex once


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nothing keeps me living
nothing makes me end it
i just exist like nothing

against who?

Based. Revenge against who?

I live because at my core I still have hope some kind of miracle will happen that will prove my overwhelming pessimism wrong and give me meaning.
Honestly I think I will end up living a miserable life on the streets because of this curse, so my second biggest hope is that I'll somehow grow the balls to kill myself.
There's nothing in this world I really want to do, my mind is drunk on teenage-like nihilism and everything seems like a path to disappointment in many different levels.
My biggest fear would be of succumbing to despair and doing something stupid like trying to kill someone and going out like a bigger social monster than I'm already am.
My dream is that I simply do not wake up the next day, but it seems obvious that I should do it myself if I really don't want to live.

For Lloyd of course

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Except a little list of the people who betrayed me and of the girls who spat on my feelings for shit and giggles i don't really know.
I'm just full of hate, it became my motor i feel like i'm possesed sometimes.
I'm getting really fit, got a nice little job in coding just so i have a social "alibi" and can become like so much others mankind cancer.

ps: sorry for blogpost :^)

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lmao this shiet

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Same,both my brothers are Chads and going to presigious schools. Unfortunately I got hit with the family depression gene and did poorly my first years of college but Im gonna start meds and therapy and hopefully I'll be on their level soon.

I like living! c:

don't wanna miss some of the things worth living for like new vidya, and the small chance that non-gun related (nogunz, unfortunately) won't work and leave me with permanent damage

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2020 election is worth sticking around for. Should be entertaining.

I tried to and failed, actually lost some bodily functions for several hours which was scary. I am a fuck up and know I will fuck up any further attempts

I will just continue to work and do things I like until I die naturally or some nigger kills me

all my accomplishments and movements in the afterlife having little meaning because i know that it's supposed to be like that and losing the feeling of achieving something worthwhile in my life even if it isnt much.

Ill bite, how did you figure that out?

watching NGE in a mist of a period of me going postal and me coming to my conclusion on the show

Ok and how old are you? Originigro

I'm 21, why do you ask

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Because it saddens me out how so assure you are of your irrelevance. Out

Basically just fear of death/afterlife.

>Caring about your social standing past high school
yikes my dude, why would you care over such petty shit? just find someone you know so you can talk about how shit life is.

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I know I'm gonna die someday so what's the hurry. Also
>entertainment in general
>creating shit
>have things to look forward to

I gotta look after my grandma, she always been there for me my entire life. I can't just end my shits and put her through all this.
Once she passes away I'm going too, I really don't have anyone else left.

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>fear, desu
Nice read at least one robot improved, gl senpai

Top taste, fren. Quintessentially british

I fear death, I fear pain and I don't see any point in killing myself because I'm going to die anyway.

Also, I'm on a point where I just don't care about anything anymore. I don't care about anything. I don't care if I'm going to even going to end up living on the streets, I just don't care about anything anymore. I say fuck you! to everything. To life, to this or that, to having a girlfriend, to having a job, to having money, to having a car, to having friends, to marriage, to having kids, I SAY FUCK YOU TO EVERYTHING! Including myself, my brain and my shitty existence. FUCK YOU!

Warframe and friends

Fear of hurting my loved ones and also the thought that things might improve and I'd regret killing myself half way through.

Lack of an easy, pain free method mostly.

I got shit to do and a family kiddo

Whatever I can scrape up and make into something meaningful. People are a different story, though. That's more hit-or-miss.

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>Except a little list of the people who betrayed me and of the girls who spat on my feelings for shit and giggles i don't really know.
Absolutely based. Are you me?

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Hahhaha lindybeige

I got a fuck ton of benzos and some fent, prob gonna do it next week, will keep yall updated as I get closer

the first time you have sex it's gonna suck lol

i live because i want to know what will happen in my lifetime, something crazy and exciting would happen but if i do an hero than there is no chance of ever experiencing it. i am also very curious and i want to learn everything i can but that it is impossible and i wish to just keep learning. i live so that i can know

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My own cowardice. Sooner or later though it's eventually going to be too much. Every month it just gets a little bit worse. I'd give myself 2-3 years tops before I finally finish it

The original Beige

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I want to make art. Films. Just trying to do that makes me happy. If people see them and enjoy them, that's just icing.

me too bro just graduated from harvard

that's the best philosophy. just BE